During the past few months, I have seen nothing but a lot of complaints, rants, and those even saying they are going to quit because of a few things they didn't like. I won't even go into details as everyone knows it by now. But anyways... Lets get started with a suggestion to the team OOO and maybe those who are reading this that might also agree with.
Game Cards... Lots of MMO's use them, also makes me even wonder why Steam hasn't even started going into business with these. I know a lot of those who play this game don't have credit or debit cards just to make a purchase of something they want to play that involves online or rather being that it is Steam or Non-Steam client to add funds into their account to gain what they want. The majority of people, but not all of them, are children that so desperately want to purchase something but can't because they don't have jobs or cause they dont have the obligation to use a debit/credit card because the parents are sometimes the issue. Some parents don't trust the internet with their information that might get leaked and get stolen from identity thefts and so on. I can agree with them. Even sometimes I don't like to do such things but the majority of online gaming and online shopping, most of us have to give out their information because the websites say you have to for reasons that they don't get fraudulent payments.
So my questions is to you, the Knights of Spiral Order and Team OOO, Would any of you be reasonable with this type of optional payment? It could help those who don't use Steam Client and are still using the normal game client that doesn't have all the features to add funds into your account. This could help a lot of issues for those who don't have debit/credit cards. You can probably make use of the codes and probably make it to were the "Redeem Code" system can even pick it up and say "oh I see you're adding funds, lets see what you have and I'll give you the option of what you want to use it for."
Would you think this would help out all the problems to play such a wonderful game? Personally, I think it could. It's just a matter of time and patience for them to code it into their game to make it work out. Don't know how long, but in the end it could potentially get rid a lot of rants and hates on the forums. Well... not all of them cause there will always be someone out there that won't agree to new things being added or announcements being re-written, but it doesn't mean it has to be a bad change. Some new changes are good.
Anyways... Thank you for reading my topic and hope everyone has a great time delving into the clockworks!
I would personally prefer this. Not everyone has a PayPal account, or a credit/debit card that they're willing to hook up, since there are (surprise, surprise) a not-inconsiderable amount of kids who can't pay in this manner. Unless they nick their parent's wallets.
The only other available option right now is the mobile payment, which only permits the purchase of CE (no elevator passes or explorer packs etc.). Having the option of a Game Card for Elevator Passes (and, possibly, those Explorer/Party packs) would be nice... appreciated even more if you counted in the occasional discount offers that come around.