i know alot of us have been asking for this, but PLEASE release it somehow, give us a reason to stay on this! i dont care HOW we get it, as long as the tenderfoot series is atleast easy to get, just as long as it isnt a promotional!

gremlin armor is general armor for allt ypes, INCLUDING crimson if they want

Yes, please! I've been slowly piecing together bits for a gremlin outfit, but there's not much to work with ...

do most of us a favour and MAKE GREMLIN ARMOR! PLEASE!

I guess it cant be shadow armor? Maybe normal/elemental? Since gremlins are weak to shadow

I like the idea. It makes sense, we already had a gremlin shield and now we have a gremlin helmet and a gremlin sword (sword movement is similar to darkfang twackers...with the dash and change in direction).
Assuming that the Perfect Mask of Seerus and darkfang shield represent Gremlin tech, why not make the armor normal/elemental w/ fire and shock resist.

Ok mods, please make gremlin armor!

Here's my post, complete with concept art and stats. :3

@Ken, very awesome. e_e
@Sev, those sets were made to defend against the creatures they were based after, I assume.
i would love gremlin armor i would get the whole set,
but it would be even better if it would be a full set with, armor, helm(could look like this http://spiralsnipes.tumblr.com/post/17542817983 ), sword(they could make a wrench wand alchemy path) , shield( they could make a darkfang shield alchemy path) , gun, and bomb.
-unlike the snarbolax set with no gun. =(

Alright, here's the alchemy path.
Plus, can Seerus drop tokens called Crimson Coins to buy the first ones in this? T1 1, T2 2 and Tier 3 3? EXCEPT THWACK HAMMER
Tenderfoot Helm (1*) Helm
Tenderfoot Robe (1*) Armor
Outcast Helm (2*) Helm
Outcast Robe (2*) Armor
Ironclaw Robe (3*) Armor
Ironclaw Helm (3*) Helm
Darkfang Helm (4*) Helm
Darkfang Robe (4*) Armor
Crimson Robe (5*) Armor
Crimson Helm (5*) Helm
Darkfang Shield (4*) Shield
Crimson Shield (5*) Shield
Tender Wand (1*) Sword
Outcast Wand (2*) Sword
Wrench Wand (Now 3*?)
Dark Wand (4*) Sword
Crimson Order Wand (5*) Sword
Thwack Hammer
Whack Hammer 2*
Hitter Hammer 3*
Gremlin Axe 4*
Axe of Evil 5*

No alchemy line should go from 1 star to five stars. It'd be waaaaaaay too easy to get UVs on such equipment.

Since Powpowpowpowpowpow mentioned getting tokens from Seerus, perhaps there would actually be separate alchemy lines with a similar theme, but no continuity (similar to the Hammer and Dark series). For example, the 1* could upgrade to 2*, the 4* could upgrade to the 5*, and the 3* could be put in one of those two lines.

...WHAT exactly is that gremlin helm and how did i NOT know of its existence earlier? anyway, powpow just read my mind completely, seriously! i wouldnt be surprised if knights turned tot he gremlin side wearing that armor line!

Ehehe. It's just a few creations of my own.
I got creative, I was bored; so... there's your Gremlin armor sets.

...you forgot the ears and really? you made the gremlin helmet in bomber's pic?

He drew this moreso with the idea of takin' on the ARMOR of a Gremlin, rather than the features of one.
We already have a helmet like that anyways, as one of the GMs gleefully showed off in the mission teasers.

You mean this teaser? Perhaps this one?
Maybe you meant something a little more like this?
In these, the knight is obviously wearing a Fused Demo Suit. I'm not entirely sure what Tarnrazar meant in that other post, but it's a Gremlin helmet on bomber armor...

I DID say it was a helmet, not quite armor. Armor's just there to look good as far as I know.

thats what i've been wanting toxic, gremlin armor, so we all have a way to show the most fluffy and devious humanoids respect, they should ATLEAST make it a cheap costume, for 4000 crowns a piece! i dont even CARE if they only add the helmet! as long as its 4000. speaking of which, i never thought that was a real helm in those teasers, seriously!

Well, it's doable; I could modify the armors so that they have Gremlin-ish ears.
That being said though it does seem a bit out of place with the metallic armor and whatnot.
they should ATLEAST make it a cheap costume, for 4000 crowns a piece! i dont even CARE if they only add the helmet! as long as its 4000. speaking of which, i never thought that was a real helm in those teasers, seriously!
Holy smokes, man. Relax already.
Anyway, with regards to the idea of a gremlin costume, it could be doable on the featured auctions, though I think 4,000 is seriously too underpriced.
That being said we already have things such as the PMoS, so I really don't know how well received this would be frm the point of view of OOO.

I would love it if they added gremlin armor in the game!but as a gremlin fan,i would also be completely ecstatic if they made upgrades for the wrench wand,as i have an undead low wand sitting in my arsenal as i type this out.
Well, how about this?
Add a armour that fits with PMoS(Crimson Cloak, Tenderfoot/Ironclaw/darkfang, ect.) and a Darkclaw shield= Gremlin set. Then for weps Magic wand, WMH, DR, Twackhammer, Pulsar, Catalyzer.