The Crystal Energy Market and You
What is the Crystal Energy?
Crystal Energy is the microcurrency used in Spiral Knights. It is an in-game currency that only exists when it is purchased for cash money, though for various promotional reasons, the amount of crystal energy created by a certain amount of cash may not always be the same. It is, however, generally available for a fixed dollar value. (International currencies may vary, as Three Rings is U.S. based.) It is used to unlock in-game content so that individual features of the game can be accessed for very small amounts of money. From here on, it will be referred to as 'CE'.
What is the Crystal Energy Market?
You can purchase CE with the in-game currency of Crowns from the 'Buy Crystal Energy' interface, or if you have already have CE from the market or bought with cash, you can sell it to acquire Crowns. It can only be bought and sold in blocks of 100 CE at a time. This trading is the Crystal Energy Market.
Where is the Crystal Energy Market?
It is anywhere you can find the 'Buy Crystal Energy' interface. Clicking on the amount of CE that you currently have as displayed in the lower right corner of the interface (while the HUD is unlocked) will bring it up, as will talking to one of the strangers in the Town Square of Haven.
The first tab of this interface, 'Purchase' allows you to purchase CE for real cash money. After that, there are two tabs that allow you access to the Crystal Energy market. The second tab, 'Trade', allows you to purchase CE with crowns at the current lowest offer, or to sell CE for crowns for the current highest bid.
The third tab, labeled 'Market', gives detailed access to the Crystal Energy Market. This tab allows you to make your own offers, so if you are unable or unwilling to purchase 100 CE for the current offer, you can bid the value that you are willing to pay. Conversely, if you are unwilling to sell 100 CE for the current bids to buy it, you can offer it for sale for the number of Crowns you choose. (However, you will receive 2% less than the price you ask as a market fee when you are selling CE).
Why is it so expensive to buy Crystal Energy?
The Crystal Energy Market is a player-driven market. All CE for sale was originally put there by players who bought it for real money, though players that have bought CE for Crowns in the past can also resell CE on the market. Essentially, the market reflects that there are players willing and able to purchase Crowns at that rate, and that there are also players willing to sell CE at that rate.
Why doesn't the company make Crystal Energy cheaper?
The business model that Three Rings has chosen means that CE is only created by players buying it for real money. The market is not directly in their control, it's all up to the players. The energy that Three Rings gives freely to players is called Mist Energy, and can be used anywhere CE can, but cannot be traded.
Why don't they cap Crystal Energy prices?
Players can make direct player-to-player transactions. If the market interface had a price cap on CE below the market value, players would soon trade CE directly with each other and ignore the market, and CE would not cost any less.
Why don't Crystal Energy buyers force the price lower by refusing to buy at these high prices?
Essentially, they already do. The market has risen and dropped several times. When it gets too high, players start refusing to buy for crowns and either conserve their energy or else go and buy their own for real money. Formal attempts to block the movement of energy prices depend on no players stepping out of line, and there is no way to force the cooperation of players who want CE and have the Crowns to buy it.
But Crystal Energy costs more than it costs to adventure
This is unlikely. If no player could earn back in Crowns in 10 levels what 100 CE cost, then the buyer's market for CE would become dramatically limited. (There are other reasons to buy CE - to adventure for heat and materials, to craft, to form a guild, etc., where Crown return may not be considered, but many players are trying to earn more crowns and they would not buy, significantly slowing the market.)
However, deeper levels pay better than shallower levels in general, and some levels in particular pay better. The higher the price of CE goes, the more players there will be who do not earn enough to recoup in crowns the cost of their energy.
But when the price of Crystal Energy goes up to 25,000 Crowns (or some such figure) -nobody- will be able to afford it
There's no reason to believe the market will go up to any astronomical level, as the less affordable CE becomes the more people will refuse to buy it for Crowns (whether they quit the game, buy it for cash, or limit playtime to what Mist Energy allows). It is, however, possible that it will eventually not be possible to play indefinitely for the crowns earned on a run, or even for the Crowns earned on a run and the Crowns earned from selling all materials and minerals gathered on the run. If that were to happen, then free players would only be earning more crowns when they were using Mist Energy.
This is terrible! Three Rings should use (subscription / cash shop / merchandising) instead!
The game has been in development for 4 years and Three Rings already has experience and success with this business model. In fact, the microcurrency model on Puzzle Pirates has been vastly more successful than the subscription model that is also offered on the same game. Spiral Knights has been developed with a business plan as well as a game design in mind, and complaints from non-revenue generating players are extremely unlikely to change a years-long business plan. Indeed - while I'm not privy to their internal affairs - it is quite possible that they are legally obligated to pursue the business model if it was the plan promised to investors.
Why did you write this, when there are already twenty threads?
There are twenty threads in General Discussion full of misinformation, name-calling, and arguments that are going in circles, all of which start with a demand to lower the price of CE (except for one that starts with a demand to increase the price of CE, but that was satire.) By posting this in the New Players Forum, I hope to make most of the useful information available without wading through such threads, and also, if I did a good enough job explaining these points, I hope that some of this text may be placed in the wiki. (And in fact, I give permission for anything in this post to be placed without attribution into the spiral knights wiki.)
Number of characters (without spaces) : 5,241.00
Number of words : 1,198.00
Number of sentences : 58.00
Average number of characters per word : 4.37
Average number of syllables per word : 1.50
Average number of words per sentence: 20.66
Indication of the number of years of formal education that a person requires in order to easily understand the text on the first reading
Gunning Fog index : 12.10
Approximate representation of the U.S. grade level needed to comprehend the text :
Coleman Liau index : 8.52
Flesch Kincaid Grade level : 10.18
ARI (Automated Readability Index) : 9.50
SMOG : 11.39
Flesch Reading Ease : 58.90
I found the post well written and organized. I bow to you sir.
Excellent, informative post.
A very informative post. I wish more posts looked like this. :)
- anniemal19
Well, while that is on the whole not good news, it is at least very informative.
"Capitalism, ho!" I guess.
I think the post is excellent and I think the business model is brilliant.
This is made of winmillion
Thanks everyone for your (mostly) kind comments. I did realize as I was writing it that I was using some big words, but unfortunately that's just the way I write. I do try not to use them gratuitously, but only when they actually are the more concise way to say something. (Like instead of saying 'gratuitously' I could have said 'for the sake of showing them off' but that's an awfully long phrase in place of one word!)
I do, however, welcome any constructive criticism on how this article might be improved. RL is hectic right now so I won't have time to edit it for at least a couple weeks, but I'll certainly be considering any suggestions.

In an article this long and informative, i think a preview would be good.
I.e. to the effect of:
in this post i will answer these questions:
1)What is Crystal energy
2) next question
3) next question
4) etc.
An intro/rough table of contents would be nice and people will remember the info better, because it will be the 2nd time they've considered the question when they come to it in the body of the work.
Awesome article :) I wish i had read it my 1st day before playing lol.
I'd like to add a bit more (well, mainly repeat a few bits, because they desperately need repeating).
So, I just click to buy or sell Crystal Energy?
You can! But when you look at that menu, remember that there are three tabs. One to buy energy with money, one to buy or sell right now, and one for bidding. The first and second tabs are easy to figure out; the third one remains a mystery to many. So let's talk about that for a minute.
Those instant prices are created by bidding wars.
When you quick-buy crystal energy, that's because another player is selling it to you. When you quick-sell, someone else is buying it. Every instant transaction is actually you accepting an offer made by another player. This has been mentioned before, but bears repeating about a gazillion times, because of the next thing:
You can place your OWN bids.
When you're looking to buy or sell some Crystal energy for the first time, don't just click. Look at the list of bids. If you want to sell Crystal, try putting it up for sale, and ask for about 10 more crowns than the top of the list. If you want to buy crystal, try putting in a bid for 10 less crowns than the current top of the list. Then wait a minute, and watch how your bid moves up or down the list; get a sense of how the machine behind the market actually runs.

The above post also underlines another very good point. To the new player saving 10 crowns on an energy transaction probably feels pointless, but it definitely is not.
Similarly, spending 2-3 energy on a run feels harmless but it has far reaching consequences that you begin to notice almost immediately. Sometimes in the heat of battle rez for 10 energy feels like a reasonable decision :(
Both of these have a large effect on your ability to 'get ahead' in the energy market and 'advance' in the game and gear.
And, as long as we're talking pennies, and getting them:
Always cut down the bushes. Always.
Either I'm a genius, and it's too high for most people, or it's OK for most people, but some people are slightly lower in English.
Wonderful post, well stated.
Just for readability's sake, I would bold the questions for a cleaner visual separation.
Amazing post and I understood every character of it.
Very enlightening. You gotta good grasp and a greater way of tellin it! Thank you, Ser

I'm sorry but you sounded like a evil nerd after reading the post XD.

Great guide! This deserved stickied, or made into a wiki page!
Very nice FAQ. I think the size is OK, since this is a FAQ
Just look at the questions and only read those that look important to you. For example, for me the 'buy energy' was really important (I thought you could only buy energy with actual money)
-BBCode tags would be appreciated
-I am new, is there any introduction thread?

This was the first page I could find confirming that I could not trade Mist Energy for Crowns, and I've been looking for awhile. Most posts simply say that ME an CE are exactly the same excepting the fact that ME can't be stored, leaving me wondering why I could not click the "Trade" button with a full tank of ME. In addition to answering my question, I learned a bit about the SK economy. I definitely support adding this to the wiki :)
The reading level required for this post is outrageous. Words such as obligate, privy, and revenue are way to sophisticated for the new players forum. I understand that some people who can afford elementary school educations have the time and money to wade through this, but not everyone! The player community of this forum needs to act to curb this kind of abominable posting behavior before I need an English degree to understand it!