I've seen a number of threads complaining about energy one way or another, and making suggestions about how things should cost less energy. This is, in general, a bad idea, for a number of reasons - primarily that it cuts into the money that the devs make, though there are other issues. Recently, however, someone brought a point into clarity that I've seen bubbling below the surface. One of the problems with the crown/CE economy is that there just aren't enough good, open-ended crown sinks - especially for people at the upper end of tier 5. Adding some decent crown sinks would actually be good in a number of ways.
- People who'd made it to endgame, and had significant energy stores (possibly by buying it) would have a reason to want crowns. This would encourage sales of energy, which would, in turn, help keep the cost of energy from skyrocketing
- People who want to buy energy for continued play would be able to do so more easily, and therefore would do it more. This would encourage CE expenditure.
- CE expenditure makes the game go
So... things we're looking for (in my opinion).
- It shouldn't just be a nerf. "Hey, we need a crown sink, so we're just going to make life suck for you" is not the answer, no matter who you're talking to. No repair fees or anything like that. People should be able to continue playing the game just as they always have, without interruption. This should be some new, interesting thing.
- It should be of particular interest to endgame players. Lower-level players have recipes to buy and crafting to fuel and mats to purchase (from people who have their own recipes to buy and crafting to fuel). Upper-level players (who will generally have the most ability to make crowns) have relatively little to spend money on.
- It should do something interesting with an achievable number of crowns. If someone runs tier 3, and sells the resulting mats for crowns, that should be enough to do something interesting with. This is the first way in which "boost mineral prices" fails to be the thing we need.
- It should be a true sink. This should be a way for crowns to simply leave the game, rather than going to another player. This is the second way in which "boost mineral prices" fails to be the thing we need.
Bonus points for fitting in a useful and interesting place to sink unwanted generic mats, that's even better. As a player in tier 2, I already have a huge stack of mats I know I'll never use and never sell, and I can only see that stack getting bigger from here. The "WTS" cries on the trade channel wouldn't be anything like so insistent if people actually had something to do with all of the mats that weren't part of their own personal crafting progressions
Various ideas I have (some stolen):
- People have mentioned thoughts about having guild-specific gates, which would allow a guild a lot more control over the gate's destinations (since they'd be the only ones who could dump minerals into it) and ensure that any group you were joining was full of your fellow guildies (since they'd be the only ones who could access the thing). That's something that could handle a fairly high cost in crowns (as it would be intended for guilds that had at least a few high-level players in them).
- One idea I've seen on the forums would be the ability to pay recipe sellers to refresh their stock. This would likely do some unfortunate things to the resell market for recipes (which, as it is money transfer, doesn't actually help sink crowns at all), but other than that, it seems like a pure win. People are certainly interested in it (as a player at tier 2, if such was available for a reasonable fee, I'd likely hit that button multiple times a run). It won't necessarily even reduce the average time through a tier all that much - people will be less interested in the recipe sellers, so that'll go down even as this goes up. We also wouldn't have to deal with quite as much "WTB Recipe"/"WTS Recipe" spam. The guy in town wouldn't do it at all, and otherwise costs would increase by tier.
- Some way to buy better control over the gates for a given run. This would let you select the area you were going to next at each elevator, without having to wait the various minutes for the gates to change over themselves - primarily a timesaver. For graveyard/treasure gates, it obviously wouldn't let you select the treasure all by itself, but it might let you select from the non-graveyard, non-treasure options, or go for the 50/50 split on the big ones. Possibly even let you select the graveyard specifically, if that's what you're into. Costs would increase by tier.
Anyone else have any ideas?
Let PvP come back. Last time they introduced that in Preview it created a downward market shift that was very interesting. It is set up so that sign-ups cost crowns and only the the 1st place player makes a profit. Crowns in was less than Crowns out.