Hi Fine Folks of OoO,
Soooo. While i think its silly that you ask for 3, 4, and 5* gear for turn ins, this is neither here nor there. Sooo, lets the discuss whats important in life and what is not. Nah, lets discuss how this silliness should be handled.
I have a simple proposition. When you turn in non-bound gear (weapons and armors and accessories), of any star level, there should be a "are you sure you want to turn in this item?" confirmation. If the item is bound to the user, then it should have a follow up "you are sure, please make certain as this item is bound to your person).
This would eliminate any grave and graver mistakes. I fret to think of someone turning in their DA. Doubly so if it had an amazing UV like ctr vh on it.
Please, please, i implore you to put a double check on all items. And a double double check on bound items (which most 4 and 5* items will be).
Please have your VP of common sense review this, i am more than confident he will agree.
Not exactly sure why the middle o is lowercase, but anywho..
Are you saying you want a Double Check?