I'm sure this has been suggested many times before, but please, please can we have this? Currently no helm fully matches the Radiant Silvermail in appearance, which is a pity.
Gameplay-wise, it would be nice to have an Undead bonus helm other than Deadshot.
Well, honestly for me this would make no difference, the only purpose of Radiant Silvermail is for the Snarbolax SL. I use a Snarbolax Cap with Pierce Def Max UV and it is the same as a Radiant Silverhelm. Although I can understand if one or two people do not have Snarbolax Cap or the money to roll UVs.
In this case, Radiant Silverhelm would be nice. Also the Snarbolax Cap with Pierce Max UV gives Sword damage bonus, not undead. I can understand if someone prefers undead over sword, as not everyone uses swords much.