I'm sick & Tired of T3 Players who Complain about he Game not being "Challenging" Enough or they've "Soloed Lord Vanaduke with only Proto Gear," & they're still Bored.
So I made this Thread.
This Thread will make you Create your Own Ideas for Challenges that you'd like People to do. They have to be made Possible for the Recipient & you have to Name your Challenge. If they Fail to Complete it, you Earn Bragging Rights.(Although, useless in Currency.) If they Complete it, however, you must do a Challenge they Create for you.
For Example:
"Ionized Ownage: In a T3 PvP Match, Kill an Enemy Player, Wearing a Skolver Set & an Un-Heated Ionized Salt Bomb as a Striker."
To: Tim-Bale
Let the Challenges Begin.
(Oh, by the Way, you can't Add me as the Challenger. u mad?)
I've got a challenge for you: Learn how to use capitol letters appropriately and use your knowledge of grammar for all your future posts. HINT: Don't capitalize random words.
And I will take your challenge involving an ionized salt bomb (although its heated to level 4, sorry but I'm not making another one just for this, its got to be the worst bomb in all of history), and will post back with a screenshot in a minute.