Upon the destruction of the infamous "Project R", Knights gained access to a massive database of retired Gremlin laboratories hidden in the Munitions Factory. One of these, the "Laserworks", was a project meant to route deadly lasers through the Clockworks into sub-towns like Moorcroft Manor. It was heavily guarded with puzzle locks, trained Greavers and patrol robots. Though no mirror of Gremlin design could hold up to the sheer energy of the lasers emitted by their passive, manually-controlled Beam Puppies, a rabble of Slimes- SLIMES!- figured out a way to reflect the lasers using the Gremlin mirrors! As an act of revenge against the death of the Royal Jelly, loyalists to the Jelly throne are trying to continue the project, skipping past the Subtowns and aiming the lasers straight for targets that could damage or even destroy the knights in Haven!
It's a race against slime to the center of the facility, where the main stash of mirrors facing up is held. (For some reason, the Slimes can't seem to make a mirror that faces up and still works. It's really complicated.) This contingent of cubes is led by slime nobility: the hot-tempered Oiler Baron, the cold-hearted Ice Princess, the shocking Quicksilver Thane, and the bombastic Nuke Duke. These regal slimes, flanked by Giant Lichen Colonies and Toxilargos, will make for a fight in which sudden, painful death is a high probability. But the alternative is allowing a deadly Gremlin weapon to be mobilized against Haven...
A large amount of Knights will be preparing for battle, much like in Crimson Hammer. Punch will be there next to an anvil. If you talk to him, he'll tell you about the equipment he can make, while mumbling about "lousy Greavers and their stunlocking" and decrying the fact that he was "so close to that last Beam Puppy he needed".
A small outpost in a Sky Island looking area will house a few Knights, including Feron. Feron will tell knights about the large dome-shaped complex ahead. He'll say this is the Laserworks, and tell Knights the only way in is through the top. "Sky Islands Day Action" will play, and knights will have to fight their way through various Slimes. Among these will be:
-Blast Cubes
-Ice Cubes
-Slooms (if Sleep is fixed by then)
-Jelly Minis in swarms!
Oilers and Ice Cubes will rarely, if ever, appear side by side, but otherwise they'll be fighting side by side. You will notice Slimes attacking some of the outside security constructs (Retrodes and Gun Puppies) according to their types; Quicksilvers will attack Voltrodes and Sparkies, Oilers will attack Hotrodes and Red Rovers, and so on. However, if either party sees a knight, they will go straight for the knight.
Knights will follow a simple trail to the southwest side of the Laserworks, where they will immediately see a wall of fiery oil made by Oilers to the south by a strange indent in the dome; this will be impassable. Knights must walk around the Laserworks, fighting the various enemies, to these Oilers, destroy them, and then hit a party switch that opens up after the Oilers' death. This will cause a Danger Room to appear with the following waves:
-8 Minis, 4 Jellycubes and 4 Ice Cubes
-8 Minis, 4 Quicksilvers and 4 Slooms (or 4 more Quicksilvers if Slooms aren't fixed)
-8 Minis, 4 Oilers and 4 Blast Cubes
-16 Minis, 4 Toxigels and 1 Toxilargo
Once this is done, the indent in the dome will open up, and a slope will be shown; this slope will then split into stairs that Knights can climb up. The Elevator is on top of the dome.
Immediately at the start of this dark area, you'll see an Arsenal Box, as well as Impostocube. Impostocube will beg for mercy, and will give you information about the facility. He'll tell you that he made an attempt to access the Command Centre of the Laserworks, but "got into nasty fisticuffs with those rather unfriendly Greavers" and "was forced to flee for my life". He'll also say that in the Command Centre is an elevator that can bring anyone directly inside the Centre if someone is in control of the Centre and grants them access.
Impostocube will also instruct players in use of the "Beam Puppies" that are manually turned and activated. Hitting the Puppy on one of the side switches will cause it to turn to the side it is hit on; it can fire four ways. Someone needs to hold the trigger on the back to keep the laser going. The modified Gremlin-built mirrors, are movable, and reflect the lasers; however, the mechanisms inside them keep them from being rotated by anything. Light fields of various colors block lasers. Lasers that strike a Laser Switch will open a door, lower spikes, or do something else switches do. But that's not all! Lasers and Beam Puppies can be red, green, blue, or white. White lasers are Freeze-themed, bounce off any mirror, and activate basic switches; however, every wall and light field blocks them. Green lasers are Poison-themed, and simply stop at non-standard mirrors that aren't green; however, they pass through green light fields. Red lasers are Fire-themed, and Blue lasers are Shock-themed, and behave much like Green lasers; simply replace "green" with "red" or "blue". Switches have sides colored the same as the laser required to open them. When in areas with Beam Puppies, the camera is zoomed out.
Finally, Impostocube will mention that "four quite unfriendly slime nobles" ordered him to try and reach the center, and that he thinks the whole operation is "rather rude". Once you hit the Party Button, Impostocube leaves and the way forward is opened. Ruby Greavers, Pearl Greavers, Electreants, Vilewoods, Red Rovers, Sparkies, Brumabots, and Hazbots stand in the way of Knights. Also, mirror puzzles will need to be completed to go forward. Hitting an enemy with a laser causes Elemental damage, and Fire, Freeze, Shock, or Poison, depending on the laser's color; however, the Scuttlebots can activate the lasers and turn them against knights! If this happens, kill the Scuttlebot quickly to stop the laser; the laser will have brief intermissions when the Scuttlebot recharges, in which Knights can run past.
At the end is a danger room with Beam Puppies and fixed mirrors. Some are inaccessible to knights, but are activated by Scuttlebots; using the other Beam Puppies or their guns, knights can kill off the Scuttlebots and stop the laser fire. However, they'll have to contend with Greavers and Lumbers. The elevator after this takes knights deep into the Command Centre.
The level is one big puzzle, with Beam Puppies and Mirrors spread out everywhere. The goal is to activate all six switches, while surviving Lumbers and the respawning Scuttlebots and Gun Puppies, to open a terminal in the center. Each time a switch is activated, Greavers appear and attack, and in the center, a Battlepod guards the terminal. The Battlepod goes active when the final switch is activated, and may be killed quickly by lasers if they are set up right.
Once the terminal is accessed, the exit (and many treasure boxes) is opened up, and an elevator takes Knights back up.
Upon entering the level, a transmission will reach a nearby terminal. Talk on it, and Feron will tell you that they're trying to patch the transmission from the Command Centre to gain control of it. However, due to a slow connection, it's taking time, and Slimes are assaulting the Laserworks, trying to wrench it out of the Knights' hands. An arsenal box will be usable at this time.
Once the party hits a party button, they'll be back in the last danger room of Part 2, but Slimes will be everywhere. Whatever theme plays in the Laserworks will be replaced with Main Theme, as the following waves of Slimes attack in the large room:
-6 Jellycubes, 4 Ice Cubes, 4 Quicksilvers, 8 Ice Minis
-8 Blast Cubes, 6 Oilers, 8 Lichens
-10 Lichens, 2 Toxigels, 2 Quicksilvers, 2 Slooms (or Lichens if Slooms aren't OK), 2 Oilers
-4 Polyps, 4 Jellycubes, 4 Blast Cubes
-4 Slick Polyps, 8 Oilers
-4 Polar Polyps, 8 Ice Cubes
-4 Silver Polyps, 8 Quicksilvers
-4 Caustic Polyps, 8 Toxigels
-36 Minis, 36 Ice Minis
-2 Toxilargos, 16 Minis
-30 Lichens, 2 Rock Jelly Cubes
Beam Puppies will be as they were at the beginning of the room in part 2; however, there will now be a wall of burning Oil at the other side of the room. Once the last wave falls, the fire is put out, and an elevator up to a different room will be accessible.
The Knights will finally be in the room you were fighting Slimes in; you start on a balcony above this room (with an Arsenal Box), and can see them down there. Feron will be there, and tell you that the engineers of the assault are present. The Nuke Duke, a large, toxic green Blast Cube, is the one who came up with the idea after the Royal Jelly's death. Convincing the Ice Princess there were rare jewels the Knights were keeping from her, he managed to enlist her aid, and told the Oiler of the great vats of oil that were left inside. The Quicksilver Thane joined the assault of his own volition, seeking no reward; angered at the deaths of the Quicksilvers in the assault on the Ironclaw Munitions factory, he harbored hatred of Gremlins and Knights alike, and sought to use the weapons after Haven's destruction to exterminate all Gremlins.
A path leads forward into a large floor, with Jellycubes next to Beam Puppies, surrounded by blocks so they can't be affected. A red Beam Puppy will fire from the northwest to the southwest end, a white Beam Puppy will fire from the southwest to the southeast, a blue Beam Puppy will fire from southeast to northeast, and a green Beam Puppy will fire from northeast to northwest. Like when Scuttlebots powered the Beam Puppies, there will be intermissions between the laser blasts for the Jellycubes to rest. Knights can walk through the lasers during the intermissions. The lasers do not harm enemies. A party button lies in the center.
PHASE 1: On small platforms below, you can see the slime nobles. The Quicksilver Thane will shout, "Shlorp Gloorp Phlop! (It's the Knights! The dead in the Gremlin factory will be avenged!)" Then the Nuke Duke will say, "Glup. Boing Spip. (Wait a moment, Quick. Let's see if our servants can deal with them.)" Four Giant Lichen Colonies will appear, and attack. Destroy them as you would any other Giant Lichen Colonies; the last will drop a Mirror.
PHASE 2: The Ice Princess will say, "Flurp Glip Fshh! (Oh, bother. Those lummox Lichens took the Queen's personal mirror into combat!)" The Oiler Baron will respond, "Glup! Bubble Slurp? (Blast it to Dark City! You're going to go in there and get yourself shattered, aren't you?)" Ignoring this, the Ice Princess will leap into the fray, and shout, "Fssh Flurppp! (You give me that now, you ironclad curs!)" The Ice Princess, a large Ice Cube with a small crown, will fight much like the Royal Jelly/Ice Queen in the last phase, but also will have an Ice Spike attack that works much like a Giant Lichen Colony's attack, and a dash, in addition to her spinning rage. Two Royal Polar Polyps will appear, one in the northwest and one in the southwest corner, along with ten Ice Minis and two Ice Cubes. The Ice Princess has hitpoints that are lower than the Royal Jelly's, but higher than a Giant Lichen Colony's, and drops hearts, a Hailstone, and another Mirror when she goes down.
(From this point on, assume the slimes are speaking in Boings and Shlorps, and the stuff they say is translations in parintheses.)
PHASE 3: The Nuke Duke will say, "Curses! I was just about to ask her on a date. Such a pity." The Oiler Baron will respond, "Bah! If the cold will not kill them, BURNING FLAMES will!" At this, the Oiler Baron will jump into the fray, along with four Royal Slick Polyps, and shout, "COME AT ME AND DIE! DIE!" Royal Slick Polyps will throw out burning oil bombs as well as fire spikes. Four Oilers will accompany the Oiler Baron, who fights much like a Toxilargo. Oiler Baron can hurl fiery spines, and even self-ignite! He also has more hit points than Giant Lichen Colonies. Once the Oiler Baron dies, he'll drop a Torchstone, hearts, and another Mirror.
PHASE 4: The Nuke Duke will say, "No! That's it. I'm going in there." The Quicksilver Thane will say, "Good luck. May your victory be swift!" The Nuke Duke will jump into the arena and say, "All right. Prepare to be blown apart by my strength!" Two Caustic Polyps will appear in two corners, and the other two corners will have Blast Polyps. These bright orange polyps with unstable cores will hurl explosive globs of slime. The Nuke Duke himself is a large, green Blast Cube, that hurls exploding, toxic slimeballs. He also has a spinning rage attack that hurls many of these at once, and can make a small jump that creates a wave of knockback. But his deadliest attack happens after his death. The Jellycubes on the lasers will cower at this point. He'll count down to five, being able to be shield-bumped during this time, then repeated explosions will occur around where he died, followed by a large, green, poisonous explosion. This will hurl explosive globs into the air, and they will come down like Mortafire rockets, except with green, toxic explosions. In the wake of this death-throe will be hearts and a Mirror.
PHASE 5: The Quicksilver Thane will shout, "ENOUGH! I will have my revenge, and I will have it now!" The Quicksilver Thane will leap into the arena, and shout, "We will triumph, and Quicksilvers will destroy every Stranger, every Knight, and every Gremlin that still lives!" The battle with the Quicksilver Thane will begin. The Quicksilver Thane has no basic attack like other large Lichens, but instead prefers to go nuts with his Supercharge attack. This attack sends him flying around the room in a spinning rage, like the Royal Jelly's rage, but leaving electric mist behind. Shocking him will immediately initiate this attack. Four Silver Polyps and six Quicksilvers, along with a Toxilargo, will accompany him in the battle. The Quicksilver Thane has a large amount of HP, and, when he finally dies, the battle is over. The Jellycubes at the Beam Puppies will flee.
After the Quicksilver Thane dies, knights will enter the room, with weapons drawn, and then lower them, looking relieved. Feron will shout, "Behold! The facility is ours!" An elevator will lead down into the control centre.
(This floor costs no energy to access.)
Feron will be standing in the Control Centre with some other knights. Treasure Boxes will be accessible, and you can pick up the Mirror Shard material here. You'll also see caged Greavers and disabled Gun Puppies. Feron will tell you that the facility is being taken apart, for research in Gremlin laser-weapons, and commend you for the defeat of the Slime nobles. An escape elevator will lead you back to Haven.
You will get Cloudy Mirror Shards from Tier 1, Mirror Shards from Tier 2, and Polished Mirror Shards from Tier 3. At Punch's anvil, three of the respective type can be used in:
-Cloudy Mirror Shield: This 1* shield has Normal and Elemental defense, and a special effect that sends a slow shot out if it's hit. This beam does damage equivalent to a Stun Gun.
-Mirror Shield: This 3* shield has Normal and Elemental defense, and a special effect that sends a slow shot out if it's hit. This beam does damage equivalent to a Prismatech Alchemer Mk II, but it is Normal damage.
-Polished Mirror Shield: This 5* shield has Normal and Elemental defense, and a special effect that sends a slow shot out if it's hit. This beam does damage equivalent to a Nova Driver, but it is Normal damage.
The Mirror Shields have a lower health to compensate for their attack.
On completion of the Tier 1 Mission, you get:
-Quicksilver Spine Blade: This 1* Normal damage Sword is large and has two attacks. The first is a thrusting attack, and the second is an electrical sweep that may cause Shock.
The Charge Attack has the Knight lean back, then stab with a fierce thrust. This deals serious damage and inflicts Shock.
-Greaver Wing Charge: This 1* Normal damage Bomb will shoot four Greaver wings in the cardinal directions, a la Sun Shards. This version is the only version that does not deal Shadow damage.
-Beam Puppy Helm: This 1* Normal/Piercing Damage resistant armor defends against a small amount (half a bar) of Fire, Freeze, Shock, and Poison. It resembles the head of a Beam Puppy, which always looks like a Red Rover ready to fire.
On completion of the Tier 2 Mission, you get:
-Mercurial Spine Blade: This 3* Normal/Piercing damage Sword (Yes, Normal/Piercing split, side note to the Devs: please have the Flourish follow suit) is basically the more powerful version of the Quicksilver Spine Blade. The Charge Attack of the Mercurial Spine Blade will now create an electrical spike, like a Silver Polyp's spike, and this will pierce enemies and cause damage.
-Oilspine Repeater: A 3* Piercing gun that fires like the Antigua, but has a small chance of causing Fire. The Charge Attack is changed as well, loosing three globs of burning oil straight forward. This is liable to light the user on fire, but the burning oil otherwise causes no friendly fire.
-Greaver Wing Bomb: This 3* Shadow Damage Bomb is much better. It fires just like Sunshards, but instead shoots Greaver Wings.
-Fortified Beam Puppy Helm: This 3* Normal/Piercing Damage resistant armor has a full bar of Fire, Freeze, Shock, Poison, and Stun defense.
On completion of the Tier 3 Mission, you get:
-Thane's Spike: This 5* Normal/Piercing damage sword is the most powerful version of the Quicksilver Spine Blade. Taken from the Quicksilver Thane himself, this sword's charge attack creates three electrical spikes!
-Baron's Peacemaker: This 5* Piercing gun is more powerful, and spreads six more globs of burning oil- three slightly skewed in each direction in addition to the three that fire forward- on the charge attack.
-Ominous Greaver Bomb: The 5* Greaver Wing Bomb is like the previous version, but it's about as powerful as the RSS. Polyps beware!
-Supreme Beam Puppy Helm: This 5* Normal/Piercing Damage resistant armor has one and a half bars of Fire, Freeze, Shock, Poison, and Stun defense!
Questions? Compliments? Scathing rebukes? (Please tell me if there's any epic balancing failure.)
EDIT: Changed the slimes' speaking.
This is well put together and thought out, unlike the nonsense which precedes it with the same concepts. I only have a few issues to address.
1- Greaver bomb/normal damage shard bomb with four projectiles
To properly dominate polyp turrets this should at least do shadow damage, if not split normal-shadow.
2- Mirror shield shooting when hit
Shields attacking is a no-go. I like the idea of a literal mirror but it would be overpowered unless it has horrible defense.
3- Quicksilver foil/rapier sword with split normal-pierce damage
No more foil/rapier swords, make this something else; perhaps base it on the Cutter or Spur series, those have little variety in their mechanic styles.
4- Nuke Duke
Duke Nukem, I get it. I see what you did there. With a giant Blast Cube I imagine something more akin to a constant deterioration; it acts like a normal Blast Cube, but when it takes enough damage it simply breaks into smaller ones until it becomes regular sized ones. For example, when the battle begins it can be one giant one; when it takes enough damage it has the normal countdown, to which the party must take cover, to be broken into four which make up the same size as the previous one when their sizes are combined. Of these four the first two defeated do not explode into sub-sequential smaller ones but the other two do, effectively halving its total mass with every phase after the first.
5- They talk
One thing about jellies, even during the April Fools event, is that only the gentleman Impostocube is intelligent enough to form complete sentences without jiggling or being silly. I have no problem with the royals communicating, but instead of words they could communicate with various jiggling noises; this sounds as silly as it seems. Jellies are silly, illogical creatures. Allowing them to speak is like having your pants tell you to wash them; it should not happen often, seeing as we already have Impostocube and his mustache.