syrusly why?
why do you guys hate me so much?
Jim Dale has decided that all who are NOT jim dale shall forever be named as such. Thus, Not Jim Dale exists as such. Other Not Jim Dale will properly submit to Jim Dale authority or suffer punishment as decided by Jim Dale's "Knowledge of the Bear."
Not-Jim-Dale forgot the dashes between "Not", "Jim", and "Dale". Not-Jim-Dale thinks the other Not-Jim-Dale should be subjected to the punishment, unless Not-Jim-Dale really is Jim-Dale pretending to not be Jim-Dale.
Jim Dale also does not use dashes as it is the only way the spiraling knights will allow spaces in names.
So Jim Dale has spoken. Not Jim Dale knights are to not use dashes between the names. All Not Jim Dale hail the word of Jim Dale.
Because you are spamming the thread. Because you love to post the youtube video here.
Because you, despite what you think of yourself, are not an entertaining troll. Even Jim Dale got boring/predictable after a while, and you aren't even using your own wit. You're just posting videos and images. I respect Jim Dale for at least being somewhat original.
Jim Dale isn't a troll in my eyes (yet he could stay low for a little bout a run? Kidding!)
Because you aren't a proper Not-Jim-Dale.