Yes yes, I would like it if players had their own little customizable homes. There would be 5 levels of homes, with the price increasing per star.
1*- Basic house, 3 wooden chairs that you can sit in, otherwise empty. Very small.
2*- Same as 1*, except with the addition of a table that decorative items can be placed on. Small
3*- Major improvement over the lesser 2, addition of a bedroom,(and of course a bed in it) a crafting machine, and a sofa that you can sit/lay on. Medium
4*- Another major improvement, addition of an arsenal,(To store weapons if you feel like it) , 3 cushioned chairs, and a mini library with a few books that are SK related. (History book,tales,rules,etc.)Large
5*- Huge improvement, Basil (Recipes bind when acquired) appears in the living room,selling recipes based on your progress in missions, player pvp arena,
(Just for fun and no rewards, like lockdown without payment or reward), 2nd level of house, balcony, fireplace in living room, 3 cobalt chairs in upper level with fireplace and personal Clockworks Elevator. Very Large.
Your thoughts on prices and any constructive criticism would be nice.
Player Homes

Beyond that, implementing homes would be rather difficult. Are these homes like guildhalls, in that they have their own separate instances? Are their outsides visible? Are there neighborhoods of them? Can other players visit them? Do they have to be invited to visit, or can they just walk in?
In short, what's the practical side of these?

stealing my ideas your lucky i don’t report you to the authorities

I feel like having Basil in my house would be a little creepy.

@Bluebrawler- Sorry, I didn't know.
@Thinslayer- Your first question, yes. Your second question, yes. Your third question, no. Your fourth, an option would have to be added to either lock or unlock the house, whichever the player prefers.

@Lucal lol don't worry about Bluebrawler, I am sure many of us have repeated eachothers suggestions before. We haven't copyrighted any of it, so Bluebrawler would do nothing but give the "authorities" a good laugh and have absolutely nothing happen.
UNLESS Blue is trolling, then I just failed.
Otherwise, continue house discussion. I am liking the idea, however really you need to make the prices like this:
1* - 50,000 cr
2* - 100,000 cr
3* - 200,000 cr
4* - 350,000 cr
5* - 500,000 cr
that is NOT including decorations. Decorations are expensive as well.
Expensive? Yes, it is an intended crown sink. You have to get 1* to get to 2* and then to 3* and whatnots. In the end, you are farming out roughly 20,000 CE for the base 5* house. However, this will cause many to buy CE, making the market better. Then think... if everyone had a big house, what is so special about a big house?

Oh and, aren't the ready rooms the player's home? But I still like this idea. +2 (from me and my sister)

Wow, talk about expensive... Those prices would only be viable for T3 and P2P players, which is just a small portion of the playerbase... I think it should at least be accessible to every player, and that its star rating should go along with the gear rating.

why does every time i make a suggestion everyone hates it but when a another player post the same idea you guys like it?

YOUR REPOSTS DON'T INCLUDE ANYTHING BUT: 'itd be cool, you can do stuff in it and (other pre-mentioned stuff). Thoughts?'
These 'other players' actually put thoughts into their posts, and think of stuff we haven't already.
That and you're already on most of our nerves already, and not in a good way.

Yep, thats the sound of no one caring about your suggestions.
@OP : +1
I like the idea, it would be nice to have a fun house where we can invite all our friends in and have a party.
I would say only you are allowed to enter your house, having to type /house or something, and then you can invite your friends into it.
@The-Rawrcake : Your prices are way to high, it would cost people over a million crowns to get a 5 star house.
Blue-phazes price rating is much more reasonable and still a great crown sink.

Players homes?
Welcome Club Penguin!
So??? Whats the point in pointless brag only houses if everyone can afford them?

Rawrcake's prizes are reasonable if you look at UV prizes or AH prizes of some accessories. UV are at least somewhat useful whereas houses would be purely items of vanity and showing off. Generally in MMO prizes are based on the idea that Vanity items that increase player's e-peen cost a way more then practical items that increase player's performance.
That said I agree that basic housing should be easily accessible to everyone (to get more players hooked into housing business) so probably I would make prizes like:
1* - 20,000 cr
2* - 80,000 cr
3* - 200,000 cr
4* - 450,000 cr
5* - 1,000,000 cr
I'm not commenting on the looks of every stage that OP suggested. Some ideas seems all right, some a bit out of place. Anyway I have a trust in OOO and I'm sure they will come up with something spiffy if they ever consider such feature as housing.

This is not Puzzle Pirates, we don't get homes. All knights are just homeless bums who sleep in the middle of haven standing up.

puzzle pirates is made OOO so maybe we are gonna get homes

This idea is [RETRACTED].
We are temporary staying here and what's the point for somthing pointless. WE NEED MOAR WEPS! LEVELS! ECT!

1* 1000 CE
2* 5000 CE
3* 10000 CE
4* 25000 CE
5* 100000 CE

Whats the point for something pointless? Crown sink. Reduce CE prices. Make people happy. etc.
But i would prefer new weapons.

Why do we need houses that I see no point for when we have missions, alchemy, gates, ect.
I came to this game because it's not like all the other crappy Games I see with pets and houses. I LIKE action, and this game drawed me to it.
If you want this, go play club Penguin.

/Shrug Hey, you asked a question, expect an answer, even if it wasn't the lie you were hoping for.

Bluefail, that doesn't make any remote coherent sense whatsoever.
And I fail, but when I do, It's still better than what you call a success on your part.

I always thought the Ready Room was actually the salvaged pod our knights crashed in recycled.
I like the idea of the knights having homes...but what other purpose does it have other than having a place to call your own?
I suppose you could get badges from missions that you finish, and have it serve as decorative pieces for your 'home'. The homes could serve as a mini guild hall, where you do nothing but display your items and special badges you get from either guild promotions or missions...and have a quick access to things like the bazaar or the auction house without havin to run around like a maniac.
Of course that feature could be available on 4* and up only, since it seems so luxurious.

No, the ready room is like you base, of a sort. You know the mission lobby? That's actually your ready room, just with the parts you don't see.

Basil is already in the room then, as well as Kozma and an elevator. Robot bachelor party all day, every day, forever, in space.

"But I want to go back to my pod"
So do the saiyans, but Goku keeps blowing them up.
Is there any way this idea could be more developed?

Unless you find Severage's Guild Ideas.
The house Idea doesn't fit wtih this game....

If the ready room IS your "House" and others can see it when you start a party and they join.
Not only am I famous, but I inspire Hipster...ness... Yeah.

Not sure if it was serious, but it would be cool. Reminds me of the pod in LBP.
+1 in general!

I guess it's about time I added my input on this.
Purely cosmetic crownsink? Sure. +0.5 just for that.
I don't particularly like the idea of having a personalized Basil. For one, it's just creepy. In all seriousness though, we already have the Hall of Heroes for recipes, so there's not really a need...
Personally, I'd rather keep these things relatively small, and with a lot of customizability available for all players. Fancier additions and larger spaces could be more expensive, as the common sentiment seems to suggest already. Having a space large enough for PvP seems a little out of hand, in my opinion.
As for how these things would be accessed, why not just add another menu item when you right click a player? There could be something under "Inspect Player" that says "Visit Pod" or something. Naturally, availability for this would be a UI option for each player, so people don't necessarily have to deal with presenting a nice pod for the world to inspect.
When it comes down to it, I'm still just putting a +0.5 on this. It's completely pointless except as a cosmetic crownsink, but as a cosmetic crownsink it seems alright.
This kind of reminds me of Zynga Cityville, where you get to visit others' houses unless it's locked.
I think the prices should be;
Basic house (nothing but arsenal access, small space but could be expanded for more crowns) 10000
Every space expansion is at least 10000 and the items are additional. Can be decorated with (again back to my suggestion on) badges that you acquire so people who visit your pods can see your prestige or whatever.

As for the pvp thing, it would be a teleporter to a different instance, where the lockdown lobby would be. As for Basil, he is just meant for getting things at one location, and on the fly. I'm sure we could empty out the homes, except for the fireplaces, crafting machine,mini library, elevator, and lockdown warp. But yes, I like your constructive criticism.

1* 5000
2* 15 000
3* 25 000
4* 50 000
5* 75 000
i think these should be the prices (if we ever get them)

I already had a house thing with alot of stuff to it but I let it die. Glad to see you are trying though.

Why not just make the Ready Room customizable? And make it accessible through haven not just missions.

Allowing Ready Room customisation is about the most sensible thing I've heard in this thread. +1 for that.
I'd like some sort of personalised player space at some point, though it's pretty far down my list of wants. I'm not super into the Animal Crossing / Fallout 3 furniture customisation thing, but I'd love something like a trophy cabinet displaying such as Achievement, Prestige and Rank-linked medals. I dunno about item storage - our inventories are bottomless, so it's redundant at best, at worst a way of accidentally stashing vital gear we end up needing on a delve. But maybe a terminal that displays loadouts to visitors? Some sort of personal terminal would be a good way for people to track their stats, if they're that way inclined.
This has been suggested before, I've seen at least three similar threads and I don't really like all the Animal Crossing ripoff, although I must admit this could be an awesome crown sink.
I'd suggest the prices to be:
1* - 4,000 cr
2* - 12,000 cr
3* - 25,000 cr
4* - 60,000 cr
5* - 150,000 cr
I know that's expensive, but the prices really shouldn't be easy to pay.