we haven't seen any gold monsters lately (excluding drones) i think we should put them in the game
gold monsters

There are still two gold monsters in Spiral Knights. We got the golden drones: Shankle and Wisp.

Come on board take your fair share and every Mormon raise your underwear, sing the chorus papa bear.
You get credit for looking on the Wiki. More invincible enemies discourages players from spending just to face something unstoppable and rage quit.
Effort: 2/10
Creativity: 0/10
Detail: 1/10
Mechanical applicability: 0/10
Profits Three Rings: -1/10

Actually... concerning this thread in the face of threads like....
This hits the 1/10 on my rating scale..
Re-introduction of the unkillable would be a challenge... but alas respawns were created for this.
Perhaps a change to the mechanic of golden creatures... 5X the pain, 5X the reward (I'm talking gold coins by the handful... making it rain) Of course, they'd be rarer than a snowball in July

It's quite a shock that you understand, but it's not surprising that you still don't get it.

/Epicfail Bluebrawler

Neither of those made sense.
No surprise there.

Blue... maybe you could uh... expand your suggestion... say why it would be so good.... oh and, take in other peoples opinion instead of just failing with memes? Like... seriously. Is that to hard for you?
Skold, you should use your idea for gold monsters and make a new thread for it (because y'know, your idea is going to get no where here). I like the idea of monsters that are 5x harder but give tons of loot.

It simply will never happen and making these awful threads only lowers the probability. I shall now reevaluate your score accordingly in this post.
Effort: 1/10
Creativity: 0/10
Detail: 0/10
Mechanical applicability: 1/10
Profits Three Rings: -1/10

Yeah, like Serell said, you might want to consider pointing out the advantages of bringing the gold monsters back, and whether anything needs to be adjusted/changed and so forth. I suggest discussing and reasoning more with others so that they might see where you're coming from. Could be a better alternative than replying with videos.

This guy.
We need him to coach Bluefail.
In his current larva state, he just annoys people.

stop the insults you can jest say why you dont like blue and his posts jest be nice to each other ©

I'm not being nice to a guy who has no intellect or displays any ounce of it in his posts, thank you.

These are my forums you sword wielding gurren lagann loving sonuvagun.
Just kidding... see you in game XD

The Gold Trojan in the preview was stuck in one room between two gates with four switches in every corner on separate islands about 1 block out from the room. You had to hit the switch and get past him to pick up a golden key, then get back through.
Trouble is, the Trojan's priority when you got the gate down was to hit the nearest switch to put it back up again.
Something that monsters on respawning pads wouldn't be able to do.
The only other Golden Monster in the Preview was the Gold Gun Puppy. Which sat at the center of an oval room and fired bullets at the nearest target. It really helped add a bit more pressure to the room, since most people's first priority is to kill Gun Puppies. I imagine they removed him from the game because of the lag issues associated with an invincible monster that spams projectiles.
The main point of golden monsters was that they were unkillable. Now we have a different method: respawning pads. Monster can be killed, but new ones appear to take their places.
Has a similar concept and offers almost the same challange.