I suggest it.
Formalities aside, here is a list of WHY.
1) He tries to be a funny 'troll' while being told he's failing BADLY at it.
2) He suggests stupid things with little/no thought, or even checking if they've been suggested before.
3) In ideas he re-posts, he adds nothing new to the idea, adding on to 2.
4) Despite being told to cut it out, however nicely/harshly it may be said, he has NOT taken heed and continues to plague the forum with either nonsensical or plain rude/stupid replies (I'm pretty sure I made it clear I was infuriated by his 'rebut' to Iron about him being a lowly bomber.)
5) Most of his 'trolling' doesn't even make sense.
6) While it is apparent we are not amused by his antics, he tries to be funny with topics like these.
7) He demands respect while commanding none.
8) He's probably going to 'troll' this thread with a video along the lines of 'That's the sound of no-one caring'/'You don't say'/some-other-response-that-just-highlights-his-disregard-of-other-peoples-opinions/care-for-his-actions.
Finally 9) He hasn't apologized and removed himself from the forums when it is clear he understands our feelings towards him.
It may be naming and shaming, But his posts are clearly spam, which is ALSO against the ToS.
Edit: at the moment, there are 6 of his threads within the First two pages, not to mention all the posts of his in other threads that derail and hinder other suggestions. How are veteran suggesters supposed to craft good suggestions, or get support for good ones with this?
Also, what do newcomers see? If they see a bunch of horrible, not thought out ideas and troll, or fail-trolls, who do you think will come? More trolls and fail trolls.
It entirely hinders the quality of suggestions that will make there way to the Devs. Which they may brand to be useless. And then we don't get to give much Input, and they will have a harder time finding good things to put in the game.
Not only am I famous, but I inspire Hipster...ness... Yeah.