Despite my previous irritated posts, I request the whole community work with me on this one.
I'll need your FULL and TOTAL co-operation in this.
Okay, we've tried telling him straight, we've tried raging, we've tried reverse trolling etc.
Let's go back to basics then. IGNORE HIM.
Don't reply to any of his posts. Do not even acknowledge their existence. Do not troll him back, even indirectly. Do not even pretend he's not there, just pay no heed to him. Don't even bother clicking whatever links he posts to anyone. Just completely and utterly ignore him.
I know this contradicts my last thread on this matter, but seriously, we are getting nowhere with that. We don't have anything on him we haven't done as well aside from posting useless ideas that cannot quite be counted as spam because they vaguely want discussion.
Just ignore him. Make it pointless for him to do ANYTHING anymore. If we manage this, his 'trolling', video linking, personal attacks and even POSTING will become pointless, and it's only a matter of time before he realizes this himself.
So really, I'll need at least 90% of the forums to help me out on this. This cannot be a one/two man task, it needs to be a MAJORITY.
It doesn't matter how much you hate him or whatever. Don't even GLANCE at his posts if you can help it. No matter what he says, no matter what he does, REFRAIN FROM REPLYING AT ALL.