You'll be able to find the story by following this link here:
Well heres the thing. I'm bored and I haven't written anything that's not school related in a while.
So to warm myself up and get back into writing, i'm going to write a short story here about my knight and their attempts to delve through the clockworks. Up to three people will be included with them in each posting. After one post is done, those three will be exchanged for another three. And so on and so forth until it's finished.
I apologize if it doesn't turn out too well though. Still a bit rusty.
You can only submit once, and once you submit a knight, never again. (To give other people a chance to be in it. If no more people volunteer then i'll go back over older knights and throw them back in at random)
No bribing me to be in it. (Here just in case. Doing this for fun not monetary gain)
Only submit one knight please. No multiple knights or anything.
Now all I need from you are a few things.
1) Your preferred name
2) A description/picture of your knights appearance. (A description is good too, but i'd prefer a picture of your knight from the game.)
2.b) Gender:
2.c) Height (Since its being added, do you want to be small, normal sized, a little over normal, or tall?)
3) How you want your knight to act. (Personality. If you don't choose one i'll choose randomly.)
4) Your preferred weapon and role. (Sentenza and support? Magnus and attack? Shivermist and so on and so on..)
5) Favorite monster type to fight.
6) Least favorite monster type to fight
And whenever I have the time i'll begin writing.
Planned course:
Chapter 0: completed.
Chapter 0.5: In progress
Chapter 1: Coming soon.
Chapter 2: Coming soon.
Chapter 3: Coming soon.
Chapter 3.5: Coming soon.
Chapter 4: Coming soon.
Chapter 5: Coming Soon
Chapter 6: Coming soon.
Chapter 7: Coming soon.
Chapter 8: Coming soon.
Epilogue: ???
While he dual wields his weapons often, his protection consists of a vitasuit deluxe, a solid cobalt helm and a great defender.
He's a shortie. (He's just over half the size of a standard knight!)
He loves to attack monsters by suprise by jumping up and stabbing them. He also runs up and slices gremlins' heads off.
Cold Iron Carver+Nightblade+Twisted Snarble Barb (His role is Scout)
He loves to fight gremlins and Snarby.
Mecha Knights are his worst encounters non-boss.