we should be able to buy snipes as pets and they could follow us into the clockworks and attack enemys and stuff. they could be like 30,000 crowns and you could teach them tricks that magically give you free crystal energy.
snipes as pets
I agree, I'd love to have a snipe as a pet. But no free crystal energy, that just cannot be allowed because that is how the game generates real money.
Perhaps they can follow you around while you adventure. Maybe they can chirp and heal the owner once or twice a day.
A good idea, I'd say. I don't know about the healing or the fighting or anything of the like, but it still sounds like fun. And yeah, no free Crystal Energy. Though, it would be rather funny to see them zipping around when you got into a fight. Kind of like an overexcited spectator, chirping and stuff. Wouldn't be much use, but darn would it be fun.
Also, for the sake of ease and marketing, I'd suggest making the price rather high, like 45,000 or higher, and only be found on very rare occasions for sale at the terminals, and lastly that they take up a Trinket slot, thus requiring Energy to have them, but not requiring the addition of anything more slots to the equipment menus.
Though... thinking about it, having one as a pet kinda breaks the story just a little, but not enough that it can't be easily rectified.
I'd rather see them as prestige items, akin to the familiars of PP.
...crown sink for richer players? Something to work for after getting full 5* gear?
do want!
they could heal you in battle like those annoying butterflies heal enemies
More like 100000 crowns, 30000 is too easy to get for most people. It should be a reward for hard work, not minor work... which means 100000 crowns! OR MORE HAHEHHEHEHHAHAHAHAHAHEHHEHEHE
If they can heal in battle they would have to be able to be knocked out or something for that level. If we had an infinite health regen, it would be unbalanced. Perhaps they can be knocked out and not be able to be used again for say 3 levels? After which they can be set free again. This way it would require some work on the players part to keep them alive.
no they would just give you like 2 HP every 3 minutes or something
No, the HP, attacking and blah blah is a horrible idea.
Having them as pets isnt as much however. As long as I can give mine a mohawk and teach it to flip everyone off.
well instead of snipes giving you mist energy maybe some can add some buffs and well others can debuff and or buff up how many mist energy you get in 22 hours and some they ead you in battle.
Even though I like the idea of having someone to accompany you,
I'd hate to see them as "pets".
Pet sounds like a cute lifeless thing with the only objective
Of following you around. I'd rather like them called "Partners" or "Hounds"
I think it is more suited for a skill based game such as Spiral Knights
i made a discussions on both the idea of having pets and the idea of having a job system check it out if you want http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/16264
I had even more abilities for the pets like Collect, Block etc but I want a job system that pays you crowns at the end of a week with the pay being Number of monsters killed that week X job level i think this would help many players achieve expensive Items easier but also make the player play more to get a high amount of monsters killed this is all on my discusion at http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/16264
Thanx ;)
They could have heat which would make them EVOLVE lol.
Example-Mini Jelly -> Jelly -> Thorn (Or whatever thats called) Jelly -> Rock Jelly
That's assuming jellies could be pets :)
maybe there could be an evolution chance to make it an imposto cube at some point.
I mean what kind of knight don't have a horse to ride. Sure, they're space robot knights, but at least put a space robot horse in. Also, when you do put in the horse, make sure to have a bigger map to travel. The game needs more locations, right now there are only the rescue camp and the haven, it's getting boring. How about make more towns or planets, maybe the horse can fly to the moon, I mean, it is a space robot horse, so of course it can fly.
Yes, except for the free crystal energy part, of course.