So a good amount of people have been in this situation. You're playing SK, having fun, and BAM all your items are maxed out on their heat and you're halfway through a RJP run. What to do? Switch to that lvl1 toothpick that's been sitting in the back of your arsenal? Waste the heat? How bout this---
As you know your heat slowly fills up based on the monsters you beat up. Here is what I'm suggesting
Pressing an arbitrarily picked button (lets say F), your heat will burst out of you.
This will cause a blast (see size chart below) causing minor fire and knock-back roughly the same distance of the second swing of a Troika line with comparable star power. This will also use up all of the heat that you have ATM.
Size chart
Heat barely visible- 2* mist bomb radius and Troika distance knock-back
Heat 1/3 full- 3* mist bomb radius and Grintovec distance knock-back
Heat 2/3 full- 4* mist bomb radius and Jalovec distace knock-back
Max heat- 5* mist bomb radius and Triglav distance knock-back
(even though you can go above max heat it will be treated the same as if you just got max heat ergo all will be lost in the blast)
I repeat, this does no damage besides the minor fire damage. The distance knock-back also does not interrupt attacks.
Serell's idea: At the end of the stage any unused heat can be turned into crowns. He suggested the max be 200 but I feel that a max of 75-100 will be more reasonable. What do you think?
All discussion is welcomed. If you do not like the idea please be constructive and either give advice on how to improve and or make the idea more player/OOO friendly. If you don't feel like doing so and flame please at least make it amusing.
Once again thank you all for being awesome.
A suggestion which does not say "everyone who dislikes this should quit and go away forever"? Am I in heaven? Who am I kidding, I would never go to heaven if it existed. They would never send me to hell either because I would just piss off the devil. I suppose I could kill him and take over hell and force everyone to do regular aerobic exercise.
Shield bumping with Agni line fire combined? I would rather have the heat do something practical, such as be stored in an internal furnace to charge equipment later but loses a portion of the total heat with every use; the more often you dispense heat to an item outside of the Clockworks the more lost.
Why does everyone want to make excess heat into an attack?