Sorry, couldn't help but make another thread due to seeing this on YouTube. I just don't understand why the need of making videos about customer support GMs doing their jobs.. Yeah sure GMs are awesome but do you really have to record them and put them on the internet? Well that's okay but what I should ask is make a music video of them & a little intro? What if they don't want to be exploited on the web? You ever think about that?! Well this video my day tho lol.
So why is customer support.... I mean why praise GMs so much for doing their jobs?
Kitten, why be negative? GMs are people too. Do you have a job?
You also realize Anly made that video quite a long time ago? The game was new(ish). Not as many people played. It was (and still is) exciting to see a GM in ones group. They have always been most helpful when I have had to ask them to help me after breaking the game.
That is all.
Why praise GMs so much for doing their jobs?
Because, in alot of other games, they don't. It's something you'd take for granted until you start playing a different online game.
Hyperion didn't let me get my name change to Butterfish/Happibrat to stop all these stereotypes from stereotyping. I AM NOT A HAPPY CUSTOMER.
But yeah I have to admit that I'd go gaga over seeing one of them in-game. Maybe I'm just over exaggerating. Let me lay off the coffee before bed, it's messing me up really bad I am seeing.
Being told you're doing a good job is nice for anyone. You are one more bad post away from attack posts, I swear.
Because they have to deal with you... and me... and all of SK.
"Because, in alot of other games, they don't. It's something you'd take for granted until you start playing a different online game"
I quote you for truth...
In a lot of mmos that I've played in the customer support is just terrible.
Devs... heh
For ages we freaking beg to fix/balance gunner issues after like 7-8 months more or less we get dmg type change on antigua line,Low > medium dmg bonus shadowsun basic problems like hitregister issues stood same they didnt even reply most of the threats simply ignored us.
my 2c
That was so poorly written, I think your two cents are counterfeit.
"I wonder how much they get paid"
Not enough, if they have to deal with us.
One thing would be to do your job every day like a robot while no one notices you.
But to see people supporting you can be motivational. Happy workers are better workers. Let's make more videos.