OOO i quit - by Cocosnake

I am Cocosnake
in this one year
i've spent over 9000 USD on this game
i've never regret supporting you guys
but seriously this time OOO
with this patch
you've [screwed] everything
i think you (OOO) know that Spiral Knight can only survive till May 15 (when Diablo 3 come out)
so you made this dirty scam patch to scam as much money as possible from us
you know what
you'll never get my support ever again
im not spending even a penny on this game
and for those F2P players
you guys should start worry about it
when all of us ( p2p players) quit
you guys wont have any spiral knights to play
basically we ( P2P players) pay the game for you (F2P players) to play
and again
thanks of F this game so officially and so completely

yes Over 9000 USD
so i can speak loud

Three Rings has three holes to get it into don't miss.

here let me get you a rattle. Need your diaper changed too?

I can't tell if this is serious or not.

He has ASI or CTR Very High on like every weapon in the game. He's serious.

I'm leaning towards "not," largely because nobody's going to wax nine grand on a F2P game.

Even proto stufs?

I'll see you back here in three days.

Because, you know, we all pour thousands of dollars into something without even understanding the basic economic priniciples of it.

i'm pretty much done too cocosnake. I've invested a year into my own personal endgame (having the best triple uv'd gear in the game) and i finally accomplished it about 2 months ago. Countless hours. And then they come in and within 25 minutes of the patch already like 5 people have better gear. It just sucks. It's bogus. Bait&switch.

Pawn +1
I hate this game after this patch
and when the day OOO falls i'll come back and laugh at OOO so loud in front of them

You can see your playtime in the character select dude.
F U too.

I don't know whether I'm missing something, or you are. Either way... /yawn
~The Mighty WeeGee

U mad bro?
If this game is still alive after May 15, I'm sure OOO will laugh in your face too.

sounds like a few of you need lessons in moderation. don't pour your heart, soul, TIME or large amount of your heard earned (or spoiled rich kids allowance) money into a game that is meant to be fun and casual. the game will continue to be updated, and life goes on. if your pride is hurt cause you're no longer #1 badass that money can buy, then you're in too deep.

Since puch and vise appear, people was waiting for something like the today update were they can keep a good UV instead of destroy it for two or three bad UV´s, personaly I saw the UV rolling as a gambling game and never used it, but now is less gambling-ish and looks like a viable option, also this way the price of the UV weapons gonna go down because there is more chance of getting good multiple uvs in the AH
cocosnake if you spent that amount of money for real then you have a problem, try to learn the basics of the game instead of just throw money at it, I know a lot of people with exelent UVs on most part of their equip and they never spend a cent on them
also that Blueflood said;
sounds like a few of you need lessons in moderation
if your pride is hurt cause you're no longer #1 badass that money can buy
the game will continue to be updated, and life goes on
yeah cacasnake you are just mad because you can´t pay to be a good player, now more than never you need:
1- learn to play
2- learn to valuate the money
3- moderation
PD: nobody will to miss you

i wasnt not even talking to you
if u dont like it u can press "previews page" on the top left side of your window

You were, and are, on the public forums Cocosnake.

Im rich and i can afford it lol
Kon-Ron you are just jelly me lol
i dont expect ppl to miss me
i dont care lol
if you are too poor need money
post your bank account and a naked full body picture here with a pathetic face said help me with money
i'll transfer 5000 USD to your bank account right away

Spectrumized are you 6 ?
i dont even care about you
if u dont like this thread
dont reply

I'd like to see a 12-year-old with $9000 to spare playing this game. :/

Goodbye and don't come back!
Give me all your energy to me now! >:o

@Dukeplatypus +1
and please dont mind Spectrumized
he's only 3

Ladies and gents,
Giving feedback about game changes is fine and dandy.
Swearing is not ok, and getting in slapfights with each other is not ok. Please be cool to each other.

I'd just like to see the $9000 myself. Either way I shall repeat.
~The Mighty WeeGee

If you hate the game so much, why are you even replying? You said you quit. Quiet now.
You see, this is why everybody doesn't like we younger players, because of people like you who whine and complain/rage-quit. :\ (By that I mean like 13-14)
(I see you edited you edited the title of the topic.)
+1 blueflood

dont be racist lol
English is not my first language
or if you want to see a Chinese version im happy to do that right now

Eury just lock this thread. This is just going to end up like Chris' threads.

i'll miss him/her.
And i'm about done with the game too. Every update is a transparent money grab at this point. I've been one of the most vocal to support OOO's need and right to make money, more so than just about anyone. But i can't see how or where any of that is being funneled back into the game, reinvested. We have seen virtually no new endgame content.
{i had a long explanation detailing point-by-point how greedy they are, and what not. but i'm moving on to apathy. i don't care. and i don't care if you care. Every update is more pathetic than the last.}

I´m not jelly, I always knew that I will not spend money on any game free or payed more than the cost of a game (50 u$d or more but less than 100 u$d) I consider DLC, as something apart so that if spending on it
you can be Richie Rich but the life gonna hit you hard XD, whatever, spend all the money you have in pointless stuff and be happy I don´t care people like you are empty

Cocosnake is jelly that he has anger issues unlike us.

@Weegee You can see the money by the sizable amount of threads in the Arsenal he made to show off his UVs.
Sorry Coco, can't say I know you so I'm unfortunately quite indifferent to you leaving. /shrug. Good luck in whatever endeavors you choose to throw your money at next. Might I suggest D3's real money AH? Should be an easy transition.

Rommil +1
those poor F2p will never understand how much damage will they get after we (p2p) left this game
and again OOO
this time u really shoot yourself in the head

i think lots of you guys are missing the mark. Thats one of the great thing about video games (or online MMO's as it were). Enjoyment, fun, (and sometimes immense frustration).
All this "omg you are rich, you are empty b/c you play the same game i do, and spent money on it!!!!!"
All throughout our lives growing up, pawn and i have loved video games (especially RPGs and Madden). [for the few who still do not know, pawn and i are twins in real life]. All our lives, our dad has said to us "i cannot wait until you outgrow those darned video games!!"
Now, this always struck me as very odd. I always felt like we had won the leisure time lottery!!!!! To be such fans of video games. My perceptions was always this: at the beginning of august, me, pawn, and 99% of professional athletes are all eagerly awaiting madden's annual release!!! For those who are keeping count, that was 11 yr old pawn, 11yr old rommil with a combined net worth of zero dollars, and professional athletes with a net worth of billions, all sitting around in sweaty palmed excitement, all of us, eagerly anticipating spending the 100s of hours playing madden.
2 eleven year olds with but 50 bucks to their name, 1000s of pro athletes worth billions of dollars, and on monday evening we are both doing the same thing, and deriving the same enjoyment out of it, for nearly the same cost (granted, i'm sure some of them get it for free, and bypass the 50 dollar introduction fee).
Just because Cocosnake might be wealthy, doesn't mean that he/she is a loser for liking spiral knights immensely, and was happy to pour money into the game.

cocosnake you seem to not understand, OOO make a free game this means they hope for many players putting a low amount of money each certain amount of time, they never expected one player paying 1.000 $ per month they expect 1.000 players of 4000 (or more) players paying 10 $ per month. make the math if you money buy you a education, and be the time ask a teacher about logic
one p2p leaving don't affect the game you don't understand the whole point of a company making a free game

in business there is the 80/20 rule. 20% of your customer base provides 80% of your revenue. Its in effect here, probably not quite to those proportions, but still, its something a business must consider (i'm saying that as someone who has not spent much money on the game).

Rom!! thanks :D
and all i have to say is
i earned my money , i buy something i like, i swear at it because its not as good as i thought
that's all
and im not spending your money , im not saying anything bad about you ( at the very beginning)
why you are all mad ?
cause im rich ? yes i do. if you jelly about it, go make your money by yourself
stop trash talking here
as i said if u dont like the thread
close the goddamn window lol