"..A long, spiraling road curled around the Guild Tower, vendors and managenrs chatting in their shaded tents at its base, knights running around and spending their crowns for the good of their guild and snipes warming up their wings as the... shiny thing for cradle shined upon thwm. The Tower rose above, throwing a pleasing shade in the morning, knights climbing its spiraled stairs, to get to Adron, the kat-in-disguise guild manager, as he handled paperwork with lighting speed."
~A friend of ters with too much time on his hands during class.
This is what I dreamt two knights ago.
The Spiral HQ has noticed guilds gained too much importance and decided to allocate them more than simple garages and meaningless tags.
After many negotiations with the Strangers, employments were made and construction started, blueprints of a huge tower to be built in the right side of Haven, along with several tents for different merchants, were created shortly, the Strangers, HQ representants, Bechamel and Adron collaborating.
The tower is basically like a baywatch one, with stairs curling around it, and the camera zooming after you when you climb them, giving a nice backshot.
On top of it, there is a chamber for Adron, or whatever name OOO seems fit, the guy with the brown kathat we havent seen ingame yet.
At the base of it, theres tents for different merchants, like a guild vault manager for example.
At the rightmost part of Haven, an entrance to a truly advanced guild training hall which includes themes training with certain monster types and all tiers and all that other swag.
Basically its crammimg all the guild suggestions into the rightmost part of Haven, design is sketchy cause OOO surely can do it better. Here is an updated thread with most suggestions, that I propose to be materialized trough vendors around the place.
It would be much nicer and would give that part an use, rather than guild halls. Lets have a whole Haven part for them!
Dreams about SK?
The night after I saw that "intercepted transmission" from the IMF about burning Haven to the ground I dreamt that every square inch of Haven was filled with Ironclaw scorchers.