Ok i just got ban becasue i was telling the world that the AH is broken 000 this is so harsh why ban me for 7 day becasue i was informing the world that the AH is borken it dose not work if you try to search and accessory type in the AH like say volcanic or divine it will come up with nothing even tho the Featured Auctions has a volcanic wings and a halo at least how can this be.
000 all i did was inform the haven in trade 2 that the AH is broken and you ban me this is more than unfair
please un band me!
First, don't discuss your ban on the forums.
Second, I don't believe that would get you a ban. It must've been something else (unless you cursed).
Third, "telling the world" =/= trade chat.
Fourth, please use proper grammar and spelling to gain empathy.
Fifth, your complaint... I've never seen this, and you still saw it in featured auction. It's not something to rant on.
That is all.