What are you generally?
-A Troll -4-
-A Hater/Rager -2-
-An Informer (Responding thoroughly and putting in thoughts/facts in posts) -5-
-A Shy Guy (Talking little, but being affluent anyways) -1-
-A Comedic Relief -1-
-A Speaker (Voicing out your opinions, also includes Fan Fic Writers and other arts) -4-
-Viewer -2-
-Other (or a mix) -9-
I shall tally this thread: I'll go first. Anyways, I say the Forums is a scary place with some of the hostility I see, notably towards new players. This thread is just to see what the Forum really is like, to show that we are all half-...erm, a quarter-...erm, somewhat decent human beings (just kidding).
I'm certain I more often that not fall under lurker.