And you have no idea until you try it:
Guide on Google Translator fun:
1. Type in a phrase that we would normally say to one another in real life and in English. Make the phrase a bit complicated, and use slang slang and more slang and other weird phrases, like "beat around the bush"!!!!!
2. Translate that phrase that is in english to spanish
3. Translate that phrase that is in spanish to german
4. Translate that phrase that is in german to japanese
5. Translate that phrase that is in japanese to french
6. Translate that phrase that is in french back to english :)
It is HILARIOUS sometimes.
Examples of mine:
Famous quote by Martin Luther King Jr: "A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom."
Famous quote by Martin Luther King Jr omega-translated: "Nation is approaching spiritual destiny: continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than programs of social advancement."
LOL It is the opposite!!! I LOVE that one. Proves how bad these translators can be.
Famous quote by John F. Kennedy: "A young man who does not have what it takes to perform military service is not likely to have what it takes to make a living. Today's military rejects include tomorrow's hard-core unemployed."
Famous quote by John F. Kennedy omega-translated: "Young people who do not know what you need to perform military service may have to help you earn a living. Today the army of hardcore unemployed reject the configuration of the future."
LOL and that one is somewhat the opposite of the original quote as well. It even calls those in the military the "army of the unemployed". That is so mean.
This is a valuable lesson for those in the highschools: Do not use a translator in a foreign language class!!! Though your teacher probably mentioned this beforehand, just incase "you didn't hear".
By the way, I chose one quote opposing war and one quote that is pro-war.
This is so none of you go "oh my gosh, God made it so that all pro-war quotes are not true because the omega-translation is opposite which is a SIGN FROM GOD!!! /epiphany!!!"