This thread is to be used for entries for the Edible Monsters events. All posts other than entries will be deleted. If you have a question, please post it in the event thread located here:
Posts should include the information below:
Knight Name:
Describe how was it created:
Monster Family:
URL for progress picture:
URL for finished picture:
Second URL for finished picture:
Prize preference: A 30 day elevator pass or specify which pocket monster you want (Chroma Whelp, Love Puppy, or Mewkat).
Deadline 6/6/2012 at 11:59 PM Game Time.
Knight Name: Velika
Ingredients: marshmellows, chocolate, salted peanuts
Describe how was it created: Pour melted chocolate on a chocolate square. Sprinkle with crushed peanuts and place ontop of
a pile of melted marshmellows.
Monster Family: No Type (Yes, that is a family.)
URL for progress picture:
URL for finished picture:
Second URL for finished picture:
Prize preference: 30 day elevator pass *if second or third place, a silver key :3*