Tersakoff's guide to creating a successful outfit and general fashion talk. Offering critiques.

427 replies [Last post]
Tersakaff's picture

Who the macaroni are you to be able to write a guide and why should I listen to you?

I'm Ters. I'm obsessed with SK fashion.
Why should you listen to me? I don't wanna brag around but clearly you'd want proof of my experience. I am by no means the best, and I respect and admire those better than me.

First off, I'm an experienced artist. I put a lot of thought into color theory and composition.
Not everything is all that great, but I've got the knowledge. There's much I haven't uploaded there
Second, class. There's more in the picture used for examples in the guide, but those are older.
Third, I've hosted and judged two successful fashion shows. Look 'em up if you want.

Now we're established that I'm not another Vog Set wearer just spewing undocumented smack talk around, here's the guide.


This is by no means the absolute truth, it's rather just a guide with a few tips on making outfits. Just wanna share my knowledge.
Whenever "costume x" or "costume y" is mentioned, it's referring to a costume from here.

General Guidelines:

  • This guide is focused on creating a balanced, matching, technical, eye-pleasing and in best case, unique outfit. If you want something that screams for attention or just tries too hard to be unique by mismatching, then just take the first helm-armor combination that passes trough your head. This guide will be the opposite of that.
  • Be mindful of personal color. As you can see, costumes 10 and 11 would be much worse with another personal color, and costume 3 would be much better in Violet.
  • Be mindful of gear color themes. Here's a list written off the bat, with very approximative colors, just for general guidance, taking all colors found in almost all gear of the specific theme:
    • -Cool (light grey and blue, brown and other shades of grey possible)
    • -Dusky (violet and teal, light grey possible)
    • -Fancy (pink and a light purple, light grey possible)
    • -Heavy (dark grey, possibly light grey, and red)
    • -Military (light tan, teal-green, and dark blue like the snarbolax)
    • -Regal (yellow and dark blue, brown possible)
    • -Toasty (red, grey-brown and a dark blue with small tendencies of green, light yellow/grey possible)
    • -Volcanic (red, dark indigo and orange-yellow fire)
    • -Divine (very light yellow, grey, and brown)
    • Some gear doesn't really fit in any of those, thus let your instinct and fashion sense, together with experience and experimentation be your guide.
  • Gear color theme matching is NOT the only matching you can do. As you can see on 12, the costume wouldn't be all that great if not for the Regal Vents. Why? Because their regal color scheme matches the regal color of the hand thingies of the poncho. Even if regal vents do not fit on a stand-alone Grey Feather, in this costume they help a lot by balancing the color scheme.
  • Do not stick random accessories on gear. Try to match the color theme of the gear with that of the accessory. Exceptions are made when balancing colors in an outfit, as described in the previous point.
  • Shields and weapons can really bring out a costume if used well, however they are not indispensable.
  • Knight view/ inspect view differs from Haven view due to a different angle, therefore some parts are popping up more in it than in Haven view.
  • Do not clutter your outfits with accessories. Your goal isn't to show off how much money you have. If it is, just stick some halos and wings on snarb. Even though that will deem you rich AND stupid. However, you CAN have an accessory with all slots filled, but that requires a lot of experience, thought, and fashion sense to match them all into one nice outfit.
  • Keep clipping in mind. Clipfests are less eye-pleasing.
  • An outfit has the best effect with the least colors- and most importantly, repeated troughout the outfit. As in, we have a yellow on the hands, but we also have it on the ears so that they balance eachother. This requires practice and observation, so you may not get it right from first- but you can always limit your colors, too many is too bad!

More about gear:

  • Choose a theme and plan for you costume- a well-planned costume is a good costume, unlike costumes that you just make on the way. Maybe you want to look cute? Or badass? Maybe you want warm or cool colors? Keep these in mind.
  • You'd want to mix two different sets together now. A full set of armor is not a costume, it is merely a premade outfit on which you stuck some accessories.
  • Some things just don't go well together- take a plate mail and a wolver line for example. They can be matched but as shape, they aren't great.
  • Experiment in AH and Spiral Spy and try to come up with something great- there aren't many limitations here
  • As said before, be mindful of color theme, don't mix a regal helmet with a volcanic armor for example

More about accessories:

  • Please, for everybody's eyes' sake, do not attach accessories with a different color scheme than that of the gear. Exceptions are when balancing the color composition of an outfit, but these are thought out. (see 12)
  • Again, no clipping.
  • Use common sense here - don't attach accessories that simply don't match, for example, mecha wings on dragon scale helm, or mohawks on cowls.
  • More accessories does not mean more swag. Think out every accessory you attach- does it make sense on that combination, and theme you've chosen?
  • If you just can't find an accessory to match the color scheme of your armor- don't put one! Not even prismatics match sometimes, due to the color of the outfit differing from the personal color too much, making the outfit imbalanced.

So where do I start?

*Given that you have the money, the steps would be:

  • Read this guide (lol)
  • Choose a theme.
  • Think about what gear you'll wear, so that it matches the theme. Be mindful of personal color, too!
  • Keep in mind that some combinations are common, indeed, and coming up with something new is hard these days, there will always be at least one more person who got the same idea. In order to get something unique, after choosing the theme, I suggest picturing all the armors and helmets of that theme that you can think of. Making a new and fresh outfit needs experience, of course, so don't worry if your first isn't so unique, just stick with it if you like it!
  • Think about what accessories would match the gear and also the theme, go out and preview as many as you wish until you find something you like. Be mindful of matching your colors. And just get them and attach!
  • Explore your arsenal, see if there's any weapon and shield matching, and go on and wear them together.
  • Go ask for opinions! If you're unsure about your outfit before making it, do this before you sink money into it, who knows, maybe your friends can give you advice on it.
  • You should spend most time on choosing the gear and accessories.

>>End of Guide

And that's about it. I hope this has helped you a bit. :) I took my time writing it over the period of 3 days, on and off, tried my best making it as clear as possible, and I hope I haven't left anything out. I may edit it later if I remember anything.

I will also answer any questions regarding either the contents of this guide, or criticize your outfits if you wish- but beware, I am horribly strict and honest, as well as blunt, and will nitpick at everything, but at least you'll know what really is wrong with it and what to improve!
You can either ask here, or contact me in-game if for whatever reason you want it to be private, my IGN is Tersakoff.

>>Owlite Scholar costume analysys - this guide applied<<

Theme - Remaking a rebel sophomore Owlite Scholar

Backstory - A nonconventional scholar, part owlite - wings and ears, making a fashion statement by replacing his regular robe with a sash with a hole in the back to let his overgrown wings free, and a pierced hood too, to show off his ears.

Gear - Grey Owlite Cowl + Sunset Duster. Top of the cowl coordinated with the main brown color of the sash. Lighter brown coordinating with the tips of the sash, approximatively. PC ties everything together, the neck of the sash is as close to the dark teal of the hood as possible, making the odd color of it almost unnoticeable. Uncommon combination.

Accessories - Regal Valkyrie wings, coordinating with the legs of the sash. Regal Vertical Vents, coordinating with the hands of the sash, and the base of the wings.

Weapons and shield - Grey Owlite Shield, typically worn by owlite scholars, Divine Avenger/ Argent Peacemaker/ Glacius, likely to be used by an owlite scholar - their regal color scheme fits. Glacius has some hood/sash colors too, the glow of it fits the PC.

Flaws - The odd dark teal of the hood, nothing can be done. The purpleish of the wings standing out, the tips barely coordinating with the light grey of the hood, nothing can be done besides replacing with Regal Cardboards- too pricey and rare. Trim on the edges of the sash is too bright, no brown on the hood if looked at from behind.

Yep, this is a technical costume, this guide applied. To see more, look in the comments for critiques I've given, not so detailed though.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I may find certain outfits as mismatching and ugly while others hold them dear and enjoy them- that is because they may be wrong technically, thus break one or more of the guidelines stated here. I'm sorry for the bottomhurt that will cause, but I have a very technical point of view on outfits and follow these guidelines closely.
Besides, as I've already said, this is by no means the absolute truth, just the experience I've amassed.

Shoebox's picture
This is what Spiral Knights

This is what Spiral Knights has come to.

Enjoy your 3D Maplestory guys.

Soarel's picture

How is this maplestory?

A lot of people love costumes and how they are creative :D

like me

Tersakaff's picture

Ah, Lord Shoebox just hates all swag. It's okay, not everybody enjoys looking good. :<

Coatl..I don't quite get the meaning of that lol.

Shoebox's picture
Go play with your barbies. Its okay.

Not everybody enjoys dress up games.

Tersakaff's picture

Yeah, just like not everybody cares about their appearance. :p

Shoebox's picture
Just like Pixels =/= Swag


Looking good in a video game =/= Looking good in real life

Risking getting trolled...

This is my current outfit.

As it should be obvious it's completely fire themed. Chose the Dusker cap since it has that dark red color and looks like a canine animal and the Salamander Suit since it has claws, both pieces going with the name. The shield, well. It's made of fire. The Vitakit is there since I try not to die, so I usually have to revive more reckless teammates (mixes well with the character).

I thought of grabbing a Wolver Tail too, but it doesn't mix well with Salamander Suit, giving dual tails with some clipping to boot. I was also thinking of upgrading to Volcanic Salamander and Vog Cub Cap, or maybe trying to get hold of a Flame Aura (but that might be too overkill?)

Tersakaff's picture

What about looking good in both? ;)
Let's just leave it at this- Shoebox doesn't care about his in-game appearance while others do.

What I see here is a color theme matching breaking outfit. Not to mention how wolver line caps are not all that great with chroma line. The armor is volcanic and the cap is toasty, they don't mix well. The best you could do is get vog cap instead, but that wouldn't be too unique, thought it would be at least decent as a costume.

Coatl's picture
@ Tersakaff Just means this

@ Tersakaff
Just means this thread is appreciated by me.

Tersakaff's picture

Ah that's easier to understand :p thanks

Traevelliath's picture

Good to know I'm not the only sane one who thinks people stick too many random accessories to their armor...

I actually found this to be a rather interesting read. I'll have to add a good costume to my to-do list, which is already growing faster than I can kill it.

Pokenuevo's picture

My First Costume: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054716117/screenshot/59471653...
My Second Costume: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054716117/screenshot/59471653...
My Future Costume: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054716117/screenshot/59697226...
What do you think of these? Note: I know my first one isn't great, but at the time, I loved it.
Also, I like the thread. It's nice how you admit that this is subjective, but still give good advice.

Edit: For the Second Costume. I actually recently changed it: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198054716117/screenshot/59697226...
I accidentally took the old photo. What do you think of this? I don't put accessories on it, as this is just meant to be simple.

Tersakaff's picture

Thanks. :) Mind sharing?

The first one isn't bad, actually! The gear has the same color scheme, the personal color couldn't be better, and the accessories are matched with the PC. I like it, really. :) I'm also fond of this combo so eh. :P

The second one, in my opinion, is the worst of the three- why? First, Grey Feather is Toasty, the Stranger hat is volcanic, so instant unfitting. Besides, ribbons make little sense of stranger hats. There's also the top light brown color on the hat (the one on the armor is darker), which just ruins any costume/ most costumes made with a stranger hat. This is why I dislike them.

I like the third one! Flower is kinda overkill. I like the usage of skelly armor- it deserves more love! Gear matches, accessories too. Not too fond of the canteen but it's not horrible either. I also like how the PC matches the dark blue of the armor. Well done! :)

(yay cobalts!)

Serell's picture

Mind if I post my few costumes and future costumes I want to make for opinions? :o
Also, guide is very helpful.

Tennis's picture
Korakc's picture
I'll put mine up once I log

I'll put mine up once I log on SK, on my phone right now, and I wanted a pretty good designer's comment on it.

Traevelliath's picture

@Tersakaff: Since you asked...

As of now, I walk around Haven like this: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/541803165905813285/010F4BEB285875CFC...
Occasionally I equip a Green Ward because it looks nice: http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/541803165905811051/F427C056A7FD5F62E54...

However the main thing that always bugged me was the clipping. The clipping with the Wide Vee doesn't really bother me actually. IMO, it looks more like part of the helmet, instead of glued to it. Also, when I'm just walking around not being inspected, I like how the Wide Vee looks like a pair of Insect Antenna. Makes me feel evil. The clipping around the jaw is what really annoys me. Skolver coat does that a lot, hence why I've been meaning to get a different costume for a while.

Bert-Banana's picture

Went digging for some of my most memorable costumes, and screenshotted the ones that I still have and cherish.


Many more that I didn't screenshot, like:
Vog Coat - Heavy Wings, Heavy Parry with Quicksilver Helm - Heavy Scarf, Heavy Mech'tennas, Heavy Mohawk, Heavy Helm-Mounted
Spiral Plate Mail - Sprinkle Aura, Prisma Valk Wings with Quicksilver Helm - Cool Mohawk, Cool Glasses

Cobalt's picture
I wanna join in on this.

I wanna join in on this. :D

Judge these pls.

Mah Chaos set; https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32069310/Chaos%20set.PNG

Mah Dusker Coat set; https://dl.dropbox.com/u/32069310/Dusker%20Coat.PNG

gooo nutts

Asthix's picture

I fully expect to be savaged by you.


My question is, what are my options with the bombmask, with only helm back and helm side available for it?

Psychodestroyer's picture

I always forget to take a Screenshot of my Inspect Screen.


My only costume. Started since BN, having switched out my Wolver/Dusker for proto because it looked kinda awkward, I replaced the Helm with the Spiral Bombhead Mask. Shortly after accessories came out, I added the Protocrest to my Spiral Culet and Cool Mecha Wings (which I got really cheap, relative to prices back then) onto my helmet.

Some Spiralspy applications some guys have been doing for me:
Manalicious-Knight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kal5E3YAKtI
Aesomesock: http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=qf2vtq4yf309p05&thumb=6

Zephyrgon's picture
Here's an easy one

Just get the whole Set. DONE, you look FABULOUS.

Psychodestroyer's picture

Only Bechamel has the right to look fabulous. Your argument is invalid.

Tersakaff's picture

Oh jesus... so many replies, lemme get to you all.



Go on
Thanks :3


Hah, reminds me of my old costume.
The Bombhead kinda matches - only the green is out of place, but hey, that's not too bad.
The Vitakit and Sideblade on the tabard are the wrong color. Violet tabards are Dusky colored, thus Dusky accesories fit. Coral tabards are fancy.
PC is the best it can be.
Weapon doesn't fit, I just presume it's not part of the costume. :p
Overall, it's a 8/10. The wrong accessories really drag it back. I don't mind the mismatching green so much though, maybe cause I'm used to it from my deadly-violet tab outfit.


Waiting for it. ;)


That's not bad..
Gear - The white of the skolver coat as well as the bright yellow are out of place, however the greys on the helm coordinate with the rest, so it's meh, not bad not good. And the clipping.. yeah.

Accesorries - The ones on the helm fit with the PC so they're okay. The clipping is great, yeah, but as you said, they can be taken as attenae



First one - Just an owlite set with mismatching accessories.

Second - Just a skolver set with matching accessories.

As I've said about full sets, they're just premade outfits with richness sticked on them, not thought-out costumes.

I like the brute jelly + skolver one. The divine accessories bring it together and the PC fits with the helm, so.. me gusta.

The last one is just.. no.. the helm doesnt match, and the accessories don't make it any better.

The one you described are.. no... no. Heavy on Volcanic is a no-no.


Hey, heh, I was always fond of your Cobalt set.
I generally dislike full sets because they're accessories slappen on with no thought- however yours is an exception.
You Cobalt PC color ties in the cool accessories very well. It's a pretty outfit.

I have a few problems witth the second though. Technically, the helm and armor would match, however the coat has some light yellow parts which the helm doesn't have, as well as the light grey parts of the helm which are not present on the armor.. and the predator crest. It just kicks everything else in the balls. 7/10. Would've been 8/10 without the crest.

@ Asthix

That's not bad.

The gear matches and all, however, it's the first thing someone would match a freezy bomby with.
Canteen matches the PC so it's okay.
Options? Find another armor. :p But as far as I know, none matches as well as blizz. So, scarf and mecha wings are the most common for the helmet, however, if you get divine, they won't fit well.
The bomby is fine as-is.


Your costume always made me grind my teeth.
The head doesn't match the armor at all, the mecha wings don't match anything, and the proto crest, while it may fit the PC, it just tops everything in a distorted pile of.. that.
But hey, if you like it, carry on wearing it, however it's very bad as a costume from a technical point of view. :(

As for some more updates on my side...
I've always disliked the magic line helm + wolver line armor combination, purely for how it almost never matches and it's horribly common.. however, I've accidentally made a mix like that and hot damn this thing matches so well but my soul cringes whenever I wear something so mainstream. T_T

Asthix's picture
"however, if you get divine,

"however, if you get divine, they won't fit well."


Also, because of your comments about my armor, I'm getting Skolver! And you call yourself a fashion guru! Tsk tsk.

Edit: ha you missed my sarcasm filter.

Remiliaoftheearth's picture
So, er...

After seeing this, I went to the AH and made a few costumes...
...although they are still nonexistant unless someone else has created them.
Tear them apart as much as you like.
Sorry for putting them up like this, I don't really have a better way.

Shidara's picture

Do costumes made in Spiral Spy count? :O I don't have the funds for making them in-game (yet!)

Psycho-Dani's picture
A wild Danizpsycho appears!




Heimdallr's picture

How's mine? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v95/Zerus/vdbc.png

The only costume I use these days, besides my valkyrie set...

Tersakaff's picture


Skolver will be worse, both in usage and looks.
Divine accs are very light yellow. Armor and helm are very light blue/white.

Just.. paste.. them all.. in one.. big.. pict ure.
It's too many so I'm jsut gonan do this:
1- meh it's not all that great
2- armor and helm don't match
3- not bad, top of the helm doesnt match though.
4- glasses don't match, spikes dont make sense, armor and helm are ok
5- they match but the PC isnt great and the maid is just no
6- no. just no. it looks bad.
7- same as 2
8- no. just no. while PC may make it a bit better its a no-no
9- accs are mismatched completly
10- lol thats... unique!

Congrats, you wasted my time, your time, and the reader's time.

Yes if you're gonna make it. If you aren't that just pointless.

You suck. 10k ce fee for sucking, pay up.

Not bad. :3 Seen that before but hey, it is a good costume. Callahan matches except for the cyan bits on it. Have that problem too with my volc costumes. The white on the vitakit isn't so pleasant though, it's out of place... but eh, OOO's fault.
It's all great except for the game face- should be volcanic not heavy/toasty. I have a volcanic one if you plan on changing, PM or mail lol.

This is comment #393666

Digitalartificer's picture
Hello! I just wanted to get

Hello! I just wanted to get some input on mah costumes as of now,

This one is my main costume that I have had for quite some time, and by far my favorite out of the ones I have come up with: Main Costume (And if you couldn't tell, it has Prisma Glow Eyes)

The other one was made a bit more recently after deciding that I needed a bit more variety, and as of now it's a bit of a WIP:WIP Costume

Hope you like them, and I look forward to seeing what you think of them :D

Psychodestroyer's picture

"Your costume always made me grind my teeth."

Ouch, I am wounded fatally.

If anyone needs me, I'll be bleeding out in the corner over there.

Not that one, the other one.

Tersakaff's picture


The first one is err... well, it's a mix of 3 colors mainsly.. white black and red.. the chapeau doesn't coordinate with the armor at all, they have no colors in common, and the wings ... well, they would've worked better if the helmet was something else. I presume you were going for a good-evil look there. Seen that before and it's not done so bad here. Just.. the helm not matching. I like the glowy eyes though.

The second one is a bit better. The helmet and armor match, as in, the front of the helmet coordinates with the whites on the armor, even the one on the vita. The PC color ties everything that wouldn't normall match together. Browns fit. Only the greys differ but that's minor. Overall, well done. :)


I'm sorry for being honest! :< You're nice as a person but that won't make me sugarcoat my opinion. I always regreted you didn't have a better look, but hey, if you like that... or maybe not care about looks?

Psychodestroyer's picture

"that won't make me sugarcoat my opinion"

No worries, I didn't expect you to :)

Still, I like it the way it is. I appreciate your opinions though. Keep in mind I was never one for fashion really, even my brother tells me I have terrible taste.

Tersakaff's picture

Good, cause I never do. :P I'm the most harsh person you can find for a critique.

Well that's good, if you like it. ^^

Rommil's picture
rommil approves

this thread. i approve.

A few points of yours that i think are a bit off, or if not off, not fleshed out entirely, in mind of fashion and costumes.

Accessory Clutter


An outfit has the best effect with the least colors- and most importantly, repeated troughout the outfit. As in, we have a yellow on the hands, but we also have it on the ears so that they balance eachother. This requires practice and observation, so you may not get it right from first- but you can always limit your colors, too many is too bad!

Both of these are good points, and surely serve as a decent template for costume making. However, I think it should be mentioned the exceptions to these rules. Mainly being, that while they are to be avoided -in general- when you can pull them off, its truly a fashionable feat!! And looks awesome.

So while the chances for failure are higher, if you DO CREATE A COHERENT costume that has all accessory slots used, or if you can manage to create a uniquely satisfying 3 color-combo costume.. its quite lovely. (i have a red-white-blue themed costume thats quite breathtaking, well it was before i switched colors, lol, now they cyan blue doesn't work for the american flag scheme. still looks nice, but not nearly as much so.)

Also, if you can make costume's that match eachother, thats Next Level fashion at its finest. --see reqy and his matching outfits in volcanic and divine themes.

Well costumed Proto gear is also great XD In this same category would be considered accessorizing rare, unattainabe gear, such as ground breaker.

Michaelb's picture

...Yeah. Some questions that I should have asked earlier...

1. So I take it some armors/Helms aren't as good as others for Costume-making. Take my chaos cloak outfits that I showed you earlier today. They were certainly in the "fancy" line of thought, and almost all colors matched your requirements for fancy... But I still got a no-go. I'm presuming that the Chaos Cloak isn't a very good armor for costume making since it's beyond-a-doubt-fancy, but the red-brown parts on the legs, feet, and hands totally wreck it. Just wondering if that's a good armor to start at perfection with.

2. What on earth are you playing at in the toasty specifications? It looks like you've named every color on the rainbow except for purple and orange personally I'd just go for yellow, if any other colors were wanted by the maker.

3. I'm looking at a mix with Red PC, heavy wings, Chaos Cloak, and fancy accessories otherwise. Is this a good or bad mix, and if bad, what can I do to make it better? Also, what helmet would I go for? Also, I'm partly including the red factor of the outfit to balance out the riddish-brown parts of the Chaos Cloak.

4. What's a good armor to go with if I have a yellow Spiral Sallet and a light blue personal color?

Lastly, as I said earlier, your Owlite Scholar costume may well be THE best outfit created. Flaws mentioned earlier aside, this costume PERFECTLY balances all the colors used. Now don't be modest. 'Gratz!


Korakc's picture
forgot to post when I got home =/

front: http://i45.tinypic.com/nqppbs.png

back: http://i50.tinypic.com/htch7r.png

Not sure if it's good, but I make it reletively cheap.

Serell's picture

Finally got my pictures!
Can't wait for opinions :3

Costume 1-uncomplete, this is just what I have right now

Costume 1-complete, with accessories I don't have yet. Note that I want all those accessories in Fancy, this is just what I could find in the AH at the moment

Costume 2-uncomplete, this is just what I have right now

Costume 2-complete with accessories I don't have yet. Note that I want the vents in Dusky and the sidebalde in either Dusky or Fancy.

Costume 3-uncomplete, this is just what I have right now

Costume 3-complete with accessories I don't have yet. Note that I want the vents to be Dusky and might want to possibly change the Dusky Vitakit into a Fancy Vitakit

Thats all, please tell me what you think :3
Tell me which one is your favorite, I can't choose and it's kinda hard to make 3 costumes at once :o

Aumir's picture
Not bad

But I have to ask, how many crowns should I expect to spend on an outfit? Helm + Armor= 1600CE if 5*, but accessory prices is something I don't quite understand. May I have a list of prices, for example?

Angelic-Tear's picture

This has given me the perfect look for my alt, Feminine Tear. Blazebreak and ruby bomb head, with a personal colour of sky. Glacius and Crest of almire to go with it. Check it out and tell me what you think. True, prismatic valkyire wings would look great, but with it being an alt, that's not likely.

Tersakaff's picture


Yep, but still, I personally prefer outifts with as least accessories as possible. But yes, if you can use all the slots WELL, you can make something pretty. Will add that.

Ground breaker.. what the heck can you put on it? It has no color scheme and I don't see any accessories that can be put on it to have coordinating colors.


1-2.The colors I listed there were off the bat and inaccurate, just for general guidelines, all colors found in toasty armors were listed. Chaos cloak is fancy.

3. Oh god please no don't do that. I haven't even seen it and it's bad already. Chaos Cloak has very few alternatives for matching it nicely. Heavy =/= red PC. Especially dragon wings. It's best to talk about these things in-game where I can preview them better and we can communicate more effectively.

4. Pretty much any regal armor with more yellow.

It's certainly got many flaws and by far not the best. It's just a neat one. :)
No costume can be perfect or the best- because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and there will always be someone to shoot it down with their different views on fashion.


First off, Emberbreak helm has almost no armors it can be matched with due to its heavily twisted or even absent color scheme.
What I'm looking at is a costume split in two. The lower half being dusky and the upper half being... err... a wreck.
The costume is doomed to fail from the start due to the helmet and armor not being the same color scheme thus not coordonating. Find a dusky helmet.
On to the accessories- the lower half isn't so bad, the canteen fits but the vitakit has that white bit every vitakit has which coordinates with nothing so it's just there, being a special kid. Now, the upper half... I see how you've tried to match the eyebrows with your PC however, due to the armor you put it on and the rest of the costume, it's not a good feature. Headband brings in a new color which is not found anywhere else on the costume thus it has to go, it's another special kid.

Yep, that's about it. This is a bad costume, from my technical point of view. Emberbreak was never one of my favorite lines, save for Blaze which actually has a volc scheme. Find another helmet first, then we can talk..


Augh so many. ;-;

First one isn't so bad, The helmets are fancy and all, they match. I've seen it before though, so it's somewhere in the middle on the unique line, not common but not uncommon. Flower seems out of place. If the rest of the accs will be fancy, they'd match so yeah, would be neat. Overall, a neat costume, matchy and all, however not the most unique.

Second one, I've already seen that on someone, however it's not too common. My main problem with is that the helm has a wholly grey color scheme, while the armor is dusky. One grey coordinates but the other is left out, together with the purple of the cloak and those teal-y lines. The orange on the helm doesn't help either. PC makes it a little better though. It's not a bad costume but it's not great either.

Third one.. the armor and helm don't match too well themselves, the head is just too big and.. doesn't. The helm is dusky and armor is fancy. It would be a big ugly hybrid with the accs you mentioned. My best advice is to find a dusky armor. The too-violet bits of the armor, and the pink extremities just ruin it.

My favorite has to be the first one since it's the most eye-pleasing and technically correct.


No you may not have a list of prices, you may go find one, by looking at the AH.
You should expect to spend a consistent amount of crowns on costumes. I recommend going for costumes only after getting all the gear you need, since costumes is just a way to spend money for end-games.


Blazebreak is volcanic and ruby is toasty. They don't match well, so the outfit is doomed from the start. :(

Aumir's picture

How much is "a consistent amount"? Not every accesory is listed in the AH, and I don't want an exact price but a range. I know Prismatic accessories are extraexpensive, but I may be fine with "Regal" ones (yellow personal color)

If you are making this guide, why not also put this? What is the problem with asking this? D: Sorry to "annoy" you.

Also, I AM endgame, I don't have to craft anymore, I may be F2P but I made all my equipment just fine... before the CE market went crazy xD

Tersakaff's picture

Most accessories with a decent price are on AH.
The amount depends. I cannot tell you a price because you're not giving me any data to work with. It's like asking "hey any idea how much would making a house cost?". There's many things that come into the price- the size of the house, here the star of the gear, how fancy should it be- accessories.. so on.

It can be anywhere between 20k to 2 million or more.

Because.. are you seriously asking me to list ALL the prices? XD That's ridiculous. The cost is on your side, the technical actual building is on mine. And no you're not annoying me lol.

Well then start saving up and actually think of an outfit before asking for a price.

Aumir's picture

No problem :) That IS what I wanted to know (and most people won't feel then discouraged by that) as I already knew that some of them cost an arm and a leg, but if with 20k to 2 million is the range, I think that I could make something decent then, thanks!

Serell's picture

I was really hoping you'd like my costumes more.
The first one I know isn't so unique, and I'm fine with that.
i really thought the other two were unique :c

In my opinion the Iron Bombhead really matchs all the metal parts on the Chaos Cloak, and the Dusky Vents will match the other Dusky parts, and because of my personal color it has a purple line at the bottom matching the Chaos Cloaks purple.
And the Backblade is just cool.

The thrid one, I know about my mis-matching color scheme.
I was hoping to hide my armors Fancy with Dusky accessories.
I really think the the hood goes with the Culet nicely.
It's also unique, I've only seen one person with this kind of costume, but they had a Divine Veil and a Divine colored Culet.
I do wish I could change the color scheme of my proto to dusky, though.... :c (hint hint, OOO)

Anyway, thanks.

Serell's picture

I don't have a picture yet, but I got another costume idea.
Chaos Hood + Angelic Raiment + Dusky Valkyrie Wings + Dusky Vertical Vents = Dusky Hooded Angel

I was looking at Pokenuevo's first costume, and it really inspired me :3

Iron-Volvametal's picture

[Post Reserved for Iron Volvametal]

Tersakaff's picture

You're welcome.

Hey, you've asked the most critical, strict, technical, and experienced designer there is!
The other two were a bit less common but they were worse technically.
And yes, some greys do match the metal parts. And you were gonna put dusky vents? I must've missed that. Yeah, that would make it better.
Eh, I personally dislike hood+cullet, but if you like it, go with it! Also err,.... there's no divine cullets...

And the second post; that sounds pretty nice.



Ariasky's picture
The world that the children made

Keep in mind, I didn't use the guide since it didn't exist before, so yeah. Eat them up

1. This is what I usually wear

2. I sometimes wear this

3a. I don't know why, but I feel you are going to cringe at this
3b. And this too

I don't mind being ripped by a lion...