WTB SwiftStrike Buckler Normal Max for 10K CE

WTB SwiftStrike Buckler Normal Max for 10K CE
IGN= Cocosnake

People like him should be baned right away, im sure he wont move it to baazar by himself, the GM will do it. And when he will do it he will leave shadow copy, exactly as OP wanted. So in result his advertisment will spam two places at once with every bump he will do.
This is only explanation because i cant imagine someone being so stupid to not understand:
"General Discussion
Discuss Spiral Knights"
"The Bazaar
Looking to buy or sell your loot? Get shopping!"

He didn't move this to the Bazaar, he just bumped his identical thread already in the Bazaar.

His baazar thread: Sat, 06/09/2012 - 04:38
This thread: Sat, 06/09/2012 - 22:37
So he made baazar thread and then after few hours decided to post another one in wrong forum section?
What a premeditation.

He also put a thread in Arsenal. So it seems time to put him on the ignoring list. Cheers, all.

Still waiting on the thread in Wiki Editors and Bug Reports.
I have exactly what you are looking for...
Except, instead of 10k CE, I want £9000 for it.

Pawn was the one who asked to be banned a lot. Cocosnake just made that rage thread, unless he asked to be banned too.
Welcome back to the game you loathed. Anyways, I don't normally write this: Move to Bazaar