I'm currently working on gearing a bomber set since I like it as an alternative to gunning. This will be primarily for PvE, and it should be noted that less than 10% of my time is in FSC. Most of it is finding danger rooms in clockworks which contain all types of mobs and statuses. At all times I will have two trinket slots and four weapon slots. Assume infinite resources money-wise and a style of gameplay that revolves around stacking mist bombs for heavy DoT, then finishing off whatever is left when the herd is diminished with a sword.
I feel more than funded enough to get CTR VH UVs on all of my bombs, and paired with heat I will have CTR Max on everything. I'm looking for a single set that will allow me to preform the best against all mob types, as the type of mobs in danger rooms are hidden until I get to them.'
Question 1) Armor - Mercurial or Bombtastic?
Because I have no need for CTR, Volcanic Demo would be a waste. Mad Bomber's negative status resistances hurt me a lot, I don't need CTR, and the Bombtastic Demo suit gives me the same damage bonus. This leaves me with Mercurial Mail and Bombtastic Demo.
Both give me the same health and base damage defenses. Mercurial Demo gives me shock resistance and Bombtastic gives me freeze. Even though I rarely play Lockdown, both shock and freeze bombs are used heavily and the bonuses provided by these armor sets is enough to grant immunity. Mercurial gives me a net total of a medium damage bonus and a medium speed bonus where Bombtastic gives me a very high damage bonus. With my two trinket slots, I could save one trinket slot by going for Bombtastic.
Question 2) Trinket - Health, Sword ASI, Sword DMG, or N/A?
If I should go with Bombtastic, what trinket should I use my slot on? I might carry a gun for switches, but most of my damage will be in bomb or sword form. Health would be good to take an extra blow before dying, but would a sword trinket be better for when charging a bomb wouldn't be more efficent health and time-wise than going in with a sword?
Question 3) Armor UVs - Status Resistance or Damage Resistance?
For my armor, I can get enough crowns to get triple maxes on my helmet, armor, and shield. I doubt I would do UFSC often, getting a UV specifically for an extremely rare scenario room is pathetic, and not many monsters stun, so I wouldn't need curse or stun resistance. That leaves me with:
Because I will get either max shock or max freeze from my armor set, I will only need three status resistances. I get normal and elemental defenses from my armor, and I don't think I can shield much while spamming bombs. However, many enemies deal normal damage, so would it be good to go with a normal UV to increase base defenses? Overall, is the bonus from damage-type resistances more or less effective than the status resistances in terms of all-around survivability.
Question 4) Bombs - Which vaporizers compliment each other well for heavy DoT?
I am mainly interesting in stacking as many statuses I can from vaporizers onto the enemies rather than dealing damage with blast-type bombs. Currently, I have picked out Ash of Agni and Voltaic Tempest for two of my vaporizers for their statuses. I also want to bring a sword just in case. If these are bad choices, please let me know.
-Sword (Leviathan Blade/Brandish Line)
-Ash of Agni
-Voltaic Tempest
For my last weapon, I'm stuck. The only other vaporizers (Shivermist, Venom, Stagger) seem ineffective, and the other statuses would cancel Shivermist's freeze out. Nitronome could be good on enemies that are resistant to elemental damage, but the knockback is big. Is the damage on it worth bringing it along? I feel like bringing a gun might be good for switches and explosive blocks might be good too.
:] Thanks in advance. I'm really looking for people that have a lot of experience in bombing outside of FSC!
I would say shock is more detrimental to a bomber, interrupting and immobilizing. Freeze is not as bad to bombers, unless you are being chain freezed.
Health, if you are bombing more than you use swords. But if you were hybriding swords and bombs, with a focus on sword damage, you won't need damage armour for bombs and instead use the ctr uv's you have.
You want status uv's, since damage uv's are not as helpful. Less fire, less freeze, less shock. Any of those are fine, although I would prioritize in the order of shock, fire, and freeze.
Poison is a good bomb to carry around for danger rooms. Consider taking a vortex too, to combo swords or other bombs.
Edit: I was playing LD when writing this, let me be clearer. If you are simply going for haze bomb to debuff/dot mobs, you won't need bomb damage. Aoa fire and vt shock damage does not benefit bomb damage bonus. The initial explosion will increase in damage, but the dot will not.
You specified your gameplay is either dot/status until a few enemies are left, and then finishing off with a sword, or apply status, then whack away with a sword. If you carry a sword in order to finish a floor faster, I have to ask why a dot centered playstyle. It is slow. Regardless, if you wish to dot enemies, a venom veiler will help you deal more damage. If you ever want to deal damage with a bomb, look into dark briar barrage and radiant sun shard. Rss is a 4* bomb, and thus cheap for the extreme damage it deals to fiends and undeads.
But to complement your current weapons, a vortex gathers the enemies together for shock to deal more damage and for you to levi charge/brandish charge into a well made crowd. Electron is the best option, although graviton is fine if you don't want to farm the tokens to buy electron. A venom veiler debuffs attack, very helpful in danger rooms. It also renders menders and silkwings useless. It also debuffs defence, allowing all your dot and sword to deal more damage.