Another add in the series of New DLC. Of course, these will never be implemented, but are just my fantasy missions. Divided by themes, I already used Ice, Poison, and Fire was already used by Seerus. Plus, a new NPC will be introduced!
Mission Description:
Euroclydon: Welcome, Knight! I am pleased to meet you, as legendary as you are. I am Euroclydon, the Lieutenant's apprentice. Unfortunately, we had to meet in these dire circumstances. Desna and her troops made it down to destroy Project: Thunderstorm, a devastating new weapon in the Crimson arsenal which would ionize the water propelling every machine we have in Haven creating a weapon of every tool we use to attack us. Desna fortunately shut it down in great speed, but power down there is still running and she needs your help to escape. They're doing the best they can, but with the notorious Crimson Strategist Skayr on the loose, our team may have ended the project in vain! Find them and find Skayr and bring him to justice!
Emberlight Gremlins and Euroclydon have set up a quick base inside the devastated lobby where Project: Thunderstorm was being created. The place is wrecked and charred from what seems to be a huge battle. However, the elevator still works.
Project Thunderstorm: Liquid Lithium Leakage
A lot of places have been flooded with some clear substances which have been detected as water, but filled with Lithium. It is safe to walk through them, but be wary! Anything that Shocks can easily ignite the puddles with heavy Shock! In some vectors going through corridors, you must shut down water from going through to flooding high-electricity areas so they can filter out and you can safely walk across the water. The place is cooked with battle, and you can see some Emberlight Gremlins on the floor and hurt. In a few areas, you will have to face Rectrodes, Mechaknights, Sparkies, Scuttlebots, and Quicksilvers, but eerily, no Gremlins. Greavers and Silkwings will be scattered, but rare. Shut down some waterways and locate the Lithium sources. When you do, you will find a key to an elevator way back to the beginning of the level, but also know that the Lithium has already been dumped. On the way back, you will find some Mortafires and Quicksilvers swimming in the Lithium-polluted water. Get the elevator and get out of there.
Project Thunderstorm: Ionized Instability
A cutscene will show some Elite Recons fighting far below against Thwackers, Menders, Ghostmane Stalkers, Quicksilvers (T2), and Mechaknights (T3). To get down there, get through the shocked sewage and shut down some Lithium pipes. You will find that some boards one the floor will be broken to show shock pads. Some pads will infinitely shock the water, so some switches will turn them off. Down at the area, there is almost a crater with a fallen, huge shock pillar- the Ionizor. Assist the Recons against wave of Constructs and jellies while fighting Thwackers which regenerate. After a few waves, the entire floor will break away in a cutscene, and the Recons will save you from the horrible fall. The Ionizor, however, will stay in place. Walk on top of the Ionizor towards another room revealing captive Alpha Wolvers and your elevator. Take out the Wolvers and hit some switches to open the elevator. However, you're not going through there! Leaked Lithium will fall along with debris from above and make you walk around. Just a few Rocket puppies in a twisting corridor. Not a problem.
Project Thunderstorm: Control Chamber
When you get down, you will find Desna and a few more troops tied against the wall of a destroyed control chamber. She says that Skayr had a battle with them and ambushed them- but she warns you that it's a trap! Unslashed screens will show Skayr, a glorified Knocker, saying that you have fallen into his little trap, and that he had gone to fix the machine a few floors below where you are, and he will busy you with his security. Almost seven waves of constant mauling will keep your health low, and sometimes the room's lower ground will flood with water. Constructs of every kind, Thwackers, Menders, Scorchers (when you catch fire, you can take it off by running into water), and Ghostmanes, Quicksilvers, and Greavers will constantly respawn wave after wave. You can control whether water will keep flowing or whether you want Silkwings to be released by eight swtches across the room. Unknowingly, you will make it without Skayr seeing you,and you will escape to lower ground with Desna and her Recons.
Project Thunderstorm: Treacherous Trek
You will have to go lower and lower into the facility. Because Desna and her troops are damaged, they will stay back and heal as you try to find the remaining squadron down under and Skayr. The place remains to be a maze, being utterly devastated, with switches either being your safety or your fate. Some will control water, some will control gates, and some will control bridges. You will need your wits as you trek through debris and Undead experiments. You will know you are on the right path by going through three two-phased arenas filled with Shock Dreadnaughts and Gremlins. After going through these, you will either get through an elevator (T1) or fight through several phases (3 for T2, 6 for T3) and find Skayr. Skayr will be slightly larger than a Knocker, but will Lunge, use his two rods to Explode, or tackle you. for him, he will run around and around as he drops Scuttlebots to get in your way. Once he spawns he will press a button which will electrify the place and turn all the lights on- Thunderstorm has not yet been destroyed! He is invincible UNLESS he Explodes and is knocked out IN the electrified pools of water! He needs to have done that two (in T2) or four (in T3) times, and in his final phase, a ton of Mechaknights will be released. Attack him in the shocked pool with weak attacks, like those throwable rockets. In T2, there will be medium-sized puddles, and in T3, there will be small puddles in very strategic spots where you would normally need to get items or control stuff with switches. Defeat him and Desna will report that the Thunderstorm is still active and you will need to shut it down once and for all! Take the elevator and save Haven!
Project Thunderstorm: Eye of the Storm
A cutscene will show a shadowy figure placing the ancient Artifact into a rocket and it jumping in, yelling "All Hail Our Conquerer!" as the rocket flies upward. Euroclydon will run up to you and say that he failed once again to get the Artifact he chased the thing down here for, and yes, he heard the generators running. He will aid Mechaknight-style to get to the Storm Source. You will face the gremlin family running there. Lo and behold, the Thunderstorm!
Boss Battle! The place is completely flooded and the generator in the middle will give out powerful shocks whenever Teslas will get near it. There are four battlepods that will launch upward rockets constantly, and Mortafires and Thwackers will keep you from attacking the Teslas. Four Teslas will approach on their ramps, so you must keep whacking at the poles before they get close enough. There will be six areas when they get to will send out powerful shocks throughout the water. If you fail to keep any of the Teslas from hitting the generator, the game is over and you will fade out like when you enter an elevator, and you will start over from the beginning of the room. They are durable and you must push them back by accessing certain Switch codes or destroy them as they approach the generator. Destroying the Teslas are a must! after that, you have to destroy the now unshielded Battle Pods to hit switches which deactivate the Thunderstorm Generator's shield, and then spam-kill it! Once you are done, ehad to the elevator as the place is being blown to smithereens!
Project Thunderstorm: Aftermath
You reenter the room you started in. Herex will be there and congratulate you, and Euroclydon and Desna will be in a heated conversation. On Euroclydon's side, there will be dialogue saying that he could not save those Recons because he tried to get the generator, and Desna will be arguing that he should have saved the trapped recons first that were in the room before he got to the generator. You will not be allowed to leave until talking to the two, and Desna will give you a shard of Lithium as a souvernir.
So, how was it? :D
New DLC: Project Thunderstorm
Even though I just finished a larger than average sandwich, which is a step down from giant, I should be conscious enough to go over this.
The new trap in this mission is essentially oil, but rather than burning the large area when fire makes contact it spreads shock when charged. This could also apply to freeze, but instead of freezing everything it cause the frozen surface to become slippery. If something has been standing in the not-water when it freezes they are also frozen, but when thawed they slip around on the ice. Many shenanigans may branch from this feature.
A thin hall lines with rocket turrets. Suffering succotash.
This not-water stuff is great. It has a lot of potential, though the idea of using water as a field trap is not a new concept: spreads shock as oil spreads fire, douses fire upon contact, freezes all connecting water if frozen, contaminated if something poisoned touches it. Try not to drink it.
I am not sure what to make of the boss battle. It seems as though the goal is to prevent midgets from activating a machine while playing in puddles while a giant cloud is trying to kill you and everything is vomiting rockets at you. After slaughtering the little morons the party kills a giant cloud. Seems reasonable. Killing a cloud with swords, guns, and bombs. Nothing abnormal here.
The main focus of this mission is the water system, but the rest is alright. May as well index this.
Expansion pack, Seerus.
Costs a few bucks.
We only have one so far.
DLC? As far as i know there is no DLC.
We have only Expansion Mission Packs which are not DLCs.
Not essentially a cloud, but a generator (you're not fighting gas). Otherwise, yes.
it's been referred to DLC for a while. This isn't new. And while I still churn these things out, they will remain known as DLC's to me. You can keep Expansions as the name, but I'll refer it as otherwise. And thank you for bringing such buildable commentary. I've already had this talk in another thread. Now please, get back to the idea :D
I am disturbed by your lack of Devilites. Then again, this does not seem like the time or place for them. One question- why are my Greavers there? It does seem a bit... out of place? Otherwise- seems a little funny we don't have the Crimson "boss" as the boss battle...
"it's been referred to DLC for a while.
Thanks to Steam brainwashing
2 of 5 posts are worth the read. I don't care if it's Steam brainwashing. I'll call it DLC for this series. No other content to build on? Okay then...
If I see another post about "DLC-Expansion" whatnot...
Its only steam which calls Expansion Mission Packs DLCs, both kongregate client and official client dont call it DLC anywhere. When SK is updated even with expansion mission only all players download that data and buying it only unlocks access to it. So in moment of purchase you dont download anything new. Its only a signal to database to let you use something you already have.
Its not just a name, its proof how people can be easly manipulated. The lie repeated many times becames truth. Its a living proof.
There are significantly worse things to get on Steam's case about than misidentifying DLC, Asuka. Things like how it's essentially got a monopoly on the digital platform market and how it's been dominating the F2P FPS market for years with TF2. Really, that just insignificant to the manipulation Valve can actually do.
Since when Spiral Knights uses DLCs (downloadable content)?