Another Expansion suggestion (more like idea that just gives out what thing I would do) by Heavy-Duty. Yerp. I'm thinking that the "Nine Hear All, See All" has to do with Crimson Order Gremlins under different statuses, minus one from the death of Seerus. I had already done the Freezing category Expansion Mission, and Fire has already been done. What are left:Poison, Stun, Shock, Curse, and Sleep (which is broken, but I will use!). With Seven supposed to be used, Two leave for a sequel and Tinkinzar! But oh well. Here it is...
Mission Description:
Had Ur been stalled long enough from a summon capable of ending the Order, there would be no reason to call up the Champions, or the Lieutenant himself. Desna had seen enough in her career to know that Gremlins and the Undead do not get along, but this is utterly different, and much more destructive. She reports that the Champions and Feron have delved into Crimson territory, and in the middle of an experiment. Crimson Necromancer Ekrah has gone into a dark state of mind, not only aiding her fallen comrades, but the fallen in general. Driven mad, she now lurks the graveyards in the Clockworks, and unfortunately, has discovered a new element to exercise her powers. Ur, a long-banished demonic being, has been stopped by the heroes, but Ekrah (and our Champions) have found his burial, and will not hesitate to use her sorcery on the power, or on her new captives. You must go in there, and save our Champions and Lieutenant!
MISSION BAY: Hadn and a few Knights have already gone down to a safe point in this Graveyard. The area is densely covered in shrubs and a few tombstones, and markings all over. he tells you to be careful and bring the Champions out safely!
Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy: Resurgence
This is a classic Graveyard, except with four Grave Rooms instead of two. By the end, you find Gremlin Thwackers allied with Knockers and Menders. take them out to enter a trap, where Ekrah will try to kill you off before you continue. You know- to be dead guinea pigs. She shrouds herself in a dark, unbreakable. self-healing orb as three Trojans allied by her healing and Gremlin Demos. Destroy them to end up fighting four Trojans. After that, she flees quickly, and you could continue on.
Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy: Reawakening
A short cutscene comes in to show Echo, Daxen, and Remi being taken away by Gremlins in the distance. Your team runs through corridors filled with Undead and Gremlin Ghostmane Stalkers. When you get to an open room, one (if T1), two (if T2), or three (T3) Poison Deadnaughts appear with also poisonous Kats and Bombies. Go through that room to encounter another room filled with Poisonous traps and gates that slowly open with time with respawning Lumbers, Mechaknights, Undead, and some Greavers. Endure this fight to continue through more Corridors filled with Ghostmane Stalkers. Eventually, you will enter a very large room where you see fallen Gremlins and the fallen Echo, Daxen, and Remi. Ekrah will come up and tell you that her plan is not done, but she will try to get rid of you as soon as possible. She revives the Champions as her minions, and the door will close. Echo will act as as the classic Swordsman delivering faster, Poisonous blows; Daxen will use his Shadowtech Alchemer and try to stay away from you; Remi will throw bombs all over the place like a crazed Gremlin Demo. Take them out, then revive them to continue on to the next room.
Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy: Resuscitation
Ekrah will shout that she has not been defeated, and that Ur will be under her power. And what do you know. She throws your elevator into a three-branch arena field, one with Archilus, one with Sylvin, and one with Walkon, and if you're in T3, the place is filled with Lost Souls. In Archilus's room, he will have a Poisonous three waves of Constructs and Mortafires and Menders. In Sylvin's room, he will have a poisonous three waves Undead (yes, Deadnoguhts, too if you're in T2 and up) and Greavers and Silkwings. In Walkon's room, he will have four waves of Poisonous Beasts and Toxic Lichen colonies. Revive them to aid you Mechaknight style in a final arena with Knightmare Trojans and a Golden Trojan with Golden Wisps and Shankles. If you're in T2, there will be Menders and if you're in T3, there will be a cursed Deadnought. Defeat the Trojans and other monsters and escape as soon as possible!
Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy: Resurrection
In T2 and up, these rooms are filled with Lost Souls! (In T3, there are Phantoms!) Ekrah will yell in complete outrage that you made it here, but will end you in your place! Towards the South, there is a resurrected Izola who can deal Poison in T3; Eastward there is Zebulon who can deal Poison in T3; To the West Jorin will face you with Poison in T3. Poison Deadnaughts and Gold Trojans litter the place as Menders, Demos, and Mortafires guard Ekrah's prophecy. Eastward, you will face Zebulon who will rapidly bite like a Beast and deal Normal. Unfortunately, he is well guarded by a few Howlitzers as well as Kats. To save Jorin, Mechaknights and Trojans will try to end you. At Izola's, a Cursed (if T3) Deadnaught and Bombies will guard her. Izola will act as a Trojan, Jorin will act as a Mechaknight, and Zebulon will act as an Alpha Wolver. Revive them and take the Keys to unlock the gate to the last elevator!
Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy: Retribution
A Cutscene will appear to show that Ekrah has resurrected Feron along with one (if T1/2) or two (if T3) Poison Deadnaughts and one Trojan (if T1), two Trojan Knightmares (if T2), or two Golden Trojans (if T3). Menders are replaced at the four corners of the room. Ekrah says that she needs some additional sacrifices to revive Ur, a gargantuan, fallen Trojan-like tomb in the middle of the room! Feron points his fallen blade at you!
Boss Battle!Feron acts like a much faster Arkus, and will shield when he could (if T3)! Sometimes, he will drop a dark Nitronome to keep you away. He will not hesitate to take out his darkened Valiance to destroy you, either! Dodge the Trojans, stay away from the fancy Totem Ur is, and take out Feron! Feron would revive when near Ur's tomb or near a Deadnought. He has three phases when you kill him out of Rez area. First Phase, he's normal. In Phase Two, you must throw a fire at him and attack him there. In Phase Three, Feron would start using Charged Valiance, throwing Nitronomes, and charging his Leviathan (only sword at T1, both sword and gun in T2, and all three in T3). Once you defeat Feron, he will say he is fine, but did not expect Ekrah to attack him with such ferocity. Continue on to find Ekrah on top of a giant Tombstone surrounded by Shadow Fire. The Cutscene will show that she will not let you pass, and she throws something a little like Dark Matter and destroy the ceiling, causing the entire place to fall apart, but when the vision returns to Ekrah, it will show that she has fled. Hadn will come to you and show you to the elevator! Get out of there!
Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy: Aftermath
This room shows floating orbs showing two (or three if you have beaten Trezek) blank while the others shine. This place looks a little like a science lab, but much more abandoned and markings all over. Feron will tell you that the Champions have returned, and thank you for your valiance. Herex will appear and say that all is not done, but you have stalled one of the most ferocious things to happen. He thanks you.
Please leave comments! :D
New DLC: Return of Ur- Part 2: Crimson Necromancy

Added it to my index, too busy being distracted/kidnapped by Wakfu.

This sounds super epic. I like the idea of using the HoH knights as enemies. I find a problem with your use of Gold Trojans though; They're invincible, that's why they're gold.

Do Menders need electricity to revive anyone? However that would be an interesting concept...
I think you don't need to smite Gold Trojans to move on to the next room. Try to ignore them. :)

I like it, but why would you suggest something as DLC content? DLC is the most annoying thing I've ever seen put into any video game. It's the reason I'm not gonna buy halo 4 for gods sake (well that and it takes up 75% of standard Xbox memory for multiplayer)

Expansions are called DLC by most of the community.

@Orangeo: +1
@Tohru: what are you talking about, that is just a fact how is it ./epicfail ?

I'm guessing since Orangeo rejoined recently, he doesn't remember/know some of the new terms.
And thought Heavy meant the downloadable content "DLC".

It's just a phrase used to describe Operation Crimson Hammer. You have to pay for it, but there is no downloading involved. It's been here. If OCH goes free and paid for otherwise in-game, then the name would change. But for now, the nickname stays.

"Expansions are called DLC by most of the community."
Herp derp that's what I waaas calling them. OCH is called a DLC pack.
Also, I've been back for a fair amount of time, I've already joined a new guild and ran a shadow lair to make arcane armor.
Coming from gremlins, I'd imagine somethign more like frankestein with shock instead of poison and improvised laboratories inside old houses instead of graveyards. Less talk about dark forces and necromancy.
But could be considered an obivous cliche that way.