This is the story of a young knight named Sarah as she finds more about cradle, after the disastrous event of the skylark crash. She will have to find a way to ensure the survival of the spiral knights. Just a warning, this is my darkest fan fiction yet. Don't ask why.
Prologue: Crash Landing
Skylark, 5:21 PM
Sarah was walking around the Skylark. Other knights were going around, talking and discussing the planet they were orbiting. "This is a great place to have an infinite source of energy!" She overheard. "Of course, with what we have, we need to find a way to create a path from our home planets to here." Another knight said. Suddenly, a broadcast came on. "This is your captain, we are experiencing weak turbulence, please stay calm." The broadcast declared.
"That's a relief." Sarah said, wiping some sweat off her forehead. Suddenly, the skylark started rocking to it's side. "Aaah!" She yelled, as she fell down to the floor by the intense rocking. Several other knights fell down. "Emergency! Extreme turbulence detected!" An alarm sounded.
In the cockpit, the pilots were having trouble controlling the plane. "Stabilize it!" Captain Ozlo ordered. "Sir, we can't! It's out of control!" One of the pilots said. Ozlo ran towards the control panel and flicked a switch. Beside it was "Stability Engines". The ship activated two jet engines attached to the sides, and the ship began to stabilize.
Sarah got up and saw it wasn't rocking anymore. Everyone else got up. "That was terrifying!" She exclaimed. Then, she saw a massive explosion, throwing her to the ground. A stability engine had exploded from an overload, because Ozlo had increased the output beyond it's capabilites. Several knights caught fire from the blast. It was a horrifying sight. She began to crawl away from the explosion and got up and ran. "This is Captain Ozlo. Everyone needs to evacuate. I repeat, everyone needs to evacuate! Head for your rank escape pods!" Ozlo broadcasted.
Ozlo and the pilots went for an escape pod hidden in the cockpit. He shut the door and pressed a button to deploy it. The pod unlocked from the cockpit and began to fall. He prayed for the safety of Wegner and Feron. Then he saw the two, in their pod, falling.
Sarah ran past the stasis chambers and ran towards the escape pods. She quickly opened the door and ran in, but then some other apprentice knights ran for her pod too. They got inside. Two males and a female had hidden with her. "Okay, this is too full, I'm closing the door and deploying it." One of the females said, closing the door and pressing the "DEPLOY" button. They watched from the window as other pods fell, and the skylark started descending at a straight angle. A stasis chamber, attached to the cockpit was sheared off as the skylark caught fire. It and the cockpit flew off into space.
The knights who didn't make it to the pods began to be flung towards the back of the ship, mostly apprentices, recruits and squires, and then the ship began to accelerate very fast. Then it crashed into the ground, causing a very powerful explosion that killed everyone who didn't get to the pods.
Sarah felt immense pain, because she felt her mom and dad die in the explosion. The pain knocked her out, as the escape pod caught fire, and began to enter the atmosphere. It caused a gaping hole in a cloud and crashed into a canyon face.
Sarah felt herself floating in an immense white void. She couldn't move, or feel anything. She saw her parents. "Don't be down, sweetie. We will carry our love for you to the very end." Her mom said. "Make sure to take care of yourself in the future, Sarah." Her dad said. "Now, wake up from your dream, sweetie, and take our love for you with us." Her mom said again. She watched as a fireball bursted behind them, engulfing them. "NO!!" Sarah shouted.
Then she blacked out.
Crash Site, 7:27 PM
"Wake up! Are you going to lay here and sleep?!" A male kept shouting at her. She opened her eyes with a flash and sat up, gasping. The male was wearing a Spiral Pith Helm and Cuirass. The others were stuck in the pod, scared to come out.
"Ariel, stop being a scaredy kat and come down!" The knight shouted at the female. Ariel jumped down. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yes..." Sarah said. "We need to take our pod and hide somewhere safe. The sun is setting." The knight still in the pod said.
He began banging on the wall, causing the pod to fall from the face and crashed onto the ground. He fell out. "What's your name?" Ariel asked. "Sarah." Sarah responded. She got up and looked in the pod. Several kits with the words "Emergency Equipment" on it. She pulled them off the racks and gave them to the others.
"I'm Tristan." The spiral pith helm knight said. "Derek." The other male knight said. They opened the kits. Proto Shield, Swords and Guns were inside. "Too bad there's no bombs." Tristan said.
Then the sun fell. And night time began.