I will try to answer all questions as soon as I can.Ask away!!!
I will try to answer all questions as soon as I can.Ask away!!!
1. I just want to help new knights.
2. I'm best as a swordsman but, know plenty about hybrid, gunsling, and bombing.
3. Free chioce
4. No
5. I plan on working on this thread more than I play.
What type of defense should I bring to vanduke itself?
Wich armor(s) is(are) better on UIMF?
Whats a well rounded set for unknown passage?
Tips on beating Termianl Meltdown?
How can I kill Arkus withotu taking damage?
Why is the Return of Ur so hard?
Can i kill a Blarful with a DVS?
Should I pick a tortodrone or devilite?
How many steps are there in FSC?
What is FSC?
How long does it take you to finish IMF?
How long did it take you to solo all the shadow lairs?
Can i have ce?
How can you be a pro if you stare at threads more than you actually play?
Why was your pro gunslinger thread so bad?
Why is this thread so bad?
What are your accomplishments, if any?
What is your typical loadout?
What weapon is best pony?
What is the best swordie armor against fiends?
What is the best loadout ever for FSC?
What accidentally the whole question pro?
Snarby set with fire and stun UV
Grey set
I don't actually do the clock works so idk
Bring a lot of fire resist
You have to dodge very well and its easiest if your gunning
It's not hard just get a good group learn to dodge
Depends on skill
Ok that's it I'm only answering to new knights that actually need to know!!!!!!!!!
Newcomers have no idea what they are supposed to ask or have already read through the many guides listed in this thread because it has been permanently pinned on the top of the list and specifically says "useful links for new knights" rather than "ask someone some stuff". Basically, this thread was a waste of time to begin with. I was just waiting for something to actually happen in case anything came out of it.
Meh, what Linguistics said.
If you're only answering questions for new people who need to know, you might as well prove you can by answering a few of our questions first. And considering you think that Unknown Passage is normal clockworks and have no idea what's in it, doesn't help your case that you're a "pro".
I don't trust gremlins and people who live in boxes.
Is op one of those swordsmen armour or nothing kind of guys?
Can i be pro if i spam a credit card?
You may not trust us, but we will still be hiding in your closet tonight.
My avatar is a vague reference to something in my fan fiction here though I began writing it far after I chose to use the image. I must be psychic. Or psychotic. Whichever the people in white lab coats said.
I think I can say with certainty that you do not qualify as a "pro"
You're just jealous this hoodie doesn't come in your size.
I will only acknowledge you as a pro if I ever see you play in Clockworks.
Alternatively: You. Me. Operation Crimson Hammer, third tier.
Please leave your IGN after the -
Oh yeah, to answer everyone else's questions -
Possibly here, but probably not in the OP. Or, for that matter, in me.
Devilite. Devilite all the way.
Far too many, I get tired being carried all the way up the steps. Love Puppies don't have legs, what do you mean I'm heavy?!
FSC - Flaming Slag Coffin
With or without lag? My personal best for the actual boss fight was 3 minutes 18 seconds, since Divine Avenger makes it uberfast. I could probably do it a bit faster since I wasn't handling the rockets particularly effectively, though. The official record was somewhere in the region of one minute.
I haven't soloed all the shadow lairs. I haven't done any shadow lairs. I've never professed to being pro enough to do them, just a somewhat decent player with enough experience to get by.
Sure you can have CE. Pay me for it.
I'm not pro though! And I don't stare, I type. There's an important distinction. D:
It was bad because... uh... well, it didn't really do a very good job of explaining anything. There were no techniques described. Captain-of-Skaia did a much better job without being as pretentious, tbh.
It has bad grammar. Obviously this explains all.
His avatar is wearing Vog, despite his name. It's plausible he's a Swords or GTFO guy, although obviously if he's a pro gunner then he's just doing it all to be ironic.
His achievements are posting in forums giving opinions lots. As for me, I do... uh... pretty much the same thing. Except I'm not a pro. Oh, and I was masochistic enough to take more mathematics exams than should really be healthy.
Uhm, it varies, but I regret to say I'm using the generic Divine Veil/Skolver Coat/BTB combo, because I am skint. It sometimes has a side order of Vog thrown in, too. I also have a wand that casts Snarbolax Nommus and shiny swords with neon light auras, but I only regret upgrading the purple one. Oh, and there's the hammer and all the assorted 4* bombs and guns which aren't worth talking about (apart from Dark Retribution).
...Hammer is best pony, because Hammer has Hammer Dash that would be a rainbow dash if they ever made a Nyancat Aura or included that confetti cannon that got talked about. No other weapon would count as a pony.
Best sword armour versus fiends would be either Snarbolax or Heavenly Iron, depending on what status resistances/bonuses you want. Just don't stand too close to that Trojan if you're pretending to be a lightning rod - whoops, too late.
Best armour is obviously GM armour.
I accidentally the thread.
Sure, if you pay an asn guy to play for you and heat up that gear. Anything is possible with enough money!
I think you meant to link this particular post.
If you are serious about the T3 Seerus run I want to jump on the bandwagon; not to test the other person, but to play the mission. I had to solo to get the parts for my T3 mask back when the expansion was new while T2 and T1 had an abundance of people. The mission is fun to do, though Menders can be grating at times.
I am going to leave this on the table as well.
Sure I'll do a t3 Seerus run, if you're free on Monday 23rd, 9 AM - 12:30 PM BST. I don't know what time you work by.
And yeah, I wasn't sure of how exactly to link to a particular post. x.x
I will admit that I'm not especially experienced with the expansion, although I have had a successful run before.
I'd quite like to bring my Fiery Atomiser to heat, if not for the fact that almost everything in there is either fireproof (Red Rovers) or fire retardant (gremlins in general). Ah well.
I should be able to get on for that time, preferably in the early side. For us Americans it would be around evening at that time, convenient to sit down and mow down some gremlins. It makes up for the gremlin based fanfiction with horrible storylines and uninteresting characters which goes nowhere so the original poster gives up only to make another one the next day or so.
Bring it if you want to heat it and can spare the weapon slot. I plan to bring my dumb Silent Nightblade as a sword when I prefer Gran Faust but I want to upgrade it. If you think I will forget about our little date, which I probably will, feel free to send some mail or something. If I can find a sticky note I can post it above my monitor in bright red letters.
Until then, my hands are lightening up on my Sentenza.
AFAIK, only the glamethrower guys are flame-retardant. It works fine on everything else, but is especially good on the ninjas and mortars.
Hmmm... I thought there were fire-themed Retrodes and Scuttlebots, but I might have been wrong. The alternative would be a Plasma Cap, but tbh Gremlins are resistant to the damage either way you look at it. I'll probably bring the cap, since at least that will inhibit the ninja gremlins' movement.
I have a Gran Faust and Vog Cub that could do with the heat, at any rate.
No, there are some fire constructs, but they're few and far between. Something like 2 fire retrodes, a fire lumber, and a couple of fire scuttlebot. There's a fair amount of gun puppies and rockets, though.
As you can tell, the general public does not take well to people who make threads that revolve around the Opening Poster, even if the apparent intent is helpful and selfless. The fact that that thread would revolve around you makes everyone suspicious.
If you want to help others (new recruits) with questions they have, your efforst are better directed in answering their questions as they are posted, as opposed to asking them to post in your own thread.
Hopefully this thread hasn't deterred you from answering other people's questions in their own thread!
How much money have you made over the course of your professional Spiral Knights career?
I like the arguement dukeplatypus,luguiru and storm shooter xD
My question any tips in LD storm?
I just remembered I was supposed to be on a couple hours ago for that Seerus run.
If you are reading this, I am not going to make today/night/something to do with time of day because of stuff. Stuffy stuff. Stuff that can be put in other stuff to make it double stuffed. I heard you like stuff so we took some stuff and put it on your stuff so there can be stuff while there is stuff. What am I doing, stop that. I logged in just now to check if I missed anything and it said the last time you were logged in was a few hours ago so I should be in the clear. Until I am caught and beaten with ducks I am going to hide in the closet.
Translation: He's rolling in mud again.
...you're terrible. :B
I completely understand stuffy stuff. Unfortunately, all that stuff in stuff is getting rather meta. It's okay though.
Regrettably I can't say for certain what time I would be available on any other day of the week but Monday. The Mondays are the only ones I am normally certain about, although I will probably be free for some of next week in addition.
I guess we can arrange things later.
Also, get out of my closet. You are not a shoebox. The ducks will be hunting you down.
...this thread has really gotten derailed, huh...
Do grems truly resist fire? They seemed to burn up just fine when I played OCH. Hmm.
I seem to remember reading somewhere that they resist fire, and don't take as much damage from it, but I'll check it out. I don't think they take much damage from it when I throw vials at them, but I would need to test it against other creatures in order to be absolutely certain. The wiki doesn't seem to be very forthcoming on this front, merely stating that the fire-causing Gremlins are not completely immune to fire.
To the Gremlin Arena! D<
Edit: Jelly cube took 9 damage per tick, a gremlin mender on the same level to 6. Will run more tests.
We can take it slow, baby.
Did I just type that?
Try not to worry about the run. We can run it whenever the opportunity comes up.
My avatar is a reference to something in here completely unrelated to shoes. I am in your closet to jump out when you are sleeping to yell "happy birthday". No one expects a box to speak to begin with.
For the fuzzy little knuckleheads, it is possible that they have fire and/or shock resistance due to their own shield (Darkfang) having resistances to both. It is also possible my feet are backwards.
On a completely unrelated note of all the unrelated topics which this thread has been redirected to, I plan on doing dramatic readings of Spiral Knights fanfiction soon. All of two or three people who care to listen can hear me read one of the countless generic hero stories while giving my own commentary. I will make a thread for it in the "treasure" section linking my channel and videos. Exquisite.
I just thought I'd point out... Vanaduke himself does no shadow damage. His summons do some, however. I wouldn't consider Snarby set that good against him; Vog (or other fire/ele armors) is pretty good against him.
Vanaduke is 1 floor out of 5. The shortest of the 5 floors too. Dont have 90% of our items chosen specifically for 20% of FSC.
Vanaduke is not a Fiend. Vanaduke does not do shadow damage directly. You have no idea what you're talking about. You are not a "pro". Stop it.
I am going to copy-paste what Storm-Shooter replied to Halifix in this post.
"Wrong, Vanduke=Fiend=Shadow damage=You wrong."
You get nothing. You lose.
Also, Vanaduke is resistant to element damage while weak to pierce in non-mask stages. I wonder what that sounds like. During his mask stages the mask is neutral to all damage but is somewhat resistant to all specialized damage types (pierce, element, shadow). Using a pure normal damage weapon against the mask will deal untouched, unreduced damage. If the mask is inflicted with poison and you use a specialized weapon it will deal neutral damage while the poison is in effect.
This thread got even better. I didn't think it was possible.
Vana is a fiend? Vana does shadow damage? Stop, you're killing me.
...evidently the pro has never done Vana runs before
either that or he's just so pro he's never been hit by Vana ever.
Guess which one is the correct answer! (No prize available.)
And yeah, Vanaduke looks sort of beast-like. I mean... he's big. And hairy. Like a big hairy Wolver that wants hugs. Daww.
On a final and more Seerus note, any questions posed in this thread will be answered properly to the best of our ability, for as long as this thread stays out of the Graveyard, even if the OP vanishes or something. We promise.
Someone is going to ask these eventually.