Notice this:
Why would you make my people surrounded in ice? You know lizards are cold blooded, you've made Tundralisks forever uncomfortable.
Notice this:
Why would you make my people surrounded in ice? You know lizards are cold blooded, you've made Tundralisks forever uncomfortable.
dont leav, gaiz! dis is totes seerus!
Why do people keep poisoning me?! They want me to kill my comrades! /e weeps uncontrollably.
But I have no idea what are ye talking about? :<
You could say...
OOO has...
A Heart of Ice.
One of the armor descriptions says that chromalisks are flattered to be turned into armor.
So being put on ice is probably some form of honor.
You're telling me, those Dread Knights took away all my powers. I can't even use my wand as a backscratcher anymore or they put me on welding duty.
My employees have to work in infernal, arctic, gaseous, and high voltage environments to get their work done, even AFTER they get fired.
Three Rings is still sick for making monsters bear such terrible conditions. As if I don't put my employees to work bad enough already.
I know... the working conditions are terrible. At least the knights have to compete with your healing, menders... we're are a joke compared to you, we don't have shields, healing circles, and we can't even heal each other. Heck, we can't even dodge hits very well. Do you know how many devilites have made fun of me at fiend parties? Saying that I don't measure up to the other fiends... I hardly even go any more. At least the lumbers are more sensitive.
Shuffle shuffle shuffle shuffle, shuffle. Shuffle shuffle.... (Noobs whack at me every single day, and I gotta take it over and over again. I hate Proto Guns...)
Tundralisks are HIGHLY ADAPTED variations of Chromalisk, and are totally cool with BEING COOL (lol). Seriously, check out the feathers they get at deeper depths.
Now, if you put a Salamander in a Cooling Chamber level, then that'd be cruel. least you can reliably heal your allies.
I give all my love to knights, even though it doesn't always reach them.
All I get in return is a Combuster charge to the face.
If they just wanted my necklace, they could just ask...
; o;
But isn't putting Chromalisk's in monster boxes cruel?
^ in an ice theme level?
If theyhave feathers, are they relatives of Snipes? :o
It does me good to hear you complaining about your jobs, this means I now have a good reason to put you out of your misery. I'll be seeing a few of you at the devilish drudgery, and the rest of you I shall meet with in colder regions
/cracks knuckles
Be ready.
Shuffle, shuffle Shuf'fle shuffle shuffle, shuffle sh*ffle, Shuf'fle Shuffle shuffle Shuffle!
(I'm serious, if we Shufflebots don't get an upgrade soon, we'll go **** berserk, and Asimov's Second Law can go to Dark City!)
DOCTORSPACEBAR, why you no say SUNSHARDS anymore! >:( ANGRY FACE :((((((((((((((
At least you do something like heal allies or kill knights before you die! I'm a near extinct species doing nothing until I get mercilessly murdered by knights. TT.TT
Don't ignore this, this is serious (;_;)