[HOT Deals!!]
1. Wise Owlite Shield: Normal [Low] - 1.25k ce (reminder: non UV versions go for 750ce). Upgrades to Grey by request.
2. Ash Tail Cap: Freeze [High] - taking offer as Ash (reminder: non UV versions go for 750ce). Upgrades to Vog by request.
3. Wolver Cap: Stun [Med] - 450 ce
4. Dusker Cap: Freeze [Low] - 275 ce
5. Wolver Coat: Freeze [low] - 150 ce
6. Ash tail Coat: Poison [Med] - 1.25k ce
Also accepts crowns at current market price, [100ce:4500cr]
Wolver cap/coat - 3k
Dusker cap/coat- 9.5k
Ash Tail cap/coat - 32k
[Recent Transactions]
Wolver Cap: Stun [Low] - 150 ce [sold]
Wolver Cap: Shadow [Low] - 350 ce [sold]
Wolver Coat: Normal [Med] - 1.5k ce [sold]
Dusker Coat: Curse [Low] - 250 ce [sold]
Wolver Coat: Shock [Low] - 200 ce [sold]
Wolver Coat: Posion [Low] - 150 ce [sold]
IGN: Nphostrike