These were done in the same run... I olny just remembered that I can record after the first two floors... x3
Keep in mind that they are Control bombs. Do you see me waltzing through the Crowd? Yep, control.
Zombie wave spawner... Only 1-2 hits i think... What? It's hard to watch EVERYTHING at once!
I finished this bit in... 40 seconds?!? With a Level 3 Bomb? What?
Now then... I do want to point out, these shardbombs do show that OOO -Can- balance properly.
Cue "lolwat" "u stpid" ect.
The reason why? Take a look at this:
Compared to a Combuster charge, those results are meh. Even with the Combuster being split normal/ele and dealing a useless status, It can still clear each wave in 1-2 charges if the monsters ride the wave. I think those videos just show that the bombs are not completely useless. I still wouldn't call them effective.