We got stuck since a wolver teleported out of reach forcing to call a GM. Shortly after GM Hyperion arrives and goes hunting!
Poor poor wolver but he had to be sacrificed :(
We got stuck since a wolver teleported out of reach forcing to call a GM. Shortly after GM Hyperion arrives and goes hunting!
Poor poor wolver but he had to be sacrificed :(
If only I could do something about this video...
Alright, let's see, to replace Enclavean's music with mines, mute his video volume, and click to the link and play the video.
Enjoy watching Hyperion hunting wolver with this song.
Holy #%& i just noticed that one myself! The ban stick did 9,936 damge O_O
@Thunderbog: That made me laugh :P
Almost tempted to whip up a second version of the video with that song. (Forum exclusive :O)
*5 mins later*
where did ye come from where did ye go~
where did ye come from where did ye go. hey!~
That is a very very spectacular video!!
Good job mate!!
This is very challenging vs. my GM video playlist! ;)))
Where'd ya come from where'd ya go, where'd ya come from Cotton Eye Joe?
@Coolnew Thanks there, and whats your GM playlist? Im curious =P
@Vokster /wave
@Thunderbog Bad, BAD Thunderbog! Enc has enough songs stuck in his head D:
Admit it, Truxton dropped ye hard~ :3333
(so did I got bit by the hellhound. <3)
Haha nice. XD
Must feel pretty awesome to be a GM.
Dat damage.
/throws another rock at Thunderbog. KEEP THE CHANGE >:)
/wave Tersa-kun :3 - GM's probably get bored of their OP'ness pretty quick lol. If us normal knights want a similar experience go do Snarby with DAT 5* toothpick and skolver. xD
I wanna do a Spiral Knights music video with GANGNAM STYLE D: (Lemme just figure out how the heck i will pull it off)
I had it stuck in my head since it had 28 mil views.... 4 days ago. Now its got 41 and counting....
On a side note, here is some uber secret "forum-exclusive" behind the scenes: http://i.imgur.com/mD5Ww.png
Hyperion <3
That maniac. I hope I don't end up dancing in the street with those moves. ;n;
REEEEE-JECTEEEED! By Hyperion! d(^w^)b
I wonder if GMs have a special LD place all for themselves... Bansticks flying all over the place while they zoom around the whole map at that speed. o.o
DANG Hyperion did 9k damage :OOOO
This happened to me one time with a gremlin mender. It revived its buddy outside of the arena, and we couldn't get to it because it ran off as gremlin menders do. This is kind of different though, as you could have triggered the wolver to teleport back inside by shooting at it. Good job on tricking him though if you did (there is always the chance that I am wrong), I commend you on that, even if it is rather... I'll stop here.
Wow, normally i'd never post on the forums via my phone since im in class but this i have to reply to.
Im really #&@!ing offended at that accusement. Before we called Hyperion we spent about 20 mins running around shooting in random directions to find the wolver with no results. Please take you and your false accusations and gtfo of here. Seriously dont even post in my threads. You touched possibly the one subject that would make me snap publicly in these forums.
If you could see it to point it out to him, then you could hit it to get back in, or at least kill it to move on at the high price of ~100 cr. You wouldn't happen to have a video of your party shooting at it to get it to come back, would you? Why would that "make you snap" any way? Its no worse than spammily crafting crystal bombs to get UV tickets...I just have a hard time believing that a wolver would somehow manage to leave the bounds and then forget that you were there. They've never lost focus when I've fought them.
Fehzor, who was not there, knows better than the people who actually were there, as well as Hyperion, who probably answers dozens of requests like this every day.
A true expert. /salute
Banstick damage is OVER 9000!