Granted you destroy him by holding a bomb next to his left ear. Then you realize you're holding a live bomb. It explodes.
I wish I had one of them Swedish alpine horns.
Granted you destroy him by holding a bomb next to his left ear. Then you realize you're holding a live bomb. It explodes.
I wish I had one of them Swedish alpine horns.
Granted with glee. A steinbock rams his horn into your abdomen.
I wish I had a cinnamon bun right now.
Granted, but cinnamon is poisonous to Gremlins
I wish I had a Hamburger with nothing in it
You're starving to death and you need 500 calories in the next 4 seconds to survive. Bread rolls contain 499 calories.
I wish I had friends.
Granted. This is what your friends are like. o_o
I wish I was at the X-games.
Granted, and David Wise was glad you were there too. He broke his skies during practice so he cut your legs off and used them to win the superpipe.
I wished snipes were real.
Snipes become real, but their helicopter flying method causes their wings to become tangled up and distorted.
I wish I was never born (how do you corrupt that?)
Granted, you're still on your mother stomach.
I wish to destroy all types of papayas including Xxpapaya
I wish fleet would stop trolling
Granted. Fleet got very active, freely post the most interesting posts ever, taking over the forum.
I wish time would stand still for a while.
Granted. Time stands still, but you are immobilized and still age. You exit the time loop after spending fifty years frozen in a single position, never eating, drinking, or moving at all. You exit the time loop an old person.
I wish for less idiots in the suggestions forums.
Granted, the idiots are now in Gremlin Chatter
I wish I would never age or die
Granted, you're trapped under a rock for the rest of your live.
I wish to corrupt all wish.
Granted and in doing so you make Doom-Xx spit coffee on his keyboards.
I wish people had tails.
Granted, their tails decided to conquer your face.
I wish the post below corrupts my wish.
Granted, the wish is corrupted for -9 seconds causing a paradox that kills u
I wish I bought a completely normal Brandish at the AH
Granted, you buy it for 1mil cr.
I wish for Crack the Sky in The Binding of Isaac to actually hit things.
Granted, you can kill yourself
I wish my IPad is faster
Granted, but your Ipad explodes.
I wish to buy 100 ce with only 1 crown.
Granted, you also got banned for scamming.
I wish I could go para sailing today.
Granted, you're shooten by an unknown sniper. The whole world becomes panic because of this incident, arm sellers becomes bankrupt because of this incident, the whole world economy is failing everywhere. USA decides to blame it to England, then world war 3 happens and humans become extinct.
I wish you didn't make that wish.
But I did and England blamed France. The French Prime Minister blamed Canada. Canada closed the US border and Niagara Falls. The Mexicans trying to make their way north blamed the black drug gangs. The drug gangs quickly make homemade weapons which sell world wide and give the gangs all the world's wealth and political power. The US' next president is named "Choke". The Prime minister of France is "Shady". The Queen of England, "Spreads".
I wish I could rewrite history.
Granted, you're forget to include your parents in history while you rewritten them so you don't exist anymore.
I wish you don't forget to include your parents in history.
Oh, I remembered them all right. :P
Let's see...
Dad gave me that $100 I asked for. Mom let me ~coughssleepoveratSuzie'scough~ that night we had Coldplay tickets.
I wish I had a pony.
Granted, your pony eat your brains.
I wish Iamnoone would stop ruining the forums.
Granted, the Trojans convince themselves to mind control knights. Now the gremlins and knights becomes their slaves. AND recently the humans conquer Isora and a human shouts "Hahahahaahahaha, knights are N00bs and we conquer Isora with our 1337 skillz. Life for the humans and dead to the knights!".
I wish to divide 1 by zero.
Granted. The calculator you used gets angry at you at mauls your face with its buttons.
I wish I had a mini trojan for a pet.
Granted, the trojan at first follows your commands and acts like an OP battle sprite, but eventually it rebels against you and kills you in your sleep.
I wish I could barf rainbows as a charge attack for the Cautery Sword.
Granted, but the rainbows kills you.
I wish Klipik is not as annoying as Na'vi.
Granted, is more annoying.
I wish a girl scout, selling cookies, would knock on the door.
Granted, but what if the cookie is poisonous?
I wish to turn this thread into youtube comments.
Granted. But they sound like this.
Iam: Rububububub thunddddderruububbub
Unstable: rainbow vomit, for real
I wish That never happened.
Granted the last 2 posted disappeared.
I wish a girl scout, selling cookies, would knock on the door.
Granted, but the scout girl take you as a hostage.
I wish turn this forum into 4chan.
Everyone leaves because they hate 4chan.
I wish you would tell me why you think I'm annoying.
As Fleet's about to speak he gets blown away by the girl scout.
The girl scout bakes Fleet's body into her cookies.
Granted, but the wish is for Iamnoone to die.
I wish all Grimalkins could turn into harmless Mewkats.
Granted, but the left-over mass from each trasformation turns into greavers.
I wish that I was omniscient with full control over all the knowledge I possess, and all the other faculties I possess now, otherwise unchanged.
Granted, your mind exploded.
I wish everyone grammar is not worser everyday.
Granted, but everyone having better grammar drives you to insanity. You now live in a cave, tired of all the Grammar Nazis.
I wish everyone in Spiral Knights had a Black Kat Cowl. Oh, except for Doom-Xx for keeping you hostage in the I stole the cookie thread.
Granted, everyone is taking Doom-Xx as a hostage.
I wish Vinnydime write his unwritten rules in The Fangs.
Granted. Sike!
I wish I could find a Dark Rituals book...
Granted, Nick deletes the game.
I wish you post on my thread.
I wish Nick made the Dark Rituals book a little easier to obtain.
Granted, you're thrown to a jail for 50000000000 years.
I wish i take Nick as a hostage.
Granted, no one noticed we didn't get an update on Wednesday. By Thursday he had eaten so much, you tried paying us a ransom to take him back.
I wish Nick would give us water balloons to through at people in non-fight areas of sk like haven and guild halls.
Granted, but everyone raged quitted.
I wish everyone is banned
I wish my corruption of Fleet's wish was x2