Recon Armor Costumes and Danger Mission Rewards

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Klipik's picture

Danger Missions are supposed to be an extra challenge and to break the monotony of running FSC all day erryday, right? They also have low crown payout, are playable only once a day, and have strict joining party rules to make sure you don't exploit them. To make up for this, they give you a lot of prestige.
I say this is not good enough. If these missions are supposed to be extra difficulty and not necessarily profitable (similar to Shadow Lairs), give them a better reward. Something that says to everyone, "I completed this really hard mission". The easiest way to do this is with costumes, since they can stand out from the crowd and no one has to worry about balancing issues, or even creating multiple versions of the item.

So, you ask, what costumes would be rewards for a danger mission? The answer is simple: Recon Armor!

All the Danger missions have the same basic premise: a problem arises deep in the clockworks, and the Elite recon rangers are called to deal with the threat. Then Desna invites you to come along for the ride. She basically gives you honorary membership into the Elite Recon Rangers. After proving that you have what it takes to be a part of the ERR, Desna should give you a set of armor marking your official membership as a Ranger.

How getting the armors would work:
After completing a danger mission, knights would receive 1-4 tokens, similar to Boss Tokens. However, instead of getting a different amount of tokens based on how much of the mission you played, you MUST have completed the WHOLE MISSION to get ANY tokens, and the amount of tokens you get is instead based on how many people are in the party. This makes it more of a reward the harder the mission is. 1 token each of you did it with a full party, 2 for each if you did it with three people, 3 if you did it with two, and finally 4 for soloing. This way, you can obtain rewards faster (and therefore, must be better at the mission) if you can manage to solo it every time. The tokens would be placed at the end of the second level, after the final room but before the elevator to the Treasure level. After collecting enough tokens, they could be taken to Desna (somewhere in Haven, most likely in the Arcade) and traded in for Recon Gear. The tokens and gear would be mission- specific, and each piece of armor would cost 20 tokens. I chose a high cost so it takes a long time to get if you take the easy way out and ask all your overpowered friends to come help you, but it only takes 5 runs if you do it yourself.

The rewards would be as follows: (remember everything costs 20 tokens.) (Descriptions are a bit repetitive, I apologize.)

--[LoA tokens]--

::Recon Angel Helm::
- "a helm presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This helm proves you had the skill and courage to brave the cursed halls of Almire and come out alive!"
-Recolored angelic helm

::Recon Angel cloak::
-"a cloak presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This cloak proves you had the skill and courage to brave the cursed halls of Almire and come out alive!"
-Recolored angelic raiment

--[C42 tokens]--

::Recon Drake Helm::
-"a helm presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This helm proves you had the quickness and smarts to infiltrate the Order's science facility and shut it down."
-Recolored drake scale helm

::Recon Drake Mail::
-"an armor presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This armor proves you had the quickness and smarts to infiltrate the Order's science facility and shut it down."
-Recolored drake scale mail

--[HoI tokens]--

::Recon Blizzard Helm::
- "a helm presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This helm proves you endured against the blizzards of Amu-Sol, defeated the demon Malos, and thwarted his sinister plans!"
-Recolored Blizzbreaker helm

::Recon Blizzard Armor::
- "a piece of armor presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This armor proves you endured against the blizzards of Amu-Sol, defeated the demon Malos, and thwarted his sinister plans!"
-Recolored Blizzbreaker armor

--[GitM tokens]--

::Recon Surge Helm::
- "a helm presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This helm proves you narrowly avoided the trap set by The Big Iron!"
-recolored Surge Breaker helm

::Recon Surge Armor::
- "a piece of armor presented to you by Desna for proving your worth to the Elite Recon Rangers. This armor proves that you narrowly avoided the trap set by The Big Iron!"
-recolored Surge Breaker armor

--[combo tokens]-- (Not sure if this is possible, but):

::Recon Pack::
-The pack carried by all Recon squad members. This pack symbolizes your acceptance into the ranks of the Elite Recon Rangers.
-Cost 10 of each token (can you do this?)
-Looks like the Recon Module in LD but is purely cosmetic

::Recon Crest::
-a badge that conveys your status as a member of the ERR. Wear it with pride.
-Costs 5 of each token
-crest with recon logo

NOTE: The reason I used 3* armors and not 5* as you might think I would is twofold. First, you are only an honorary member of the ERR and therefore would it have high rank. Second, and most obvious, these are the items seen in the Danger Mission Lobbies. :P

Side note: I would also like to have achievements for completion of each danger mission, each mission solo, and each mission without dying.

UPDATE: got screenshots for most of the items, as stated the models are already in the game. All that needs to be done is to make them available to us. - Recon Blizzard Set - Recon Crest (actually a shield) - Recon Pack - Recon Surge Set - Recon Angel Set

All taken with screenshots from the lobby of GitM.


Darkbrady's picture
Have to agree that the DMs

Have to agree that the DMs hardly seem worth it as they are, as even a single revive cuts heavily into the small profit you do make. Personally, I wouldn't complain about just getting a higher cr payout. I get they don't want it farmable, but it's only one-a-day anyways, so CAN'T be farmed. In the time it takes me to do a DM, I could make more profit by doing T1 runs, which baffles me. I don't like thinking that some of the hardest missions in the game give me the same rewards as the easiest tier in the game.

Costumes could be an idea though, but they'd need to make a lot and...well yeah, that's a lot of work I don't see happening. Would be cool I guess, but like I say; any increased reward is better, really. I do agree that new weapons and such shouldn't be involved. Just needs to be something small, anything, but 180 pres and ~5k cr isn't worth it.

Also wanna point out that giving tokens based on party size is pretty unfair, as it's more than possible to have larger parties make the missions harder while solo/duo-ing is far easier. The flipside can be true, but having set rewards on a situation that varies greatly depending on mission and party adequacy will just result in elitism.

Addisond's picture

They aren't supposed to be profitable, they're supposed to be a challenge. However, completion proof rewards would be nice.

Little-Juances's picture

Profits there are fine, everything else gives too much cr.

Oatmonster's picture

Danger missions, along with all other missions for that matter, are supposed to be played for fun. No mission is designed to be made for profit. Those costumes do sound nice though. Now that I think about it, the recon knights are not that elite. I don't see them doing any work during the missions, but they find the time to teleport down afterwards.

Klipik's picture

-@Darkbrady: Danger missions are made to be an extra-hard challenge, not a profit. As for creating the costumes, the models already exist and many of the recolored models are available for viewing in the danger mission lobbies, as stated in the OP. On the tokens, an idea could be to make the HP and amount of monsters the same as having 2.5 people in the party regardless of actual party size, so adding more members would not make it harder. Instead, having more people would make it easier, as it realistically should.

-@Oatmonster: just assume they were helping off-screen.


Canine-Vladmir's picture

See ppl?
recons are important! not in LD thou but danger missions use recons not strikers or guardians (cuz guardians are traitors! jk)
:3 so...whats this thread about anyway?

Skold-The-Drac's picture
New accessory appears!

Desna's eyepatch... Want.

Also, why not offer a 1*, 3* n 5* variant on the armors? Each cost 10, 20, and 30 tokens respectively and come bound?
Just askin.

Edit: Regarding the tokens, if you consider my prior suggestion, is that DM tokens given= 2 for each member respectively. Why?
Because if you're offering the tokens at the end of the mission, I don't want to be able to just have 5 friends invite me over to their playing of the mission and then buy every last one of the recon items within a week.

Anyway, thanks for the suggestion.

Derpules's picture
I like this idea.

But I think tokens should be given as part of the mission reward (i.e. after you finish the mission and return to Haven), and not in the reward lobby.

Yttriu's picture
I agree with Darkbrady.

I agree with Darkbrady. Tokens should never be based on the party size. Have you played IMF solo? It's easy as breathing, but RJP solo is much more difficult in comparison. It all depends on the mission, and there has to be constant. You can't say LoA is easy to solo so it'll be based on depths done, but HoI will be based on party size.

Besides, some people like to play missions just to hang out with a friend. It's not right to separate them because they may get a better reward that way.

Other than that, I like the costumes, but it doesn't seem like it'll ever happen.

Darkbrady's picture
hey, I'm not saying they

hey, I'm not saying they should be throwing heaps of cr at us for doing a Danger Mission, but right now they feel like there's no point doing it. I get that they're meant to just be a fun challenge, but when you go in and SPEND on it (ele costs, revives etc) and come out with less than when you went in with, I can't help but feel it just wasn't worth it, even for the challenge.

I want a profit-free challenge, I'll run FSC in proto with no shields. And even then, that still has a reward. For the Danger Missions I can't help but feel they couldd give something more to make it more worth it.

Again, not saying there should be a 10k cr payout, but something more than what you'd earn doing T1 would be nice.

Darkbrady's picture
hey, I'm not saying they

hey, I'm not saying they should be throwing heaps of cr at us for doing a Danger Mission, but right now they feel like there's no point doing it. I get that they're meant to just be a fun challenge, but when you go in and SPEND on it (ele costs, revives etc) and come out with less than when you went in with, I can't help but feel it just wasn't worth it, even for the challenge.

I want a profit-free challenge, I'll run FSC in proto with no shields. And even then, that still has a reward. For the Danger Missions I can't help but feel they couldd give something more to make it more worth it.

Again, not saying there should be a 10k cr payout, but something more than what you'd earn doing T1 would be nice.

Skold-The-Drac's picture

If you can farm danger missions, they're actually BETTER than FSC. But that's the problem, they're DANGER missions. (Profit when farming is ~ 14-16kcr, aka KOA payout, let alone possibility for rarer mats). If you actually farm it for all you're worth, you can make about 4-5kcr per trip. But you'll not be having the 5* mats that come with them. (Except for LOA, which gives you similar to KOA drops (might get lucky on a spark of life))

That's if you can farm, i.e. not die/lose your party.

Same as Gauntlet, that pays better than KOA, if you can do it without dying. Why? Because the mats available covers the entire usable list (aka sell some mats once in a while), and it pays about the same as KOA pre-mats. Especially since all these people love doing KOA without killing vana (whimps). They lose a decent chunk of available profit because in going through all of FSC you get a 3-4kcr bonus for killing vana at the cost of 10ce.

Danger missions are no worse than SLs/KOA, it's all about developing a set and strategy that works. And when you feel skilled enough, go outside said set and strategy and do it your way.

The profit, the treasure is there. You just have to look.