Disconnecting and PvP

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Shidara's picture

Greetings ladies and gentlemen, Shidara speaking.

Every once in a while we happen upon a rather unfortunate event in which we are kicked out of the game, and forcefully so for no explicable reason. We commonly refer to this as DCing, or disconnecting if you will. This renders our character in a state where they are frozen in either their most recent action, or standing still. Fair enough, all we have to do is just reconnect, right? Normally, this is the case, but not so much with PvP.

As with the 08/11/11 patch, "Players who go AFK in a Coliseum match will be removed from the match."
One would assume disconnected players are included in this category.

Now, here's the thing: Disconnected players are automatically booted from the game the moment the game recognises them as disconnected. While this would otherwise be good for players that do not return, I would like to propose a chance to return to the game if re-establishing connection within one minute after disconnecting. This gives us a chance to get back into the game in case we got booted by, for example, memory overload in java that causes the client to crash. (Personal experience) I just can't see it as fair if honourable players are unjustly kicked from a game if something happens that are out of their control without even giving them a chance to recover. Before this patch I've disconnected a few times playing Blast Network, but I could usually get back in after 20-40 seconds with no problems and continue playing. After this patch, not so much, and it's grown more and more irritating as time passed with having to deal with this.

Therefore, I ask for the players' support and for the staff to hear my plight. That is all.

TL;DR - Give disconnecting players a chance to get back into the game; proposed 1 minute recovery time.
> An increased time of 2 - 3 minutes suggested by Zave for slower computers.
> Click-to-respawn suggested for Blast Network by Autofire to counter sitting duck scenario.

agreed, but the time?

i don't think one minute is quite enough time. it take me a little long to log in sometimes, especially if i keep rushing my password. maybe 2 or even 3 minutes would be better. for instance if someone's computer had to restart, it could be a while.

i play LD (a.k.a lockdown) a lot. and leavers (a.k.a. people that DC or quit in any way) are a huge problem for the teams as one leaver usually means an automatic loss. i think this could really help fix some of that problem. especially for serious LD players!

big thumbs up!

Pinkie-Girl's picture
I always get Disconnected and

I always get Disconnected and it drives me mad when I'm in a bomb head match! I got disconnected when my team was wining in a bombhead match so that sux OOO plz fix it

Shidara's picture

This needs to be brought to attention.

Thenewteddy's picture
This seems like a terrible

This seems like a terrible idea that could be open to abuse.

Shidara's picture

How exactly? Explain.

Tuhui's picture

Even if you don't dc and just have to do something between matches it will kick you if you take too long. I got back as my computer was black before the loading screen for haven. Why do we have a dishonorable system if we get kicked from a match anyways? I'd rather have a teammate be gone for half the match then just be gone and be down a player. If people could join in this would be an entirely different story but since no one can replace you why do they kick you? It makes no sense at all.

Shidara's picture

Very good point. The dishonourable mechanic is clearly there for a purpose--disqualifying poor entrants from reaping the rewards. If they go AFK for one reason or another, it makes very little sense to outright kick them out if nobody can take their place. Granted, this mechanic could potentially be abused to bring strong players together if filler was enabled for lost entrants so this is something to keep in mind.

Another thing to keep in mind is that this affects the Coliseum as a whole, meaning that any changes made will also affect Blast Network. In Lockdown, keeping players around won't do anything--the dishonour system will simply deny them the spoils, but in Blast Network this is an entirely different story.
If someone goes AFK in Blast Network, they become free points for the opposition. The enemy team can keep going for the AFK players and score easy points to earn a ridiculously unfair advantage and would undoubtly ruin the entire experience. Unless Three Rings find a way to separate this mechanic between Lockdown and Blast Network, this cannot be done, hence why I originally suggested a recovery period of one minute because it wouldn't be as devastating as perhaps two or three in Blast Network. I'm leaving Zave's suggestion in there for consideration and to possibly receive some feedback from the players of Blast Network.


This still needs attention.

Bleyken's picture


Shidara's picture
Pant... Wheeze...

Whew! Digging up this sucker proved a bit of work. Suggestion topic OPs, don't leave your topic for too long!
(Myself included...)

Need more support! More attention! It is for a good cause, I swear!

Tuhui's picture

what is funny is that you can get back then watch the match that you got kicked out of.

Windsickle's picture
I support this. I've wasted

I support this. I've wasted many a 200 Crowns getting disconnected while loading and kicked to Haven.


Aizuh's picture
Agree's with Windsickle and shidara

I second this motion. +1

It is bad enough that there is a random selection factor among stronger skilled players than getting there so-so type players. 35/75% each game i believe there should also be a fix on even teams. I also feel that there is a need to tweek Lockdown's health mechanics a little better because most of the players including myself are using trinks or trinkets and i feel that it is unjust and unfair for newbie players to fight us without a fair shot. As i usually see most players have nearly 2 full rows of hp also the ones that use hammer...whats the need?

Thank you

Shidara's picture

Although your input raises a good point, that is a discussion for another topic.

As for everyone else, thank you for your continued support and may our voices reach the office of the game designers.

Blandaxt's picture
im thinking

to solve blast network problem, why not have two spawn stations that is block by a gate like the gates in teh clockworks. the two opposing teams in blast network spawn in these gates. when exiting the gate, the player is spawn to a random location in the game. the players that the game recognized as disc stay in these spawn stations and the ones that are not disc have 10 seconds to stay in the spawn station. if they do not leave within that time limit, they are forced to join the game spawning them to a random location in the blast network game.

Shidara's picture

I personally don't think it's a very good idea. For one, 10 seconds isn't going to make a lot of difference and second, putting them in a spawn area that they have to leave manually only serves to delay them and would only succeed to frustrate players. Blast Network games are shorter than Lockdown, and as such they need to get back into the game quickly. The fact that your temporary invulnerability when you spawn now prevents you from placing bombs or picking up power-ups only further stresses the idea that you want to get back into the game quickly and efficiently. Having spawn lobbies makes dying more painful than watching the respawn timer tick down from a large number.

Although this isn't the thread to discuss that, I know what you had in mind with it, but for a fast-paced game mode like Blast Network it just doesn't work out.


Also, this needs attention.

Shidara's picture
The problem isn't going to fix itself

I am still suffering from the same nonsense, and I am not about to give up until a solution has both been presented and executed.

Autofire's picture
Heh, to fix afking

why can't you just make players hit the attack button after the timer expires? The idea is that, if you afk and die, then you won't respawn. This won't kill BN games if someone leaves then. (But it will be slightly skewed.)

Shidara's picture

Oh, that's a good idea. But yeah, having to click to respawn might irritate some players, but being a Lockdown Striker it is very familiar in the sense that I instantly press and hold the right mouse button to boost out of the locker room. :p


Come on, people. Show your support!
My voice alone is not enough!

Shidara's picture
Page 5?!

Can't have that!

Daleboxtel's picture
I agree.

I agree.