"Oh lol, another one of these!"
Well, It's closer to a whole set of Ideas, And not particularly raging either. Which is a Plus if you're of a Sane mindset. ;3
I'm not one to speak that much, I'm fairly terrible at it. But there's another fellow who is good at it; Who means well for the Game, the Knights, and all in favor of some fair trade.
Most anyone can see that things have plummeted as the Prices of CE have risen, and CE is only a Vague indicator of the economic health. So to address this The First Knight will be Giving his Thoughts on the matter on Sunday, 10/28/2012, 5:45PM EST / 2:45PST.
We would Love it ya' could come, and listen a while. I personally would love to have a better economy... I mean, what fun is the game, if it's nothing but a JK/RT grind for half the time? But just one or two people Puttering around about it won't do too much, We need the help of everyone.
Think of it this way: SK needs help, and if you like to play it, you should consider helping it. All we ask if for you to come around on sunday for a Listen.
Thanks for your time, And I hope ta' see 'ya there!
EDIT! GOSH DANGIT, I forgot the Place... thanks for the save. Yeah, Haven 5 Auction house is the place it'll go down.
I might be ale to come =)