123 replies [Last post]
Merchant-Sk's picture


Merchant-Sk's picture
sold out

sold out

Knight-Solaire's picture
Praise the sun! \o/

Whats the matter? Cant do simple math?

Insulting potential customers is not the best way to win them over.

Njthug's picture
Contact me in Spiral

Contact me in Spiral Knights:

Ign: Njthug

*Only Interested in buying some games for a few of your items, since I cant be bothered to sell all those items*

Derpules's picture
It's a good deal numerically, sure.

But meh, there are easier ways--including ways which don't involve spending real money--to double or triple one's CE than reselling all that.

Merchant-Sk's picture
@ Derpules: I like how you

@ Derpules: I like how you just felt the absolute need to point out a fact everyone already knew. I wonder why :)

@Njthug: hmmm...we'll see what you have in mind. I'll hit you up in-game soon.

Merchant-Sk's picture
/sigh I realized the


I realized the one-time deal isnt a good idea after all, so I made some changes :)

Njthug's picture

I dont recommend buying from this guy at all conversion rates and the value of the "items" compared to what he feels is current market price is way 2 high. Good luck selling (personally if you dont want a headache just buy the items straight from someone with ce)

Drarken's picture
Njthug, so you think 14k ce

Njthug, so you think 14k ce for an argent peacemaker asi vh or a Justifier Jacket Shock MAX + Pierce High for only 12k is way too high? O_o

maybe YOURE way too high

lol lowballers these days, tsk tsk

Retequizzle's picture
You have to spend 24k CE

You have to spend 24k CE minimum here to get those though, and that price isn't including unbind apparently. Even then, the Justifier Jacket's meh-tier at best and the AP, while a good price all in all, still requires you to get something else from him in order to get. That being said, there's not much that would really compliment the AP in a way that would be conducive to a set, so the only other logical thing to do is resell whatever else you get for fair market value, which many can't be arsed to do. So it's not so much "lowballing" as it is reading the fine print and weighing the pros and cons of your purchase.

tl;dr - thread's geared towards a niche audience who regularly have money in their Steam wallet, or a card nearby to put money in it

Njthug's picture
Oh just to add if you tell

Oh just to add if you tell him you do not wish 2 do business with him he will call you a nerd then constantly pm you....I honestly think he stalking me on Spiral Knights now....People say crazy-x's are bad, but this guy well I might need to hire personal security lol.

@Tmdals --- Nice alt, but his conversion rate per ce to dollar is way 2 low as well. 400 ce per dollar when the average conversion is 550 to 600. Prices would be nice in terms of straight Ce, but not in dollar form. Regardless have fun buying if you wish 2. This is my personal view of this merchant.

Contact me please.

I have some games you may be interested in.
Add me on steam: mj_specter

Merchant-Sk's picture
i like 2 dance nekid

The prices here are low and people know it. Someone in here got mad that he wasnt able to rip me off further, so he vents his rage in my thread. Cute :)

Im not forcing anyone to buy mah stuffz. If you dont like it just because you like to lowball, then quit throwin tantrums and just move along :P

Bacon-Strip's picture
Can you tell me your steamid

Can you tell me your steamid or mail it to me ingame?

I got a potential client for you.

Merchant-Sk's picture
Sold: Blitz CTR High (last


Blitz CTR High (last one)
TSB asi high (one left!)
Wolver Coat Shock High (all gone :P)
Dusker Cap Pierce High

Derpules's picture
Why did I point it out?

Well, I was basically making the point you made later when you said "I realized the one-time deal isnt a good idea after all", that's all. :) I.e. it's a good deal numerically but no one's going to want to spend so much real $ on it.

Also, your calculation of 400 CE/$ makes it much less attractive than it might first seem. Honestly, 400 is unheard of now. The usual minimum these days is 600 CE/$; if you'd adopt that standard, I might consider taking you up on some of these.

@ Poster

Sent you a mail in game. :D

Laylla's picture
free hugs!

Lol Rhip you just love making simple things complicated :D

Njthug's picture

My point exactly if you actually do the math with the current rate not the silly 400 since it is unheard of then factor in unbind you are paying about 22k ce an item which is not much of a discount since most of the items would not go for 25k+ ce so easily *Thus profiting and such is not worth it and even for personal use it is not so worth it since majority of them you can find them with less headache*.

Merchant-Sk's picture
calm down

@layla: you and Nj r the only ones that find this "complicated." But knowing u, im not surprised :)

Merchant-Sk's picture

not gonna sell my stagger storm ctr vh for 8k ce to you, end of story. Quit throwin a tantrum 'cuz u failed to rip me off. If ur unhappy with my discounts then ur welcome to look elsewhere, or craft one urself :D

Derpules's picture
IDK about Nj, but as for me

I'm just saying, 400 CE/$ is an unreasonable rate right now, but if you'd use a more standard rate, perhaps we could work something out. If not, that's totally cool.

Njthug's picture

I didnt offer 8k ce for any of those items especially since they do not take Ce (Kinda makes it silly for them 2 post that, but anyways) I just decided not 2 do business with them since the price for dollars to ce is very low than market price. I think they are just mad at me since I wont buy from them....he/she even try to stalk me for 2 hours.

Merchant-Sk's picture
Derp, i dig you, but u

Derp, i dig you, but u forgetting that the current 550-600 rate is a defacto, player-contrived rate. We all know the official rate as per Three Rings is 400 : 1

Dont know about you guys but i'd rather stick to the rate established by the very company that makes this game, not by some random player who decided that 600 is the way to go. Just saying :)

Merchant-Sk's picture
says the guy who keeps spamming my thread

stalk you for 2 hours? even though i was only logged in for 15 minutes? :)

Goofio's picture
I see you have CE prices now

I see you have CE prices for those items now. I will buy the Gran Faust ASI VH and BTB ASI VH for 16k ce each (32k CE total) if you are selling for CE now.

However, I don't want to pay the unbind upfront, because I've never required people to do that when I trade bound items.

If you only want games, I understand.

Merchant-Sk's picture
Justifier Jacket Shock MAX +

Justifier Jacket Shock MAX + Pierce High reserved for Hadesrebellion

@Goffio: Sorry, im not taking ce, just Steam games. Only reason why I put relative CE value instead of dollar value is because there apparently are lots of children here who cant do simple ratio and proportion arithmetic. CE prices is just there to illustrate how much Steam credit people can expect to pay in terms of CE.

Goofio's picture

I'm not sure why you would add me on Steam, then meet me in-game to trade -- when I don't mention any games -- and then call me an idiot. I even wrote that I saw your forum reply at the end of this chat:

You would be better off putting your prices in $$ amounts if you don't want CE at all.

Merchant-Sk's picture
you missed a spot

Goof, you forgot to add the screenshot of me asking you if you understood the terms (on the very top of the post) and you said yes :)

I'll trade the steam game

I'll trade the steam game (Dead Space) +unbind fee for Voltaic Tempest CTR VH


Steam ID:

Merchant-Sk's picture
Schick: added you on Steam.

Schick: added you on Steam.

Thrillhaus's picture

Mtdals is NOT Tmdals' alt.

I'm sure that's what he wants you to believe, but ask yourself why someone would choose such a blatantly obvious name for an alt if their intention was to be inconspicuous about their trolling?

so he is selling item for $

so he is selling item for $ ,not CE

Wulfeknight's picture
A friend of mine traded this

A friend of mine traded this player tonight for some gear and asked me to vouch on his behalf. Most of the better ASI / CTR items are purchased now.

You can talk to Ruby to confirm the vouch. He helped us get the gear after, so thanks also to the seller - good prices!

Scriggles's picture
Add me to talk thanks -

Add me to talk thanks -

I'll take all of your accessories and some items.

Dusky Valkyrie Wings and Twisted Snarble Barb ASI High

I'll get both Dusky Valkyrie Wings and Twisted Snarble Barb ASI High off you for 6k ce

Please reserve it for me.

IGN: Micro-Blast

What's your IGN?

Merchant-Sk's picture
SOLD to Rubyeclipse: -Ash of

SOLD to Rubyeclipse:

-Ash of Agni CTR High
-Barbarous Thorn Blade ASI VH + Fiend Med
-Blitz Needle CTR VH
-Glacius CTR VH + Slime High
-Gran Faust ASI VH
-Polaris ASI VH
-Skolver Coat Pierce MAX + Shadow MAX + Stun High
-Skolver Cap Shock MAX + Pierce High
-Staggerstorm CTR VH + Gremlin High + Undead Low
-Valiance ASI High
-Voltaic Tempest CTR VH

Contact me please.

I have some games you may be interested in.
Add me on steam: mj_specter

Merchant-Sk's picture
y so bitter? :D

Which is why several people already traded my stuff for Steam games. You mad bro about my decision to stick with the official ce-to-dollar rate? Then move along, simple as that :)

Merchant-Sk's picture
Sold:Dusker Coat Pierce High


Dusker Coat Pierce High + Normal Med
Boltbrand CTR High
Gunslinger Sash Shock High + Stun Med
Dusker Coat Shock High

@Mjspecter: added you on Steam...again xD Hopefully you got a better offer? :P

Randomzz's picture
I'm not bitter

You're just failing to grasp a very simple business concept and have come across people who got games on sale and sold them to you at full price, in which case your rate being sub-par still doesn't matter. If I was to go buy anything for you on right now on demand, it's not worth it. I.E. why would I buy borderlands for you at 400/$ when I could just buy that from OOO? Buying for you would mean more time and effort (albeit minimal) and have no advantages.

And it's not an "official" rate. There are no official rates. This isn't currency exchange on the stock market. Official rates only exist in a regulated market. Since OOO isn't saying the only rate allowed in trades is 400/$, it's not regulated, and therefore not official. It is simply the base profit line that YOU as a buyer have to beat in order to entice the seller, unless (again) they bought games at 75% off as usual and you buy them at face value

Randomzz's picture

double post

Knight-Solaire's picture
Praise the sun! \o/

I'd tend to be with Randomzz on this one. Given the currently established player exchange rate, you're lowballing the hell out of people with these prices; when someone has called you on it your only response has been "oh, he's just mad because X." If someone wanted the 'official' rate, they'd buy directly from OOO. The entire reason that players offer higher rates is to give incentive to trade with them rather than buy CE directly.

Also, your abrasive personality isn't doing you any favors.

Merchant-Sk's picture
This is a trading thread, not

This is a trading thread, not a raging thread. Be mad somewhere else =)

Reserved Order List:

Brandish CTR High reserved for Serizawafukushuu
Justifier Jacket Shock MAX + Pierce High reserved for Hadesrebellion
Grey Owlite Shield Double MAX: Shadow + Elemental reserved for Scriggles


Final Flourish ASI Med -1 LEFT-
Swift Flourish ASI High -SOLD OUT-
Dusker Coat Pierce High -2 LEFT-
Military Dragon Wings -1 LEFT-

Scriggles's picture
Have you added me

Have you added me yet?

Scriggles's picture
Please reserve all the

Please reserve all the accessories for me too.

Popular-Demand's picture
:( if only you accepted ce

:( if only you accepted ce

All-Over-Myface's picture

You should sell your guild Order of Venus, lol

Merchant-Sk's picture

Nah, guild-selling is childish. You would, but i'd just let it die :)

Also, all accessories temp reserved for Scriggles


hole crap! awesome deal! I'd like to get the dusker cap shock high, wolver coat pierce high, and a couple more items from ya

Darkcub's picture
Nice uvs :P i will take the

Nice uvs :P

i will take the swift flourish asi high + wolver coat curse max + boltbrand ctr hight

it's a shame you go