This is simply an idea I had for Minibosses of every family. They would be able to appear in place of danger rooms and at the end of some missions.
Ironwood Sentinel
Family: Construct
Description: A gigantic, metallic-silver wooded Lumber with Retrode-like eyes, battlepod cannons for gears, a grey plate-mail skirt, a studded spike shoulder guard over it's arm, and a big bayoneted blaster on the end of it's arm.
Flavor text: This strange Lumber-like monster has appeared in a few levels. It seems to be a far more dangerous creation than normal lumbers.
Attacks: Normal/Elemental. Slam can cause Stun. Orbs have a chance of causing Shock
Slam: It has of course, a basic arm slam attack. However, it's version has a bigger range and it launches 3 giant energy balls that move a short distance in front of it.
Doublesmack: it spins itself by the arm twice around, and the second swing has it launch 4 energy balls in either a + or x formation.
Orbspam: standing still and speeding up it's cannon-gears, it launches 10 orbs out, 5 in front of and behind it.
Dash: Dashing forward it slams into and past you, dropping a few small bombs. does the second swing of doubleslam at the end, with the energy balls.
Laserblast: The same attack the retrodes use, but with 3 extra explosions for further range.
Rocket attack: launches 3 rockets out of it's arm, their behavior depends on tier.
Blaster attack: launches energy balls out of it's arm, the number is the same as the turrets in that tier.
Special: Immune to Shock.
Drops: For danger rooms the treasure boxes at the end. Drops that happen on death: an Ironwood Material, everyone gets one. 1,3 or 5 forge sparks depending on tier.
Zombie Dragon
Family: Undead
Description: Appearing similar to a Snarbolax-sized deadly virulisk, but with a dragonscale shaped head, and green and purple dragon wings on it's back.
Flavor text: An undead dragon that is in bad decay. Is this all that's left of these creatures?
Attacks: Normal/Shadow. Most have a chance of Poison.
Doublebite: It bites twice quickly in front of it.
Clawswipe: Swiping you with it's fetid claws, knocks you back a short distance.
Tailspin: This attack can't Poison. It will smack you with its tail, knocking you far away.
Lunge: This attack can't Poison. Using what's left of it's wings, it'll throw itself at you and tackle you.
Breath: Legendary dragon breath. This green fire has quite an area of effect and can cause Poison.
Special: Immune to Poison. Immune to Curse.
Drops: The treasure boxes, always. Blighted Bone Material, everyone gets one. will drop 1,3, or 5 Grim Sparks, depending on tier.
Snarbolax Pups
Family: Beasts
Description: Looks rather like an Alpha Wolver, but with 6 eyes, spines, dark fur, and red glowing areas.
Flavor text: Pups of the legendary beast Snarbolax. They don't look cuddly...
Attacks: Normal/Pierce. No status effects.
Bite Combo: They're able to bite 4 times in a row. Attack can follow you.
Spine Toss: They can throw spines at you a short distance, acts like Dark Thorn Blade charge.
Spikeball Tackle: Rolling into a ball, they'll dash after you.
Spiny Defense: Get too close and they might just pop their spines out at you, standing in place with them up for a small time.
Special: They take only 2/3 the damage a weapon can do, being that their hide is not as tough as an adults, but still tough. Two of them appear, Three in tier 3.
Drops: Treasure Boxes. When all of them are defeated, they will drop a Warp Dust. Everyone gets one. Drops 1,3, or 5 Primal Sparks.
Gremlin Battlejockey
Family: Gremlin
Description: Appears as a slightly armored gremlin with a backpack. Carries a Stable Rocket Hammer.
Flavor Text: Calling themselves 'Disciples of Seerus', these gremlins really want you gone.
Attacks: Normal/Elemental. Some attacks can cause Fire.
Hammer: Can use the same attacks as the Rocket Hammer's combo.
Hammertime: Will use a single massive slam that sends 2 explosions out in a + formation. Has a chance of Fire.
Rocketman: Pulling something on it's back, 4 rockets will blast out up in the air, a lot liek the Mortafire's attack. Their speed and accuracy depends on tier. Can cause Fire.
Orbitbomb: Will drop a Dark Reprisal/Mk II/Dark Retribution, depending on tier. The orbs are blue and do normal damage. Made just for us...
Heavy bomb: a big bomb with a much bigger range than the Gremlin Demo's bombs.
Special: It might attempt to dodge projectiles.
Drops: No more need to say it. Also drops a Meteor Mote Material, everyone gets one. Will drop Forge Sparks.
Devilite Whistleblower
Family: Fiend
Description: Appearing as a slightly larger Purple Pit Boss, wearing a suit and pitchfork tie.
Flavor text: Seems to be a higher class devilite than a Pit Boss. They're out to get you now!
Attacks: Normal/Shadow. Some of it's attacks have a chance of Curse.
Whistlecall: Can blow it's whistle to summon a normal purple devilite.
Whistleblow; Everybody's Fired!: Will turn all summoned devilites into Overtimers.
Whistleblow; I Love Suck Ups!: Will turn all summoned devilites into Yesmen, which will try to heal it.
Mug toss: Will throw it's Mug of Misery at you. Has a chance of causing Curse.
Pitchfork Trio: Will throw three pitchforks at you.
Darkspawn: Summons a column of purple fire under your feet, you're warned by a small bomb timer. Has a chance of Curse.
Special: Will attempt to dodge, and wil lalso dodge if you get close.
Drops: A Mug of Misery Material for everyone. Will also drop Grim Sparks.
Jelly Green Giant
Family: Slime
Description: a Big jelly cube with a regal attitude.
Flavor Text: A jelly noble that feels a bit classy. It certainly is a slime of class.
Attacks: Normal/Piercing. No status effects.
Smack attack: a typical slime smack attack, but with more range.
Dash: will attempt to dash and smack you.
Spike Throw: Summoning energy to it's core, it'll hurl 1,3, or 5 spieks on you, depending on tier. Will spawn green mini jellies.
Skewer: Will send spikes out of the ground near you.
Noble Spin: Getting furious, it'll do the same spin the royal jelly is capable of. Does not shield it, but it takes reduced damage. Green mini jellies might fly out.
Eat: Will eat some of the mini jellies to restore health. Recovers 20/35/50 health for each one.
Special: Immune to Poison. Can heal itself.
Drops: a Rocky Core for everyone! Will drop Primal Sparks.
These are simply some ideas I was asked by many people to post here. I'd like to know what you think. I'm open to hearing your ideas for Specials and Flavor Text.
Also had some ideas on them each having a single-level minidungeon that would appear before a clockworks lobby, at depths 3, 12, and 22.
Well, the Jelly Green Giant was removed because it teared all of the knights in its tier to pieces. (According to the forums) I'm not sure about everyone else, but I can't stand killing Snarbolax Pups :( Too cute
Nice ideas though =)