In response to Mawashimono, and while OOO is busy with what is hopefully the best god damn Guildhall Update in the history of MMO's, I would like to propose a grassroots movement for Lockdown: "More GG, Less QQ"
Why we need a sportsmanship code of conduct
Honestly, if there was no cost to playing Lockdown, this really shouldn't be necessary, however, a lot of money is pumped into this game, and a lot of in-game currency is spent per game played - a 6v6 game sinks 1.9kcr every game. In addition, another potential 25energy (2250cr) is sunk for an extremely small chance to fight for a prized bombhead. Games get intense, players leave, and it can be quite a toxic environment.
Currently, there is no Tribunal for LD, like there is for League of Legends, which arguably has one of the best PvP systems currently on the market, and I don't want to take away from the development team, since they seem to be very far behind in their builds (ie, I remember when Guildhalls were supposed to be resuscitated over a year ago, also shout out to Jelly Farm 1 and Tortodromes)
Stop the Reavers, More GG Less QQ
What we are trying to get rid of:
- Ravers (Players that name call, players that use a lot of foul language)
- Leavers (players that leave mid match)
- Bullies (players that name call and use foul language after killing another player)
- Playing up (players that join into LD with little to no beneficial gear (like a 3* with a 4* sword in a 5* match))
- Farmers (players that join and do minimal effort to get their Krogmo Coins)
Now I know that some players need a moment to celebrate and taunt, but let's be courteous about it, under this movement confetti is the only acceptable form of taunting. (I know, only the rich can taunt now :P)
Anyway, as a community we need to do a few things:
- Give at least a warning to the individual (honestly this should be a group effort, if the other team has a player that's bringing them down, help them out)
- If they do not curb their behavior, or are still dragging the team down, report them
I know that this seems harsh, but some of us just want to play LD without the drama/stress of having to sit through unacceptable behavior. I hope that this at least spurs the conversation to make it a fun loving and tolerable community.
You cant blame all bored "farmers" if OOO puts cool weapons there with no other way to obtain them. Just saying.