Today's release notes can be found here:
November 14 Update - Discussion

"- A special training hall elusively for guild members"
In what way is this special training hall trying to escape? Or perhaps it is simply "hard to perceive" or something?
The knights can never find their training hall- it eludes them every time.

It MEANS, that part of the training is actually FINDING the hall, you won't believe how many people have failed at attempting this in the past.

One Question:
"Homecoming Celebration
The Spiral Knights are celebrating the Guild Hall Expansion with a Homecoming Celebration! As part of the celebration, Spiral HQ is awarding special prizes based on rank to all knights!"
This mean i should be Online in a specific hour? or just this day? i dont want to miss those special prizes because im going to be offline in 2 hours and be back in another 2 hours. so i just want to know if it in specific hour or just for this day Thank you

Homecoming Stuff?
Need specific Rank?
I have to do missions and get an ugly badge?

Just thought of a question. Who has access to the guild treasury? Can it be certain members or is there a guild treasurer?

Im so steal from my guild I cant wait <69

I didn't read about:
-Guild Bulletin Board system for guild events and internal information.
(example, "Secret Santa event on Christmas. Contact -insert name- to be a part of the festivities).
-The ability to mass mail the guild, even it it does still cost 25cr per letter.
I will enjoy all the other features to be sure, but these two seem highly functional. If they are not there, are there any plans to add said features in the future?
I guess I will see in an hour ...

Lol... Nick fixed his typo. Anyways, good job on the guild halls... though I haven't seen them/done them yet, I've a good feeling, and none of the things typed set off the "This is awful" reaction inside of me, so I'm proud.

I thought we'd be gettin' a promo/event with boxes or CE discounts or somethin', but weget...Homecoming instead? Other than free (costume items, unless I'm mistaken?) what eaxctly...deos this event do?
Not that I'm complaini'n mind you, just don't see what exactly the event's all about~

I plan on avoiding the forums after it's out. Wanna hide my eyes from any rage coming from this. Rage only causes more rage.

According to Nick's post, the Homecoming event lasts from now until November 20.
@Original topic:

Apologies, everyone! We only just noticed that someone we're not going to name here apparently found it funny to picnic in the engineering area. We'll need to delay the release until that someone has taken care of his newly assigned cleaning duties.
In other words: The release will be happening a little later than expected today.
welp, EU players get to experience it tomorrow then.

She bolded certain letters in that message. Look closely and you will find that Eury is the culprit.

Well I think we're all unanimously agreed that Eury and Nj are the same person, and Nj DID say on twitter that the patch should be delayed...
What I'm saying is in the name of Boswick we should organize a mob to lynch them

Tailia gives it away with some subtle letters that are visually different!
Gosh darn that one game master. He's always ruining our day. :P

im pretty sure all of us knew the patch was gonna be delayed.
the last couple of updates have been delayed or fixed. doesnt take a genius.

@Flaame: Duh, I already said that.

I wonder what Eury bungled. ^.^

"- The crown cost associated with creating a guild is now 50,000 crowns. These crowns are instantly added to the guild's Treasury upon creating the guild."
Does this mean the price of making a guild will be 50,000 crowns + 500 energy? Or just 50kcr?

It said the crown cost, so yes there is still a CE cost as well.

THANK YOU NICK!!! /hug nick

anybody want to wager that the download time is gonna increase tenfolds?

Question, if we were to rank up during homecoming do we get the next item up on that knight?

Now there's 15 mins left. Time to go watch a speedrun.

Whenever there is an update I'm always stuck at 70% with 500 min to go =(
Guess I'll see you guys in 2 hours+

Guys, the servers are obviously being bogged down because EVERYONE is trying to get this update. Just be patient!

Lets have a competition with who has the longest download time!
Mines at 128:40 atm ^_^

i was at 14% then it downloaded to 100% instantly becuase it was showing me it was validating and then out of nowhere it goes back to downloading.
at 76% currently

Speed up? I think it's completely random tbh. I spent ten mins at 11%, then in thirty seconds shot up to 70%. My ETA bounces from anywhere between 3min and 58min so I treat it as a total lie. All of it, ignore it. It tries to trick you w/ false senses of hope and nearnessitudes; it wants you to get excited so it can flip the ETA to 6hrs D:

274:21 still at 71% XD
Edit: Longest time so far!
@ Nick + the OOO Crew
I purchased the west wing expansion, however my guild hall isn't expanding....

Maybe you have wait until the construction crew of NPCs builds it? o:

Wait? Do we really have to pay weekly instead of monthly? I only see that the next upkeep will be payed in 6 days and 22 horus.
Because this sucks, that's really way too expensive.
/e cries joyfully.
/e hugs Thalia.
/e has an emotional breakdown.