Everybody is getting annoyed by the Warmaster Rocket Hammer now, aren't they? Except the spammers who use it themselves. It mght be good at PvP against slags but is totally unfair in PvP. Its pratically impossible to hit someone with one of those wretched things. If yo dissagree with this post, you are an idiot. If you agree, send me a friends request I heart you.
Lockdown hammer spammers are annoying, right?
I'm a hammer noob, as of...2 days ago? Works for me when I cbf bombing~
First time ever using hammer, and as someone who never uses striker, got 15k and top caps, so I agree that it is a strong weapon w/ good benefits.
However, I correctly disagree. Primarily it relies heavily on ASI; slow hammers are suicide weapons, and the cheapest/easiest way to get ASI for a Hammer is to Vog up and run w/ like 9 hp. S'not that hard to hit someone w/ a Hammer, (esp. if you have one yourself) and is far from unfair because teethpicks or fast Sealeds can nail Hammerers as they dash around. Also plenty of people who use hammer just stupidly~
Now, let's talk about Heart Trinkies in PvP, if you want to discuss unfair things...
These cry babies are more annoying than any Hammer or unique variant could be, seriously... It's time to understand how a free-to-play game works people!
And +1 for Dead-Bard
Everybody is getting annoyed by the FF/BTB now, aren't they? Except the spammers who use it themselves. It might be good at PvE against Devilites but is totally unfair in PvP. Its practically impossible to hit someone with one of those wretched things. If you disagree with this post, you are an idiot. If you agree, send me a friends request I heart you.
Pfft, who's worried about teethpicks when you have a team full of polaris users?
NOTHING stops dat O:!!
For my own good, i'll just quote the main post.
"you are an idiot"
Thank you.
Half of the knights who use them are predictable which just makes it all the more fun xD
The other half just give me a new challenge which is fun as well.
- Not Gwen.
can you really blame them?
there are after all, a true noob.
I get called a noob a lot using Hammer. Doesn't change the fact that whoever called me it just got killed.
By someone that dies in two hits~
you know who else i yell noob?
at those campers who use UMP45. Does that make them noobs? yes. Do they care? nope.
see the similarity?
Do they care? nope.
That's the crux of the issue, really. I use hammer because I liek the style of keeping on the move, since I'm feart of getting hit. Fact is that I'm a bomber by build and nature, so suck w/ swords on a normal day; when I want to stab someone, the Hammer suits me best and if it is an "easy" weapon, then idc, because I'm against people w/ UVs and heart trinkies. They whinge at me for being nooby, but they sit behind all their godmode gear and hp while they say it; I need every edge I can get if I hope to keep up, so I just have a giggle when people whine at me for spreadin' the PAAAAIIIIN! :D
Then I get bored and go back to bombing and win dem matches~
Everyone's going to complain about something and there's no escaping that.
I don't have OCH so, obviously, I do not have a hammer but I like the hammer and it's availability
to a large portion of knights because most knights won't be getting triple max UVs.
The hammer gives those who can't afford UVs/Pendants a more fair playing field......right?
Of course then you could bring up the players with triple max UVs and heart pendants who also
use the hammer with AA and spam polaris and heal/cap spam (I've heard those excuses are making an appearance xD)
but I'm not going to get into that:)
EDIT: TL;DR version = what Fallconn said.
@post 9 Darkbrady
I called you a noob for using hammer combo only.
Doesn't change the fact that I killed you and your guardian friend in one fight...
Took me more than 2 hits with max damage~
argument solved: if you have something, use it.
i rest my case
Well when you did that, I'd been using hammer for ... what a few hours? And I don't just mean in LD, I mean at all; I'd never used the hammer before I started tryin' it in LD. Forgive me for not nailin' the shield-cancel timin' instantly D:
I don't like the 2nd swing much really; the damage deosn't seem worth that delay. Tbh, I find myself using the dash to attack with more than the actual first swing xD...
Took me more than 2 hits with max damage~
Really? I don't remember that; were some of those hits negated by the guardian shield? All the slow swords take off 3/4 of my hp, and teethpicks take around 1/2 of it o.o
well, sry for counting the ones you blocked with shield... i did because thats one of the benefits of being a guardian, taking more hits :P
I tried guardian hammer and it kind of works for me, but I honestly have more trouble with the shield cancel; it's only -1 asi slower (and -2 dmg) but it feels a lot slower to me. I guess I just like that suicide boost too much; I just dash around in all directions; I honestly spend more time panicking and running away from people than I do actually trying to kill! I'm really not aggressive enough a person to be a striker xD
I could say the exact same thing about Polaris. (Stupid Shock ruining everything...)
The hammer is very little trouble for me and I'm a bomber. Get a gun.
"If yo dissagree with this post, you are an idiot."
A bit late to the party, aren't we? I disagree.
Hard to hit=/=invincible. I could make the same arguments about people with heart pendants: "THEY JUST DON'T DIEEE!!!!!11!!!!1!!!"
Although I feel kinda sorry for that person the last time I played LD (Don't usually play it) in T2. He probably had heart pendants, but the way I was hitting him and dashing back and forth past him made it impossible for him to do anything at all.
In other news: http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/426/150/95b.png
I may be an idiot for disagreeing with this post but atleast I'm not a whiny idiot. Three Rings made hammers in the game, I'm tired of people acting like everything that'll make them die is spam. It's not spam, Three Rings made the hammer and just because they use it doesn't mean it's spam. They just hit you with the hammer, so what are they supposed to do with the weapon? If that is spam then most Lockdown players are hypocrites for whining about it but that means they're spamming to if just using a weapon means you're spamming it.
I'd argue that Hammers are the least spammy weapon there is, because instead of "attack, attack, attack", there's a break in it. You attack, then dash, then attack then dash. And you can throw in a hoofin' big attack in at the end if you want~
How DARE you disgrace my Skolver avatar with your vile and ignorant words! Back into the shadowy depths with you, foul creature! Back!
Hammer/skolver-haters need to learn how to gun vs people, and after they learn how to lead attacks to make up for latency (aka LEARN TO AIM), either stick with guns or apply it to swording.
The first time I parried a hammer dash attack with a heavy sword (due to an accidental switch to one instead of a gun), I was delightfully surprised.
You guys can keep hating on hammers, but I'll continue eating them during their vulnerability with my double ricochets, shock, and freeze. :l
Something tells me this is a stereotypical Skolver Clone with no elemental defense.
Allow me to translate the OP:
"I hate Lockdown because I'm too lazy to change my strategy and my gear so I resort to calling everyone that kills me a 'weapon X spammer noob'. I think that anyone who disagrees is an idiot but in reality I'm just using that as an excuse to hide the fact I am an idiot myself."
I think Google translate could never achieve that kind of accuracy.
i admit i don't like hammers
but that doesn't means ye have to whine all about it
i admit i whine about hammers too
but i don't do it on forums
i admit i despite autotargetted hammers
but i always can find something to solve that problem
even if i have to at least whine for once
murr- ahahahahahaha
"Now, let's talk about Heart Trinkies in PvP, if you want to discuss unfair things..."
I can't speak for every WRH user, but in my case, my location and my connection type result in quite harsh latency, resulting in damage from unseen attacks, and missing despite seeing a direct hit. With this in mind, the more traditional fighting styles in LD are very hard to implement, as, quite simply, I miss.. a lot.
So, to make up for such a disadvantage, I use the two, most arguably "noob" weapons in the game: The WRH and the Polaris.
You have to realise as SK is online, I don't use these weapons for the sake of their strength. I use them to make up for my lag. Even then, I still play badly.
(And before you complain further, I don't use Auto-Target.. never have, never will).
Just because your connection might be giving you a smooth performance ride, not all of us are quite so lucky.
Overall, you can complain and call me (or us) a noob all you like. I know my circumstances. I know my reasoning. I know my fighting style.
You play to enjoy the game. Not be a lil' cry baby when you lose.
Get over it.
PS: As far as I know, slags don't exist in PvP. Slight typo, me thinks.
(And before you complain further, I don't use Auto-Target.. never have, never will).
You say that you use "noob" weapons to cushion your latency so that you can play, but you refuse to use a feature that's there for cushioning latency? Care to explain the logic behind this, because....well, I'm not seeing it.
I use AA, because I've tried not using it in LD, and with the latency I simply can't hit anything, ever. It's one thing to have to lead your shots with guns, but when I have to lead with swords it simply stops being fun; I just can't predict where people are going to go, while two feet away from them, while they're trying to kill me as well. I might as well just swing randomly in every direction.
No, s'pointless. I'd rather just be facing them more or less, get close enough and let the AA nudge me that 30 degrees in the right direction.
AA isn't there to cushion latency. It's to make hitting something computer-controlled, and significantly easier.
Latency alongside general lag causes frame skipping, so a person can be 10 squares away, then suddenly 1 square away. AA won't make you swing at the right time. It just helps with the direction.
Similarly, AA will swing the way the game wants you to swing. I turned it off in the first place because AA screwed around with attacking different targets in PvE. I don't want a machine making my choices.
I might as well just swing randomly in every direction.
If you have AA on, you might as well do that anyway. It's not like you need any skill when the computer is doing a majority of the work.
Regardless, traditional fighting styles are still hard to implement, even with AA, as dodging is nigh on impossible.
That's exactly the problem, but; with latency, lag, position delay, being out-pinged by people; there's every force against you making it harder and harder to just aim and hit legitimately. Fact is that AA helps that cause.
You can swing randomly in every direcion and hope to hit w/o AA and maybe hit, probably miss. Poiintless, no fun, waste of time.
Turn on AA and you can swing to where you see the character. You know that there's a delay and that you would probably need to lead your attacks, but that's what the AA does; it jsut automatically leads it for you. It allows you to hit and get on with the game. This is especially true for me who wears Vog when I use swords and only have like 9 hp; I can't afford to be siwnging into the air while heart pendant Skolvers run circles around me w/ 45ping.
As for pve...well, s'not hard to turn it off in PvE, where latency/ping aren't as important, then back on for LD where it becomes an issue.