It would be really cool if you could get a training room for the guild hall where there would be a monster spawner where you could fight monsters without going down into the clockworks. It would cost around about 3 energy to use. It would be cool if there were levels/stages so it would get a bit more challenging but each level would cost you more energy.
a monster spawner
It's amusing how identical all these suggestions are. Ironoid brought this up not 24 hours ago
wont ever happen. unless players do not mind to putting up lots of money (crowns) with that energy payout, the devs wont ever consider it. so, would i pay 3 ce with 500 crowns just to face a lumber that wont give me anything. NEVER! no way other players would want to either. so i dont think your idea would work in the way the developers program the game.
Why won't it ever happen? There's no reason to have to pay for the spawner; it could easily just be a respawnable monster pad. Even in the CW, respawnable monsters provide zero drops, as the shuffles do in ATH/GTH, so having a pad in the GTH that respawns lumbers or something wouldn't need paid, and they wouldn't drop anything anyways. It would be exactly the same as the current shuffles, but a bit more interesting and useful as a training feature.
I don't see why that "won't ever happen", it's not an unreasonable request.
"it would cost around about 3 energy to use." "but each level would cost you more energy."
A single clockwork level has lots of monsters, costs 10ce and gives rewards. It's too much of a luxury to have a personal spawner.
i couldn't put it in better words, good job little juances.
It would be cool if there were levels/stages so it would get a bit more challenging but each level would cost you more energy.
Maybe then they could randomise themes and status affiliations, too! Perhaps increasing the difficulty every ten or so levels. Would be awesome if we could take a group in to practice with us at that. Maybe they could even make it easily accessible via the mission system! The "Arcade" would be a great name for this.
Oh wait....
Nosrsly though, something more than shufflebots in the GTH would be cool. GTH as it is is pretty underwhelming and for such a big room is mostly empty. Having the respawners even just spit out retrodes or lumbers or even just random enemies wouldn't go amiss.