Basically, what this thread is for, is posting interesting views and facts (not necessarily about Cradle itself). Irony, Plot Holes and Fridge Horror are welcome. Anything interesting within the forum rules is allowed. Example below.
Comments about Cradle
Well, Cradle is quite small actually.
From the crust to the Core, it is only 30 floors.
So your looking at a planet which is about 60+ floors in its diameter. Theres building over here Taller than that.
So... Cradle is a minute planet. :)
Taking into account that each sphere is quite inmense due to that image where a tiny Gremlin Scorcher appeared fixing stuff, and that we don't know the required separation, where they store the spheres, how big is the gremlin Colony, how big the Core is, or how much area - and extra created space - occupies the Swarm... it could get fairly big.
Also we don't know how many more realms could have Cradle swallowed, or how big was the Skylark.
I think you are all forgetting the fact that you must take an elevator to traverse between floors. The fact that an elevator is required, along with the fact that mostly everything you see outside of the level is an empty, expansive chasm within the clockworks, means that you can't simply measure the size of Cradle in "floors".
A traditional "floor" can ascended/descended from with a small flight of stairs. Obviously, that is not possible in the clockworks.
Also, the clockworks is a massive, autonomous machine. Floors cycle and change completely over time, which is something that would require a huge amount of space to engineer.
What kind of seemingly unlimited energy do shock themed weapons run on? Why can't Spiral Armour run on this energy?
(When plot hole questions are asked you may post answers below)
"Skylark crashlanded on Cradle."
So, where's the crash site of Skylark? Anybody know?
(Uhh, yeah, just question, nothing else...)
@Neonguard: The same thing mist energy comes from: the core. This is why (most) higher-tier gear gets better the further down you go; closer proximity to the core means that less energy dissipates before reaching it.
Mewmewmew kat! Quick question, after you reach the core, do you go back to skylark or do u stay in cradle 4ever?
*Haven't been on the forums (or the game) for ages, oh well*
@ Canine-Vladmir, Laraso , Vtipoman, Aumir
Didn't Kora say something about clockwork levels somehow leading into other worlds? The wiki says "A colossal network of machines, the Clockworks comprise a vast artificial structure spanning the entire planet just below its surface, containing worlds within worlds. " Sounds to me like Cradle is a mini-universe in its own way, it contains pieces of other worlds and more worlds within those................
Maybe shock-themed weapons don't run on energy. Ever tried rubbing a balloon against your hair? Basically you kinda mix up the negative and positive charges. Think about things like lightning, how does it occur?
"Somewhere over the rainbow ^^"
Have you seen the size of the drive shafts on the title screen, the outside of the Rescue Camp, and the old Guild Hall overhang? Those things were HUGE, and you could only see 2-4 racks down. Multiply that distance by 10 (or more), and that's a pretty long way down. Not to mention we don't know how large the core-sphere is.
What kind of seemingly unlimited energy do shock themed weapons run on? Why can't Spiral Armour run on this energy?
Crystal energy is often used to forge these weapons, along with the various equipment that is taken from the clockworks. Seeing as these materials are quite volatile, such as the Boltbrand's volt oil and thunderball (I don't think I'd want that too close to my skin), and they may not even run off the same type of power that is used in the knight's battery unit. Mist energy seems to be some sort of plasma caused by distant charged particles in the air, and the battery unit itself might be a rather ancient piece of technology, that takes a long time to forge or duplicate, and the Knights of the current day may not even know how it works anymore, let alone be able to upgrade it or recharge it in another way other than it's natural "plasma-absorption" system.
Shock weapons may run off some sort of "gyro-generator" that builds up as the knight moves, swings, and cuts through monsters. This generator is rather common knowledge to build, and it simply provides dangerous sparks of electricity that can be used as weapons. It does not provide any sort of constant, unbroken charge that could be even remotely useable as an alternate power source for elevators.
The energy that is stored in the armour seems to be quite immense, as 10% of a knights battery can power an industrial elevator several hundred metres. It can also be used to provide fission and fusion when rebuilding materials into usable weaponry. When a knight falls, the power needed to re-energise and repair the armor is minimal: the most of the power is used to clear the surrounding area of hostility. This is an emergency inbuilt function, so it cannot be disabled. As the knight's armor suit becomes more damaged, the revival system becomes more innefficient as much of the energy that is directed to repowering up the various engines and systems in the suit leaks out of damaged areas, causing a greater energy consumption and greater energy blast upon revival.
Think about things like lightning, how does it occur?
I thought Lightning simply worked as the difference in electron numbers between the earth and the clouds became so great that a theoretical "plasma" builds up between them and then balances the electron distribution out. Less scientificly inclined people call it a thunderbolt.
The Jelly Farm (from the Aurora Isles) would be an appropriate name for the Jelly Palace, as the Jelly Palace is a jelly-themed level for farming (crowns and jelly gems)