I'm serious. I want to quit. I know getting to 4* is an impossible dream, and will always be one since I have no way to purchase Crystal Energy. My PayPal is drained, nobody wants to give me any cash to buy it, and finding a giveaway is impossible.
So I really want to quit. Almost no way to get CE, possibility to get kicked from King of Ashes is 1/2(I have access to it), Royal Jelly doesn't give enough, I hate begging, rewriting my prize preference for Tevokkia's contest will get me disqualified, and to top it all off, I have to pay a lot to my guild, which is usually all my earnings from Royal Jelly.
I just wish there was a way to actually get Crystal Energy for Christmas, but those chances are the same as winning the lottery. Plus, the average player-maturity level is pressing me even further to quitting point. Of course my guild has a secret santa, but even 400 crystal energy is over 50,000 crowns, the limit for a gift. I'm ready to give up and quit.
I'm extremely depressed right now and I don't know the meaning of happiness or friendship. If I do get something, I won't take it with a smile on my face.
If I do quit, you cannot have my stuff and I will uninstall Spiral Knights.
tl;dr: I'm really wanting to quit because getting to 4* is impossible.
Uh... 400 crystal energy is only worth like 32kcr.