[Precious Light], the producer of SK Christmas Carol and other shows

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Precious Light Wiki Page
Guild Logo: Logo (drawn by Mcmickerson)
Youtube channel: Our production

Precious Light is a fun-loving, conversational guild that is currently looking to expand our member base. We focus on two aspects of Spiral Knights: building interesting, small to medium sized Guild Hall, and producing fun shows for the community using our Guild Hall as stage and furniture as props. We are known for the production of A Christmas Carol adapted for Spiral Knights, the first community made show using only in-game footage.

In general, Precious Light is:

  • a fun, creative and unique place;
  • a small, friendly community in which everyone knows each other;
  • a carefully managed guild with simplicity and efficiency in mind.

What Precious Light is not:

  • a place for beggars, spammers or any kind of abuse prohibits by the SK Community Standard (such as profanity);
  • designed for members who play outside of North American time zones;
  • a Lockdown or Shadow Lair guild.
How to join

Precious Light is looking for players who are Rank 5 (Knight) or above and are interested in Guild Hall design and show production. Prior experience is an asset. To join, you can contact Renoku, or any GM or Officer by in-game mail or message with the following information:

  1. IGN:
  2. Steam name:
  3. Rank:
  4. How often do you play?
  5. Timezone?
  6. Prior experience in show production or stage / interior design?
Guild Hall

Our Guild Hall is now opened to the public, come visit and chat with us!

We have no plan to collect upkeep fees from members. However, you are encouraged to donate. :)

Mist Wells are available to members with Veteran ranks or above. Usage of the wells are regulated.