weapons purchased from brinks and very good but the problem is when you want to make it into a ....... ok here is an example.You have got antigua and want to make it into silversix.you can't get the recipe from the hall of heroes you will have to get it from basil.IF YOU TRY A 100 TIMES ONLY ONCE AND I MEAN ONLY ONCE WILL YOU GET THE RECIPE and if you don't want to waste time on searching for it you can buy it from auction house but the prices are like 40,000 or more hence you get bankrupt.
MY experience of making blackened crest in crest of almire:-
1.i go to auction house and try finding the recipe i get it for 34kcr which 9kcr more than the actual price.
2.get the energy 700ce(used my mist for 100ce) which at right now prices is = 7*6200= 43200.
3. had to get materials i had all the materials except rock salt which can only purchased from brinks i had to trade 8 jelly gems for it.
4. have to pay 5kcr as fee.
total payment =43200+34000+5000(can't add the jelly gems)=82200cr
suggestion :- able to buy recipe's from hall of heroes for weapons purchase from brinks.
this will stop such piracy.
Long time ago... the hall of heroes dont exist.