"After continuous mineral infusions, the Core gate seems unstable. Energy flares, akin to the ones stars sometimes make, shoot forwards from time to time through the opening and bathe Clockwork's deepest depths, irradiating them with pure energy. This has caused different changes to the already strange artificial environment, bringing strange sights to the Spiral Order..."
These events can occur in any Tier 3 Arcade or Mission level, with the exception of Shadow Lairs due to the Swarm.
The "Core Radiance" proposed update introduces a new 4th damage type: "Energy" type damage, a non reductible type signaled by cerulean blue bars and shades of color in attacks. This damage type would as such ignore any armor and inflict full damage.
A new "field trap" would be introduced: "Energy Fields".
Energy Fields are luminous blueish areas that generate randomly on the map. They can spawn Energy Essences anywhere in them after a two second light dot shows in them when players get near them:
Enemy description: Energy Essence - A Lost Soul alike mob that goes slowly towards the player, but instead of growing and blowing up, it damages on contact continously with Energy damage. Also shoots four "Energy" damage bullets every 3 seconds in a cross shape, in a random angle. Energy Essences generate from the energy fields infinitely if players keep being near or in the Energy Field, with a max number spawn depending on the size of the energy field. They don't drop anything, not even hearts.
Also, Energy Fields are able to buff enemies that pass through them, adding two new enemy upgrades, "Radiated" and "Energized" status:
"Radiated" enemy status: Status effect is inflicted 100% guaranteed on unshielded hits. Normal type mobs gain Stun status on hit. Radiated mobs have an electric like aura.
"Energized" enemy status: Can do 50% Energy type damage on either damage type, signaled by the color of attack. Energized mobs are tinctured in
cerulean blue palette with a soft glow around them.
- If the glow of the attack is cerulean blue, the enemy attack will do Normal+Energy damage.
- If the glow of the attack is yellow, green or purple, the enemy attack will do Energy+Piercing/Elemental/Shadow damage.
Of course, enemies do their usual damage types but, for a better explanation, Energized enemies substitute with each attack either the Normal damage part or the "Special" damage part with Energy type damage, randomly.
Addendum 1 > Alternative to "Energized" status, by Luguiru:
"Assuming this "energy" damage type can only be used by enemies and will never be applied to knights, what if its damage was based on the max health of the damaged target? Knights flopping around with derpbillion bars of health get hit harder than people with less than thirty, but their health is still high enough to not care until they realize the same attacks are doing significantly less damage to someone with defense trinkets instead of health tanking the other damage types being thrown at them."
Would you prefer "Energy" type damage to inflict a % on HP damage instead of being a different type altogether?
Even though Energy Fields are able to buff enemies, Tier 3 enemies may be able to spawn already with Radiated, Energized, or both of the upgrades when spawning. Chance of that would increase the deeper the floor in Tier 3, though Radiated would have a higher chance than Energized mobs.
Core Radiance suggested update would also bring a new interactive object, "Energy Lines":
Energy lines are basically linked portals, represented with wider ends connected through a misty wire. They serve for teleportation purposes, and some may be opened in one end only, while others may allow free back and forth movement through them after a short cooldown after using one. When activating them, the player would get teleported at fast speed going through the wire as a glowing dot - of the Personal Color of the player. Even though they may appear in normal Tier 3 Normal Clockwork levels, they would be mainly used in a new stage, the "Energy Storm" level.
The Energy Storm level: Signaled with an electrified blueish gear in the Arcade map, this is an unlucky sphere that is getting bathed in pure energy from the Core, ravaging any entity that doesn't belong in the Clockworks!
It may appear in the ? row of the Arcade along the usual Treasure Vault/Graveyard, and in non-status strata, specially if gate generation has a similar number of minerals of the four types. Also it would be most likely to generate on the deeper levels, so it would be more frequent on strata 6.
The enemy spawn of this level is 100% Radiated and/or Energized mobs of random family types, so any monster family could appear at any moment in here, making Normal damage weaponry and armor important in here. But, this isn't the main mechanic of the stage, even if this already makes it special:
The level has waves of pure energy moving on a certain pattern through the field. They would be like a "cerulean blue misty laser wave", similar to the fog gates that separate areas. This stage hazard would inflict huge Energy damage and should be avoided at all costs.
These waves of pure energy may even go through blocks, and avoiding them would be possible going through them having the glowing dot shape when passing through an Energy Line. Though, not every pure energy wave would be simple on its path, some of them would sequence along different "platforms" connected or not through Energy Lines, maybe creating some points in the level where you would have to "race" with one or more pure energy waves tracking you, and you may even need to solve a maze formed with complex linked paths through Energy Lines with small energy waves. All in all, it would be a level where even if it would have a few moments to fight, it would be mostly a fast reaction level similar to Candlestick Keep.
I do have to say, you make a wonderful Lore and suggestion. I will support in any way i can. THe energy type damage is quite intresting and i have to say, with recent activities it is probable that it will happen. Also, this correlates with the release of the Battle Sprites, you know, the core energy signature messing with thier systems. But i suggest that while in these heavily enrgized levels, energy usage is 0?