Marz-Ashbringer has quit Spiral Knights.
Three Rings releases the Kataclysm patch!
Marz-Ashbringer returns to Spiral Knights.
Spends $$$ on the new patch (patch = new comsetics!)
Several days later, Marz-Ashbringer has quit Spiral Knights.
And this pattern continues on and on. I leave because there is nothing that I want to do in Spiral Knights; what I want to do in Spiral Knights is play the game with people, but there is no one to play the game with. I don't want to play what everyone is playing -- FSC, LD, etc. I'd play that occasionally, but not as my main thing to do in this game. I want to do Arcade with people, full parties, all the way down to the core/ not have a party leave me @ terminal.
What are you guys going to do once you have all of the stuff that you want to get from this game? Play the same content that you always play, the stuff that you did to get the stuff that you want? There is NOTHING else to do; I am tired of soloing. These patches are lame; waste of $$, and nothing changes. My SK friends who play SK do what everyone does; they don't want to play Arcade with me. I don't know what else to say? This game is really boring, and you're all as boring as the game for playing boring stuff all of the time. You make players like me suffer. FSC doesn't even feel intimidating anymore with the parties that I get nowadays. It's all about crowns crowns crowns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lammeee, l8 loosers, I'm going to play Plants vs Zombies again.
The staff are okay people, good staff, good people, good support; I like them. Can't you make this game fun? Can't we get rid of this greed? I do want to play SK, but I just don't feel like there's anything for me. The accessory patches aren't bad, but it's just that I wish that I could play more of the content from this game with other players. I know of the party finder, and that's an awesome thing, but it's not enough for some players. I don't think I will ever understand gaming logic; the grinding that it took for some people to get their kat cowls, the way that they hustle players so that they can resell what they bought from those people, and only logging on into spiral knights to do an fsc run and then log and leave, and do this daily (i rather just quit if this is all that i would do in a game). Idk, maybe bc i'm not much of a gamer that I am different from this community? I don't really want to be an a-hole to you guys, but it just makes me mad how obsessed you all are with game money and grinding.
Isn't gaming suppose to be about having fun? y so seerus
Well, duh, they cant make new content every day, these cycles are expected.
It's not just a trick to steal your money (you're only 75% right), it's game development.